Video 3 – Constructing Great Sounding Basslines

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #3 – How to Create Great-Sounding
Original Bass Lines the S.B.P.S. Way![/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,141 responses to “Video 3 – Constructing Great Sounding Basslines”

  1. Glen D. Trammell Avatar
    Glen D. Trammell

    Amen! Amen! Thank you so much for this lesson. I’ve been sitting on my bass for years and never really learned to play much at all. I’m so inspired right now… I want to play.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      that’s great to hear Glenn

  2. Terry Avatar

    Alex, you never fail to describe your simple techniques in a manner that is so easy to understand. I am so glad I found you!!! Oh, by the way I still enjoy your CDs/DVDs, and practice almost daily.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Shout out to ya Terry – Glad you use our material and glad to hear that it helps!

  3. carlos ortiz Avatar

    thank u you alex the video was a graet help i love to play gospel do you have video on how play gospel and i will like to know if you know how play salsa on the bass. thank you and my god keep blessing you.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      ey Carlos – Peace

  4. Nicholas Avatar

    wow. I really need to know how to select chords, notes without being given tabs.

  5. Richard Avatar

    Too cool, Alex! I’m an intermediate player and wish I had this info. when I was beginning. I think one of the most useful things I took from your Bass Guitar Secrets course, and something that you were definitely showing here was the idea that once you have your “basic chord pattern” as the framework, dressing it up becomes a matter of little changes in the rhythm maybe, or if you approach a note from the top one time, maybe come at it from the bottom another time, or slide into it from the next fret, etc. How you “get to” the framework is what makes it interesting. The other thing that really changed my playing is knowing what “space” in the music I could use, what “space” I should leave (because the rests are just as important as the notes), and what “space” I should leave available for other instruments…that it was OK to play a not so crazy pattern through the verse, but that I could add the “icing” as a fill or turnaround between musical phrases or between verse/chorus, back into the verse, etc. That has totally changed my playing, and I thank you for bringing it to light. The Maj/Min. pattern that you showed today was something I’ve probably used by accident many times, but hadn’t nailed down in my head what the pattern was and why it worked, and now that is a new tool I can use in my playing. Thanks so much. I always look forward to seeing your emails in my inbox! : ) Keep up the great work.

  6. donald Avatar

    Hey Alex good job explaing this baseline system.I my self play for a church and their is not a lot of time for practice just sheet music with notes over words.I have a hard time with pulse and improvising. Can you give me some feed back,I play a lot of rock at church I’m self taught for about 4 years.I know little bit about chords and how to break down each note in a single scale.if their are7 notes their are 7 scales major or minor.I’m just giving you a little bit of information about me so that you can understand how to help me.

  7. Ron Avatar

    Thanks ,nice info.

  8. Joe Ferragamo Avatar
    Joe Ferragamo


    Great job again. This I think is the main thing that beginners need. I know how to “copy” what a bass player is doing on a song but I have not been fluent in inventing or creating bass lines. This is a really simple way to enhance a bass line using the I, V, III or flat II under the chords. I play with my church and when I get up to play usually I find out what song is next about 5 or 10 seconds before we play. This is challenging because I have to find both the Key and figure out the progression within the first chorus. I would love to hear what you have to say about finding out what chord is being played, M, m, dim, aug. I usually go with whatever the root note is in the chord unless the piano player is playing open style jazz chords then….I usually go fishing (lol). Good Job, keep it up, and….AMEN!!


  9. Wilfredo Belen Avatar
    Wilfredo Belen

    you did it again this is an outstanding video and simple to
    understand. It clears up a lot of confusion how to construct
    new bass lines and really sound good playing it.
    This is the kind of lessons we don’t see or get.



  10. nick Avatar

    AMEN Brother! Pretty awesome for beginner to sound at least reasonably good!

  11. Steve Shelton Avatar
    Steve Shelton

    Amen Alex great vid great content keep it coming

  12. lendric gerren Avatar

    Amen it is really helpful. Just started to put bass playing and practice on my list. Have a good
    way to start back to lean thanks you so much , Alex.

  13. tony Avatar

    Real good stuff Alex,Amen and far out!!!!!!

  14. Bob Avatar

    Awesome Alex, you did it again………………………

  15. barry Avatar

    great stuff alex. thankyou.barry

  16. Bob Avatar

    AMEN! AMEN! AMEN!! Another great video, easy to understand and follow – and great music selections as well… one suggest that might help your densers students (like me) is to give fewer chords changes in the early stages.. … Great job! and thanks for your continued help and guidance.

  17. Mark Butler Avatar
    Mark Butler

    Thanks for the basics, Alex. There’s one song we play at church that has an Em into an Emaj and I’m going to incorporate this technique into it.
    God Bless you,

  18. reijak Avatar

    Amen! thanks very much this is a very good lesson.

  19. William Schooler Avatar
    William Schooler

    HEY HEY HEY! This is great! I really enjoyed the SPain song by Corea. I have that sone and it is so diffiocult to follow Stanley on that song. I have to go home and try it.

    Thank Alex


  20. roy e Sadler Avatar
    roy e Sadler

    hi Alec
    here i am in the uk and at 70 years of age ,and with half my second finger on my right hand missing ??!! yep , i thought id give your system a whirl , like the easy way you explain ,all i have to do is absorb !! and one day maybe be as cool as you hey ?
    at some point may be, you could show plectrum use ,cos i find it easier due to the missing digit to use a plectrum .
    great work alec

  21. gilbert Avatar

    amen: like your video, been playing for about a year, in church just simple notes but with your video i might learn a little more about bass playing, send more video. god bless brother keep up the good work.

  22. Robin Avatar

    Amen Alex!

    Great video thank you, I’ll be back

  23. louis walguerno joseph Avatar
    louis walguerno joseph

    that was hot bro… keep on posting them up thank you

  24. John Avatar

    Hey Alex,
    Great info even for someone who’s been playing for a while.

  25. Brenda Foster Avatar
    Brenda Foster

    Alex…..AMEN!!!! LOL! Thank you! I play by ear and this really helped! THANK YOU & AMEN again!!! LOL!

  26. Joel Avatar

    Beautiful man! Thanks for sharing this. In just a couple of minutes you showed me how to play one of my favorite all-time blues songs.

  27. eric Avatar

    amen. Alex i ask alot of people 4 help. no one never help. u r da man. u truly helps . i understand.
    playing made easy.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      that’s what’s up my man – Playing made easy 🙂 Peace

  28. clyde mack Avatar
    clyde mack

    motivating you keeps me motivated keep them coming thanks a whole lot.

  29. Willie Thigpen Avatar
    Willie Thigpen

    Im an intermediate bassist and i been playing 14yrs and i do need help steppin up, can u send some videos to facebook @ Willie Bassman Thigpen??

  30. Daniel Avatar

    Wow TERRIFIC and THANKS VERY MUCH for this video. I just stop in the middle of the video and I checked COME TOGETHER in my Beatles bass book: SAME PATTERN. And now I understand what is “under the hood”. I am now highly motivated to play Come together (which I was not before) because it is going to be 100x easier to play. THANKS VERY MUCH AGAIN ALEX.

  31. Rodney Chancellor Avatar

    Amen Alex! I really enjoyed the video. very imformative for a old dog but new to bass playing…keep em coming.

    Hey do you still have the program you put out about 3 yrs ago! I paid $50ish for it…is there a way I can purchase another? I lost my old computer to cyber gremlins. Please advise I don’t have much detail than that.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi Rodney, contact us at and someone will help you out. Peace

  32. harold Avatar

    Great Job Alex. Thanks for sharing :¬)

  33. Alfred Simon Avatar
    Alfred Simon

    Amen, Amen, I have been stuck for a while but now i can see some progress in my playing. thanks bigal

  34. Yomms Avatar

    Hey Alex,
    As always you make me feel miles better about my bass playing after one of your lessons. You are a God sent. Wish i could have a one on one lesson with you live in Philly! how the baby (she must be grown by now) God bless her.
    Peace from NJ

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey guy thanks a lot for the kind words and I’m glad you find the videos useful… Yup my girl is getting grown up real fast… Baby K ain’t so baby anymore at all 🙂

  35. David Avatar


    Love those patterns! I think hearing the pulse starts to come natural after awhile, and is really what makes us each unique in our style. Love the way you hear it, too!

    You got an AMEN, from the back pew, friend!

  36. Ladrick Avatar

    Thanks Alex! You are making life so easy for me, i can’t thank you enough.

  37. Ken Avatar

    Keep up the good work Alex! You da man, this is the kind of stuff I need….

  38. Deron Avatar

    Once again, good stuff Alex!

  39. Francisco Avatar

    Once again Alex this video was very inspirational and an eye opener.
    I like also the Bass line of “Spain” it took me back when I could come up with certain Latin Bass lines that sounded like the one in Spain. Unfortunately I am still rusty to play those kind of Bass lines anymore but I know with your help and by the grace of the Good Lord I will be able to fall back into those certain Bass patterns. I look forward hearing back from you and checking out your next video.Take care by Brother, Francisco

  40. Aussi Steve Avatar
    Aussi Steve

    This is great stuff,thankyou.

  41. Boyd Avatar

    Amen, this is really cool. I have used this when I play on Sunday, so amen very cool

  42. leviale brown Avatar
    leviale brown

    Aman! i been playing bass a long time,never seen a video so easy to follow Graet man.

  43. peter Avatar

    great stuff alex,like it

  44. mark Avatar

    Hi Alex,Great videos,Thank you very much [you do a very good job]

  45. sergio Avatar

    Alex i love all the videos helps me a lot when i bought my bass my first lessons was from Alex Sampsom bass playing and up to now still playing all your lessons thanks

  46. Erik Avatar

    Amen, Bro. I really enjoyed it . I will be watching this again, and again, and again. I think that you get it. One thing you do like to talk.

  47. pdr Avatar

    thks Alex, asthonishing really…

    I appreciate the simple way you divided root, chord, pulse and the semplicity to put alll togheter… in a difficult piece of Corea

  48. Gee Avatar

    Amen! Thanks for this. I learnt a few things. Keep the tutorials rolling in.

  49. Paul Avatar

    Thanks! It really helped a busy me to get to a next step with my very occasional playing. A series of lessons for the busy person is really appreciated.

  50. Daniel Avatar

    Hi Alex,


    This demo video is good. Amen & Amen You are an amazing teacher and exponent.

    Thanks for being so every thoughtful. I am caught in the middle, but always looking for ways to improve. Pl sent me info to get better and to be the best. I purchased a DVD of Jantek with you as compere.

    Hope to receive more stuff.

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