Video 3 – Constructing Great Sounding Basslines

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #3 – How to Create Great-Sounding
Original Bass Lines the S.B.P.S. Way![/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,141 responses to “Video 3 – Constructing Great Sounding Basslines”

  1. bill Avatar

    I like the lessons you provide I am a gospel player for many years in the new york new jersey area and my problem is never discussed in any teaching classes and am beginning to wonder am i stupid or people don’t know and that is how to get a good sound out of your bass and rig if you could shine some light on this subjecy i would greatly appreciate it and and even break down the freqenencies the apply to bass

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      That’s funny you mention that because I talk about that in the full version of Simple Bass Playing System! I have a very simple approach to that stuff because I am not a guy who is into messing with all that stuff but we do have to understand it as musicians. It starts with having gear that sounds the way we like, understanding that tone is first from the fingers and then knowing how to use the EQing to tweak that tone… And that’s how I approach it in SBPS… Not a common topic and even when it’s talked about it’s all in ‘jibber-jabber’ speak that’s like greek to me.

  2. Stefan Avatar

    Realy good info in the video!!
    I look forward for more from you!

  3. Steve Avatar

    Hey Alex,
    Thank you for putting out the extra effort to put us in touch with our bass. Not just boring theory, but how to put feeling and groove into our playing. I can’t wait until I can start making people move to what my fingers are saying. I hope you keep this up.

  4. henry Avatar

    keep it comeing bro i need it i thank god for you amen.

  5. Dwayne Avatar

    Way to go Alex, This is very simple and easy to understand. I watched the video first just to see where you were going with it, and then I watched it a second time and grabbed my bass. OMG! You da man Alex! Keep up the good work and AMEN.

  6. Doug White Avatar
    Doug White

    AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! Great job Alex. Your enthusiasm shows and your teaching skills are fantastic. Keep ’em coming! 🙂

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Thanks Doug!

  7. jeff sickles Avatar
    jeff sickles

    great video it helped a blind guy alot hope to see more

  8. Richard Avatar

    Oh Yeah, I almost Forgot “AMEN”!!!!!!

  9. Steve Avatar

    Hey Alex,

    Great job and nice and clear explainations. I’m a beginner and up there in years so I certainly appreciate the length of the video. Don’t worry about it being too long. It moved along nicely.

  10. Brian Avatar

    Great Tunes All , Spain especially , please do more of the quick fills , and explaining them ,
    This is exactly what we need. Thanks

  11. Sharon Charles Avatar
    Sharon Charles

    That was AWESOME Alex!!! I will definitely use it You just made it all so simple and clear. Theory bores me!!!! Thanx Can’t wait to see and hear more

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Sharon glad to hear from ya! thanks for the vote of Awesomeness… 🙂

  12. Butch Avatar

    Your lessons are great Alex! I can now play Bass better!

  13. Phillip Avatar

    Yeah, that’s it!!! A 30-minute music lesson for FREE with Alex Sampson!!!! Thanks for the lesson and looking forward to more!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Phillip that’s what it is – A free 30 min lesson! Glad you liked it!

  14. Bob Pfeiffer Avatar
    Bob Pfeiffer

    Alex, That’s cool. I’ve put my bass near my computer. this gets me off of just playing the roots of a song.Thanks, Bob

  15. Glenn Avatar

    Amen brother 🙂 You’ve got a great ability to make the complex seem really simple and understandable. I was just looking at the website yesterday hoping this lesson was there. Pleasant surprise in my inbox today.

    Looking forward to the next one.


  16. Tracy Watson Avatar
    Tracy Watson

    Alex, Great lesson, I have already used your patterns with other songs and it WORKS!! this is too cool, Thanks for taking the time to put this out there for us over worked guys, I appreciate it.

    so AMEN!!


    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Tracy that’s what I’m talking about – Taking something and applying it right away! Groove on!

  17. Jimmy Payne Avatar
    Jimmy Payne

    I’m recovering from a stroke and the mental and physicality of bass helps me tremendously. The rhythm, groove, scales and patterns are of great help. I know a little theory and can see the underlying basis for this lesson. Thanks, man!

  18. Keith Avatar

    This is by far the most helpful video I’ve come across for bass so far. I really appreciate it, keep up the great work

  19. Rafael Avatar

    Awesome Alex, for two reasons. I’m always thinking about economy of motion, so I look for the root notes that are as close as possible, so thanks for reminding me about going up and down a single string some more. And secondly, I know it’s not theory but I can’t help it, the major & minor third on the G string is off the hook.

    I know I said two things but the third is the way you were playing rhythm on your right hand with Spain. Great, thanks again, another reason to continue to recommend you to all bass players that I meet.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Thanks for the referral Raf! Glad you like the video and I’ll give you a pass on the theory language this time LOL… 🙂

  20. Alonzo Avatar

    AMEN!!!!!! Great stuff bro.. as usual!!

  21. keely Avatar

    Thanks Alex! I agree …. your best video yet. Can you show us how to do the same thing with the root on the A or D strings? That would be awesome.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Fo sho! 😉

  22. p wilson Avatar
    p wilson


    I really enjoyed this video and the cuts also….this was an excellent video and the pieces of music theory, lessons, etc that I had many moons ago is starting to make sense…back then I tried playing a trumpet so this is different with the chords but helps simply what they are and how to use them in a song versus just as an excercise….AMEN!!

  23. Kevin Avatar

    This is Awesome stuff!!!

  24. Larry Axelson Avatar
    Larry Axelson

    Alex that was outstanding,looking forward to your next video

  25. david bitler Avatar
    david bitler

    Hey ALEX !!
    thanx for the info, this stuff gives a lot of insight into the world of bass playing.
    i’m a complete newbee (been a drummer for 30 years) and i like your style.
    you have a really cool motown feel.

  26. Jim/Line6bassman Avatar

    Wow!! Amen and Praise the Lord!! I defiantly enjoyed and probably learned more from you in the shortest amount time ever!! And what I really heard the most, was the Beatles in there, And Carol Kaye!! And some I can’t put my head and ears on at the moments. Lovit!!!!


    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Spot on Jim you did hear right – But I can show you that these ‘patterns’ are hiding every where – In hip hop, fusion, gospel, r and b… Cause the next step is knowing how to integrate them in less obvious ways. Peace and thank you for the appreciation!

  27. Larry Avatar

    Oh yeah. You can get some Amens on that and a couple of WooYoos too! Nice video and great lesson. You are helping me to understand that I do not have to be a magician to play good grooves. Man, if I only had tine to practice more! Thanks a lot. Be blessed!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Thanks for the Amens and WooYoos… 🙂

  28. Thomas Avatar

    AMEN Alex I am not a beginner but I am having fun and enjoying these bass lessons.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Thomas glad to hear it man glad to hear 🙂

  29. gary Avatar

    great work alex! thanks again.

  30. ZX14Bassplayer Avatar

    The grooves you come up with are simple but yet smooth they way you express it. keep pushing us to never before levels……

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      You’re hitting an important point that I try to get over to students all the time… Time and Feel trumps note content always every time. Thanks for the feedback

  31. Bill Avatar

    Alex, another jewel from your crown of material ! Really enjoy the flow of the bass line and picked it up after a few pause and rewinds which for me is phenomenal !! Thanks .. keep them coming !!

  32. Rude Avatar

    Good lookin’ out Bruhtha Sampson!…you are the Truth!!!


  33. tom Avatar

    cool…the back track was louder than the bass(and your voice was louder too) or maybe it’s just my computer, but for an instructional video it would be good to cut through a little more. again thanks

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Try headphones Tom – Trust me the mix is fine.

  34. Dragon Avatar

    Yes !!! I Get it now lol Thanks a million , Keep the videos coming , Ive never had it explained the way you do Keep up the good work with what i have learned i can now play a lot of songs there so easy now
    Thanks Again

  35. Maurice Avatar

    Thanks again this is great stuff I am learning alot from your teachings, keep them coming.
    I apperciate all you do, I will use this for sure.

    Thank You

  36. Milton Avatar

    Another great lesson Alex.

  37. Ron White Avatar
    Ron White

    Alex,. thank you, thank you, thank you. This is exactly what I need to progress to the next level of my playing. I have practiced scales and arpeggios, and my fingering dexterity has improved. I have even come up with a few songs on my own, but the real challenge for me is how to use the patterns I am familiar with in songs everyone knows. This is a true eye opener for me.


    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Ron glad you see how this fits in alongside the stuff you already know! Cheers!

  38. Pastor Glass Avatar

    Enjoyed the video, let me know when the System is published and ready for release. With videos like this I can excellerate and become motivated to do the rudiments because I want to play better what I now can play. Hope its released soon!


    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Rev… Thanks for the vote of confidence and glad to hear from ya!

  39. Keith Avatar


    Thanks much. Big help!

    Very generous of you to share these techniques. Thanks again.

    And FWIW, I really dug your song selections. (^_^)

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Well thank you my friend and FWIW I enjoyed this comment 🙂

  40. Pastor Glass Avatar

    This is what I have been searching for, hope the System is released soon!


  41. Bobbie Lake Avatar

    Great lesson. Played it on iPhone. Lower the background music some so we can hear you playing more. Maybe it’s just my phone but i really needed to hear the bass more. Good video. Thanks. I just play single notes to accompany groups and it was good to see the lesson cause it will add a new dimension to my playing

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      It’s the iPhone bro – When I play it on my iPhone I have to use headphones just cause of the freq of the bass. It’s not a volume thing.

  42. Max Beyer Avatar
    Max Beyer

    Amen Alex. That was really useful.
    Looks like my weekend just filled up with more bass practice!
    Loving it.

    Max Beyer

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      hahah – glad to hear you’re excited about practicing this weekend… You can make some incredible progress when you’re actually enjoying the process…

  43. Ron White Avatar
    Ron White

    Alex I am really looking forward to your video lesson on articulation and fills. That’s what separates the players from the wannabees.


  44. alvin smith Avatar
    alvin smith

    hey alex that was a great job of keeping it simple i believe we can learn alot if we just pratice

  45. Coolb Avatar

    Nice – rhythmic patterns is the way to go

  46. Curtis Avatar

    Alex, Good stuff man!! Keep up the good work!!

  47. Ray Slaughter Avatar
    Ray Slaughter

    Very simple and smooth teaching. Alex you make these notes of any very easy to learn.
    Thank again.


  48. Chris Avatar

    That was fun – thanks for sharing!

  49. Roger Avatar

    Hello Alex????? My name is Roger and I am a Bass Player have been for 7 yr and playing in my church and I started on a 4string. Now i’m on a 5string and loveing it I would l,ike to say Thank You for all your help and I will say God has a Blessing with your name on it, “”Bless you my brother in Christ”

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