Video 3 – Constructing Great Sounding Basslines

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #3 – How to Create Great-Sounding
Original Bass Lines the S.B.P.S. Way![/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,141 responses to “Video 3 – Constructing Great Sounding Basslines”

  1. Seth Avatar

    Hi Alex, I shall forever be thankful for teaching me how to play “Spain”. I’m a musician who wants to play music, not exercises, and you’ve really hit the mark. Keep up the good work.

  2. Jack Keck Avatar
    Jack Keck

    WOW!! I took up bass as a retirement hobby, so I can not over-state the value of a lesson like this one. I may never play jazz, but to show how something at such a beginner level can fit into such sophisticated music is a real encouragement. This will make my playing much more fun. For someone with no aspirations of being a “pro”, that’s what it’s all about. Thanks loads and AMEN!

  3. andrew teo Avatar
    andrew teo

    Amen brother!!! that’s awesome…keep posting videos please – can you suggest a very simple regime for me to follow to practise? What I mean is say if I want to spend 30 minutes every day [ I’ll start with about 20 mins first] on the average – what can I do [as a beginner] to utilise the time fully so that I can improve my playing.

  4. Mike Avatar

    Great Stuff Alex!! It helps my motivation and confidence by keeping me playing.!!!
    Thanks so much,MD

  5. Sylvain Avatar

    Hi Alex you put it up so easy. Thanks. Even if i’m not a so much beginner, i still learn a lot.

  6. Phil Avatar

    Great Video!!

  7. Devearl Avatar

    Hey Alex:

    This is an awesome demonstration! I’ve been playing bass for a very long time but never really got some of the little yet important things together. I know I should know a lot of this but if I ever did, I don’t remember. Still, your examples are refreshing and easy to understand. I really do want to take my bass playing to another level and I think that you can help me. I will keep an eye out for your training videos, etc. Thank you for “not” stopping to send me the emails with the advice and offerings. I will stay in touch. Saw your Eagles cap (I’m from Delaware) so I’m an Eagle fan too. Sorry about they way this year has gone for them. Anyway, please keep sharing the knowledge and you will continue to be blessed.


    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Devearl, thanks for the kind word my friend… Yeah man every week we keep waiting for the “dream team” to deliver but alas it’s not in the cards 🙁 Can’t even win at home… But still bleeding green anyways. Peace!

  8. Brian Beausoleil Avatar

    NICE! thanks Alex. This is even good to go over as a more polished bassist. It kinda of makes you go back to the basics and simplify things to make it sound just as good as if you went nuts on it. AMEN and AMEN

  9. Paul Avatar

    Can’t wait to try it! Thanks!

  10. Pete Avatar

    Alex that was great you make it so easy to understand

  11. Ken D Avatar

    Thanks Alex appreciate it, I’ve learned more from your video’s than from the books I’ve purchased to learn bass.

  12. Dan Avatar


    Thanks very much for what you do. Your videos are very helpful. I think my biggest struggle is with my right hand technique. I can never seem to approximate the funky rythyms that come tripping off of your fingers. Is there a way you could give some demos of the right hand fingering techniques?



  13. Stuart Avatar

    Massive thanks for this lesson Alex.
    Great short-circuit for building bass lines.
    Particularly loved Spain. It’s on the homework list for the Jazz guys I play with and you have just saved me hours.

  14. Harry Avatar

    Thanks for this …….. That’s what i need….. Show me how and give me something i can hear working!

  15. Stephen Smith Avatar
    Stephen Smith

    Amen Alex,

    Simple but so good,
    Thanks for sharing.

  16. leonard Avatar

    Hello Alex.Man you area great BASS PLAYER !!! I love you style I just wish i had you for my personal teacher.I have your cd”s but like you said sometimes you dont have the time.I been trying to get this bass down for about 5 years.Im about 95% ready .I just know how to listen to a song & pick up the notes by ear.The only problem i have with your videos is that your so Good SOMESTIMES I CANT SEE YOUR FINGER MOVE ON THE FRETS.But i guess thats my problem.Anyway THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HELP &&&&&&&&& AMEN BROTHER !!!!!

  17. Willie Avatar

    Hey Alex
    I dig this. Good stuff.
    Thanks, Willie

  18. Mark Sippel Avatar
    Mark Sippel

    AMEN!! Great stuff, simple, it fills in lots for me — and gives inspiration to practice, and a springboard into other musical types and forms…. THANKYOU!

  19. jason Avatar

    cool and helpful lesson, could do with turning your bass up though to make it easier to grasp 🙂

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Jason did you try using some headphones?

  20. Jason Shipp Avatar
    Jason Shipp

    Hi Alex,

    Amen!! LOL … Great video. I have been playing for 38 years and with impending redundancy heading my way, this has given me the encouragement to up my game and go back to my roots and to re-learn and to move out the bad habits.I have purchased a lot of your material but never had a lot of time to site and go thru it, but you are giving me the inspiration to kick my own butt and improve on something that I love and means so much to me.

    Thanks again for giving an Old Grumpy Guy from the UK, the inspiration to go back to his passion. At least I will have something new to ‘Jam Out’ at The Bass Guitar Show in 2012 🙂

    Peace Bro and stay cool …

  21. Jeff Avatar

    Sweet, I love man. Sorry Im late posting beening busy out in LA. Keep them coming.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey doc it’s good – Be safe out there – Thanks for the ‘hit up’… Peace!

  22. Samuel Avatar


    Amen brother may the Lord bless you and keep you. Great video some things to work on.


  23. KDogg Avatar

    Nice Video…AMEN! LOL!

  24. Patrick Avatar

    Alex, that was great lesson for recognizing codes progressions. This encourages me to start back playing once again, got very fustrated knowing what to do. Just wondering if you can show basic gospel riff, like back in the old days. The is my forte’ of music. I be hearing from you!

    P. Hawkins

  25. Keith Avatar

    Just love that slide on the F#7 chord (E A# E) of the first song.

    That’s added to my vocabulary!

    Keep ’em coming Alex!

  26. Courtney Grafton Avatar
    Courtney Grafton

    Once again, you continue to bring it.Keep it up!

  27. Larry Hodge Avatar
    Larry Hodge

    AMEN Brother !!! Thanks Alex.Man I wish I had someone to break it down like this for me years ago. Trying to learn scales and understand theory has always seemed just too difficult. The way you break it down is easy to understand and if a person works with it he will be playing in no time…

    Thanks again and AMEN Brother :>)


  28. sonny Avatar

    Amen Alex God bless you for that brother.


  29. joe Avatar

    hey alex, very cool stuff. i always knew it was simpler than i was making it for myself. you are the dude that can set me straight .thanx oh n AMEN

  30. Tim G. Avatar
    Tim G.

    Amen brother! Great stuff. Thanks!

  31. Frank Avatar

    The videos keep getting better…….this lesson is already helping to round out my playing and look forward to practicing this to help me become a smoother groove player…….great work!

  32. Danny Ellis Avatar

    Amen! God has blessed you with an awesome gift of playing and teaching. Keep up the good work and to God be the glory.

  33. Vesna Avatar

    Amen 🙂
    Alex, I definitely wasn’t bothered by the length of the video, but in fact appreciated that you were willing to put in all that time and effort to help me as a beginner.
    This is definitely going to be helpful. I am poring over some theory slowly (as time allows!) and what you demonstrated is just such a great practical way to see the theory in action (and thus helping me understand it better).
    Thank you for this video!

  34. peter Avatar

    Thanks Alex,
    I have been playing Thrill is gone but not like this,you give a very good easy explanation without the theory and get down to playing bass quickly,as a guitarist for many years and now playing bass for 4yrs i need lessons like yours to develop quickly and if so catch up to a level of bass playing where
    i feel comfortable and can call myself a bass player,thanks for all your effort

  35. eugene Avatar

    You are blessed and anointed to play and teach. Thanks for sharing it.

  36. paul lawson Avatar
    paul lawson

    very cool thank you for sharing your knowledge big love from the UK god bless peace

  37. jeff daniel Avatar
    jeff daniel

    Great way to simplify majors,7th,s, and minors!

  38. Peter.R Avatar

    God bless you for that. That was basic but very practical 🙂 Good stuff 🙂 🙂

  39. larry butcher Avatar
    larry butcher

    I totally digged it. Trying my best to find the pulses. Succeeding at times missing it the rest. Thanks again.

  40. Rocky Avatar

    Hi Alex I really like your lessons and I want to learn more great job you inspire me A LOT

    more power and god bless

  41. John Avatar

    Alex – Great stuff man. I really like how you have broken it down to two simple patterns played over the chord root note progression. Amen brother!

  42. Mark Satterfield Avatar
    Mark Satterfield

    Alex first time viewer of your lessons. I bought your beginner cds and books over a year ago and have never taken them out of the box. I have been recieving emails for a while now ,from you, and finally made the time to watch. Wow i have been foolish. You videos are absolutely the best. I have been playing bass for about a year and a half mostly self taught with a half a dozen classes under my belt. Im actually in a blues/rock band mostly originals and i get tired of following the rythm guitarist and using my same old lame patterns, and lately my trick bag is empty. Thanks for the videos and I will be getting the dvd’s and books out and learning more. You have given me the fever to learn. Thankkkkkkk you….

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Haha nice to know we’ve re-actived “The Force” within you… You been missing out man 😉

  43. Jorge Avatar

    Amen! God bless we liked the tips!

    Rock on..

  44. Beverly Atchison Avatar
    Beverly Atchison

    Really awesome stuff! Simple and straight forward without the technicallites of theory although I was able to figure out the theory from what the patterns are. Great! Thanks so much!

  45. Mark Avatar

    Hi Alex, I truly enjoyed this video. Even though you did not want to talk about theory it was easy to pick up on the 1,3,5 triad / arpeggio. I love how you can take a simple idea and make it sound great. I can’t wait for the next video, but until then I will be playing with this pattern and using it on a multiple of songs.

    Thanks, Mark

  46. Aaron Johnson Avatar
    Aaron Johnson

    Great stuff!!!!

  47. Ron Avatar

    This great stuff for a beginning 61 year old bass student!! Keep it coming! It is this kind of video that keeps me motivated to practice and to make it to our little garage band rehearsals. This is the first time I’ve made music since 1972. Thanks again!

  48. Rodney Hodge Avatar
    Rodney Hodge

    that was great!!! thanks Alex

  49. ray nadolski Avatar
    ray nadolski

    hi alex i like your program very neat way to teach the bass that way i like to see you use the scales and the arpeggios right in a song the way you doing it but from start to finished becaues it will open up for a lot of players minds

  50. douglas e. hemphill Avatar

    everything was fantastic alex, thanks alot

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