Video 3 – Constructing Great Sounding Basslines

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #3 – How to Create Great-Sounding
Original Bass Lines the S.B.P.S. Way![/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,141 responses to “Video 3 – Constructing Great Sounding Basslines”

  1. aaron Avatar

    Hi alex i enjoyed the lesson, it was easyer to play that lesson on the five string. i had to order your six dvd course, can’t wait to get it in my hands!!!! so looking forward to my course, so i can know what i am playing. keep duplicating your self ,,AMEN!!!!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Aaron well glad to hear that man 🙂 Appreciate the support! Peace and groove

  2. Al Hook Avatar
    Al Hook

    Amen Alex, Just watched-this is just the stuff I need to know right now.

  3. Mike Procell Avatar
    Mike Procell

    Sweet stuff – thanks!

  4. Curtis Avatar

    I consider myself an experienced rock and blues bassist but really appreciate the different way you approach more complex music. It makes this music approachable quickly even if only on rudimentary level. However, it never sounds that way when you are playing along with the music. I look forward to more videos.

  5. OMAR Avatar

    Great Video!

  6. mark Avatar

    great video alex where can i get a tshirt

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Mark its funny how many folks have been writing in asking about those T Shirts… 🙂 Our team member just use them in house but with the requests we’re gonna have some way cooler ones done too that we’ll make available to you guys! Thanks!

  7. Andrew Avatar

    Nice one man! I’m basically a rock player with very little musical knowledge who just tries to play what I hear in my head with varying degrees of success so its always cool to learn some new patterns to expand my vocabulary.

    Love that tone btw!

  8. Kwammy Avatar

    Amen Alex, thanks for all your help and the videos you post us regularly. I got so much encouragement from your approach of teaching the phrases that make up good basic bass lines. I greatly appreciate the encouragement and realization that i can still play good bass without a lot of music theory knowledge. Thanks Alex, you are the man, God bless!! and Amen

  9. Calvin Avatar

    AMEN!!!!! great Video Alex.. Keep up the good work.

  10. Natalie Avatar

    Amen Alex! I’m gonna try to incorporate this into my playing ASAP. SN: are you selling that t-shirt you have on (not that particular one of course).

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi Natalie, since the first video we’ve been getting a bunch of requests for them so we’ll be making apparel available soon 😉 I’ll let you know for sure…

  11. Anthony Avatar

    Amen,,,Alex good lesson man…

  12. Filipe Quende Avatar
    Filipe Quende

    i love it good lessons i with u do more video like this. thing u very much for the help continue is so interest listen your lessons.

  13. Spanky Avatar

    AMEN Brother!

    Alex, URDAMAN! If I could teach anything this simply, and quickly I’d quit my job! I’m pumped. THANX

  14. Peter Van Herck Avatar
    Peter Van Herck

    Hi Alex, you did it again!! For some reason we are always looking to play complicated stuff (and are not always able to execute it). While the easy solutions are just in front of us!! Nice job!!

  15. Clint Avatar

    Hey, Alex
    I like the video. I am a math teacher with too many papers to grade and lesson plans to develop to really sit down to look at everything and practice, but now during my thanksgiving break I was checking my e-mail and took a few minutes to watch your video. I’ve been playing bass guitar off and on about 27 years now and have been playing for my church for the past 12 years. I would say I am about intermediate mainly because of the lack of time I have to practice like I’d like to. I can do pocket pretty good and add some fillers, slaps and hammers, but I feel limited as far as the “crazy” stuff. I think your stuff is something I can really use and I hope I can get to more of it soon. Keep up the good work and thank you!

  16. Malcolm Smith Avatar
    Malcolm Smith

    Hi Alex,

    Keep going, thanks for the encouragement, good witness.



  17. Byron Avatar

    Your’re doing a great job!! lol

  18. Rick (West Philly) Avatar
    Rick (West Philly)

    You always show me something new every time I watch you.
    Great Job!
    West Philly in the House!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      that’s what’s up – Philly in the house!

  19. Larry Avatar

    Love the videos-When you spice up the chords,how about a litttle slow down shots on those moves. Would be helpful. Great teaching tools. Looking forward to the next videos.

  20. Barry Caraway Avatar
    Barry Caraway

    Thanks Alex,
    this info is very very helpful. Waiting on the next video
    please keep them coming…


  21. Diane Avatar


  22. Clifton Avatar

    Aman!! This was Basic but, very effective! I can put this to use right now! An Eye Opener for sure! I’m a Big fan of BB King and Chick Corea! I met Chick Corea a few years ago! Cool T-Shirt and I wear a Lance Armstrong wrist band also! Thanks for posting this one!!!

  23. Bernard Avatar

    I give you a big HARDY AMEN. I really appreciate this video it has help me at lot and now i can start applying what i learn in this short time . In deed I am very busy and like playing the Bass Guitar. I have been playing with my church choir for the past 3 years and the Music director has not even scratch the surface as what i gotten in this short time looking and listening to the video.I look forward to either seeing more videos or purchasing them .

  24. Kent Avatar

    Hey Alex,

    Thanks for the video! I can implement the patterns right away.
    I have your Bass Guitar Secrets CG-X Method DVD and was playing bass for a worship team 2 weeks later. It was a great short cut to learning the bass, especially the locking into the drummer part! I had some musical training, but the CGX Method kicked my bass playing in the pants!
    Thanks again!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Kent – that’s awesome man glad to hear that you’re making progress and having fun!

  25. superjaay Avatar

    Another awesome video. I am more motivated than ever to practice. Excellent choice of example songs. Your instruction is right on point for the small amount of time I have to practice. Thanks a million

  26. John Hooker Avatar
    John Hooker

    Amen, Alex. I liked the video, and have worn out my fingers practicing your tips.

  27. Erwin Avatar

    Hey ALex tnx agian for such a GREAT EXCERSISE and the patterns you’ve showed
    can we download the video?

  28. Edward Avatar

    Wow! this really opened up door’s for me. Thank’s alot! Alex.

  29. Jane Avatar

    this is great and really fun too. Thanks.

  30. Andrea Johnson Avatar
    Andrea Johnson

    Hallo Alex,
    That video really helped me. I try to come up with some baselines ,but this is one more thing I can use. Got a lot of material from you. I need to learn it stripped in order to understand it. And I do not have much time. I play bassinet a church band . But how do I apply the pattern on the second or third string (A or D). I am sure I use the rout and the 5th and than what?

    Hope that I hear from you soon


  31. steve Avatar

    thanks alot alex, what a way to take three notes and turn them into a nice pulse. really enjoyed the simpicity of it and how you apply it to two different genres. for me, my worse problem is figuring out, feeling, the beat or pulse and applying it to the song. greatly appriciate your tips.
    thanks steve

  32. Eric Wells Avatar


  33. Bob Lathim Avatar
    Bob Lathim

    Alex, I have the BGS Software Bundle and Love it! Your Course and free Lessons are Awesome as is your Solid playing! I like the fact that you teach things that can be used in Any Genre of Bass Playing! I like your easy manner and your Passion for Music comes through,thanks a million Brother! All The Bass!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Bob, really appreciate all those kind words my friend… Keep watching!

  34. Larry Mease Avatar
    Larry Mease

    Amen! Brother great stuff….

  35. Sebu Avatar

    great work man, and bravo for your backing tracks!!

  36. arty cadavero Avatar
    arty cadavero

    thanks for the refresher, very good stuff to come back to.

  37. Simon Manrrique Avatar
    Simon Manrrique

    Nice!!!! Very simple to follow. Keep up the great work.

  38. Nate Avatar

    Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!! Love the song Spain. Great chord tips! It’s what I’ve been looking for!
    Thanks!! Keep It Coming!!!! I would love to have the video.

  39. Dave Avatar

    Great video. It actually makes sense and I might just be able to do it.

  40. Dan Carnine Avatar
    Dan Carnine

    please keep it coming. Thank You
    Dan Carnine

  41. Allan H Avatar
    Allan H

    Great stuff for any bassist and the tabs are very helpful. Keep up the good work Alex!

  42. Ed Avatar

    Absolutely excellent! As a beginner bass player, I can definitely understand and use this very simple, valuable information.

    Thank you Alex.


  43. T Avatar

    A S your the boom! PS. Keep up the good work.

  44. ronald Avatar

    Aman Alex I like the video Keep up the work

  45. James McInnis Avatar
    James McInnis

    Cool, Thanks

  46. Hans Avatar

    Great little lesson, happens to be two of my favorite tunes. Peace and Amen!

  47. Kevin Nightingale Avatar

    Great video lesson Alex.You play bass the way i always wished i could.Thanks for posting.Peace

  48. tom bluett Avatar
    tom bluett

    i liked the lesson its good structure for a newbie like me.

  49. Glen Avatar

    Alex, Great job. I play lead guitar and recently bass .Of all the persons a look at , you are the blessed one. Trust me. You aint flipping .Big up ! I bought your video but sill need more to have mas confindent .What do you recommend ? I will stick to your excellent teaching . Congrats

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Glen thanks a million for the support and glad you’re diggin out stuff… I think you’ll really like the Simple Bass Playing System – Keep an eye out and see if it’s something you dig.

  50. Segun Avatar

    Actually, I’v not been able to watch these videos, but I’d like to have them. How do I go about doing this? I am so busy and I think this is just what I need. I’d be delighted to read from you shortly.

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