Video 3 – Constructing Great Sounding Basslines

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #3 – How to Create Great-Sounding
Original Bass Lines the S.B.P.S. Way![/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,141 responses to “Video 3 – Constructing Great Sounding Basslines”

  1. norm Avatar

    that simpilfys every think

  2. Mark Gelardi Avatar
    Mark Gelardi

    Thanks for the lesson you were very easy to understand I’m just a beginner soain thanks I have a lot to learn yet. Again thanks

  3. Mark Gelardi Avatar
    Mark Gelardi

    Thanks for the lesson you were very easy to understand I’m just a beginner . I have a lot to learn yet. Like chords etc. Again thanks

  4. Steve Kroll Avatar
    Steve Kroll

    Nice, easy to follow system. Even before the video was over I had the bass in hand and started trying what you showed and I liked what I heard coming off my own fingers. Then I found a smooth passing note, improvised my own fill here and there and now feel pretty confident I could build another rhythmic pattern using the same root movement and basic notes. Thanks for the great tips. Seeing and hearing an example is so much better than trying to get the same info from printed material.

  5. Dayne Nelson Avatar
    Dayne Nelson

    AMEN I’m excited about trying these two patterns out. Wait a go ,flow

  6. david Avatar

    very good lesson.
    the paterns are very useful.
    Thank for the freebe!

  7. reijak Avatar

    Yes Sir! Amen this was very helpful to me great stuff, the way you laid this out is the best i have every seen! I know that you will get many great comment.

    Thanks reijak

  8. John H Avatar
    John H

    Brilliant Alex and easy even for me!

  9. carlton Avatar

    hey alex, this is really agreat video. i always love Spain but i never could work it out. All the videos are great .i really appreciate.Thank you, god bless you. carlton”.

  10. Doug Avatar

    Amen! Thanks again for the simplified version of what could take hours. Another arrow in my quiver of bass lines.

  11. Daren Avatar

    Amen, thanks this really helps with coming up with bass lines. I’m currently struggling with this. Again thanks.

  12. Charley Avatar

    Thanks a lot Alex – Amen!!

  13. Thomas Rivera Avatar
    Thomas Rivera

    Thanks Alex ! this is very helpfull to us beginners out here.

  14. Angel Avatar

    I like this, the way you’re explaining the movement is great.
    Keep up the good works, man.

  15. Juan Carlos Cintron Avatar
    Juan Carlos Cintron

    Thank you verty much dude.. really needed something like this to get me back on track…

  16. Ricardo Avatar

    Great stuff. After playing bass for a while you tend to take a lot of things for granted and somethings are hard to explain but Alex does an incredible job at breaking things down so that anyone can understand bass playing concepts. Bravo Alex. Keep up the great work!!!



    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey bud thanks for the compliment! How you been keeping?

  17. Dave Barstis Avatar
    Dave Barstis

    Amen! I find I actually practice more when I get one of your videos! I’ll use this just like I still use the Russian Method! Thanks!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Dave, hahah you been around a while if you talking about ‘the russian method’ lol Nice to have you bro! People are gonna be like “huh? what’s the Russian method” ? lol


    Alex I really enjoyed the way you showed the pattern structure, I feel privileged to come to know you.Thanks for the tip.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Thanks Joseph – I’m glad you found our little slice of the web

  19. Martin Avatar

    Thank you Alex, I don’t understand all what you tell because I’m french but your video is clear cuz I understand.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Merci beaucoup mon ami – Oui, je parle un petit peu le francais! 😉

  20. Graham Avatar

    Niiiiice! Can’t wait to get home and get the old bass out. Thanks man!

  21. Rich Black Avatar
    Rich Black

    Great lesson -fantastic songs!Will be using this when teaching my grandson.I am 62 and have learned a lot from you. AMEN!

  22. Arno Rose Avatar
    Arno Rose

    New or Used…Young or Older…
    You help music come Alive.
    Just as it always should.

    thank You

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Arnz, thanks for that man – means alot…

  23. Mark Madar Avatar


    Thank you for taking the time to put together this video. It contained very useful concepts that will apply to my bass lines.

    Kind regards,

  24. leo normandin Avatar
    leo normandin

    great stuff alex…simplify then add. i play mostly guitar but a lot of bass also. i would like to see more basic patterns for other chords -7, dim, aug, 9th, 13th, etc. you put great stuff up alex keep up the good work, i know it helps me

  25. Andy Avatar

    awesomely simple when its explained that way . went away and practised bass lines around this for ages

  26. gon Avatar

    great lesson, thanks alex!!!
    if i wasn’t unemployed i’d buy your bass system pack, but at least i do make some progress with your free material, thanx again!

  27. George Avatar

    Thanks for the inspiration Alex! You rock!

  28. Erskine Gordon Avatar
    Erskine Gordon

    Hey Alex, you’re the greatest bass teacher. Amen to you. Keep up the good work.

  29. johnny Avatar

    thats great love your playing . i can use your style

  30. Paul° Avatar

    Hey Alex, looks great, sounds very nice. You’re a great teacher! Thanks a lot.

  31. Mike Avatar

    Brilliant stuff! Amen

  32. peter Avatar

    very good easy to follow

  33. jim Avatar

    AMEM and HALLELUJAH, Alex as always you break it down were it’s easy to understand. thankyou and keep the sermons coming. B B KING and CHIC COREA fantastic good choices for back tracks.

  34. Michael Kornelyuhs Avatar
    Michael Kornelyuhs

    Hi Alex,
    Praise the Lord,

    I have really learned alot thru your program since I purchased the DVD and picking up this short bass system program which has improved my understanding of bass lines and scales from the DVD too. I have been playing bass for quite sometime but never had any idea what scales are for. However, you are a tremendous help and it is a great achievement for me even though I’m not a pro, just an ordinary guy who plays bass as a pass time. This is Amazing Grace! Thank God.

    Michael Kornelyuhs

  35. Roberto Avatar

    Astonish lesson as usual in your productions. It demonstrate that with a very little (but the right ones) elements, and the right groove feeling it is possible to join a group and begin to play.
    Even if it is a long way to become a pro, it is necessary to make the first step. This is a way to make the first step right.
    Thank you.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      well said Roberto and thanks for the comment!

  36. Mike Avatar

    Once again you have given some very useful information to help me improve my bass playing. I was gettin a little frustrated at seemingly sounding the same on all my songs. But you have given me some tools to help take my bassline creating to the next level!!!

    Thanks again

    J. Mike Toliver

  37. Bob Avatar

    Very helpful for me. play in church only and never knew what changes from major’s and minor’s. now i have some idea. thanks

  38. Sir Avatar

    Thanks Alex for another insightful look at bass playing. I love checking out your “mini” lessons. Even though this one was targeted for a less experienced audience I’m still able to pick up a little something to apply to my toolbox.

  39. James Toles Avatar

    The video was very helpful for me to understand the bass lines, roots and how you add fillers. I’m trying to learn different bass lines that I can use with gospel music. I love the way you make playing the bass simple.

  40. Steve Avatar

    Waay Coool, my friend! Breaking the music down to the basic beat helps me to understand what is happening … and it’s easier to see how the “fills” and “thrills” come in !!!

  41. Reggie W. Avatar
    Reggie W.

    Dang Alex! Awesome! You have a way of “breaking it down” in a way that makes difficult concepts so easy to understand. I look so forward to your lessons. (I wish you taught calculus, too!) Seriously, you have a wonderful gift for teaching. Thanks!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Reggie thanks for the thumbs up bro… Ask and you shall receive… Next video calculus it is! 🙂

  42. Thurman Nash Avatar

    loved it, need to do more of them. I am really interested in gospel

  43. Ron Dyson Avatar

    I really enjoy videos keep up good work .Old Man lol

  44. Jeffrey Hebb Avatar
    Jeffrey Hebb

    Yo Man – this is great! Spain is a great song always wanted to know how to play it – Thanks
    Go bless – MAN :)!!

  45. Jeffrey Hebb Avatar
    Jeffrey Hebb

    And a BIG !!AMEN!!

  46. Gary Bridges Avatar
    Gary Bridges

    Amen. Very informative as usual Alex. Your work is a godsend to all up and coming bass players

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Thank you kindly good sir!

  47. Harry Akioka Avatar
    Harry Akioka

    I need this small short baselines that I can use. Thank You very much. I enjoy the process it becomes much more simpler for me thank you again.

  48. Ron Garris Avatar
    Ron Garris

    Thx man, i learned more with this than i have on my own in a year…just to smooth…..

  49. Mike Avatar

    Alex, you replied to my earlier post saying you have some ideas bout adding in fills, etc to make the lines come to life. Are you going to share these too?

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