Video 3 – Constructing Great Sounding Basslines

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #3 – How to Create Great-Sounding
Original Bass Lines the S.B.P.S. Way![/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,141 responses to “Video 3 – Constructing Great Sounding Basslines”

  1. Linda Mackie Avatar
    Linda Mackie

    I love these lessons you send out, I know it takes a lot of time for you to put these together but you have no idea how helpful they are and how greatly they are appreicated. Keep em coming thanks so much!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi Linda thanks for the compliments – My wife would tell you just how much time these take indeed 🙂

  2. Robert Avatar

    Amen! I happen to be a preacher as well as a bass player, and your gentle style of teaching is great. I know that you are showing us the chords on the 4 string so as not to intimidate us, but if the idea is to get the sound of the chords in our heads maybe try using that lovely F Bass ( with appropriate disclaimer scrolling on bottom of screen). Another great thing about you is that you are not afraid to be a student as well. I see all kinds of things in this video that were, I think, at the very least reinforced by your time spent with Janek, for example the root-fifth-tenth stuff and the palm mute grooves.

    Great job.

  3. Rick Brown Avatar
    Rick Brown

    Hello Alex, thanks for allowing me to pick my bass up again.I thought i lost what i learn in the past, but lisening to your videos is helping me get back to what i been missing. keep the vedios coming. They are greatly appreciated. RICK!

  4. Mark Avatar

    Cool man, this is just what the doctor ordered!
    These are some of the things I’ve been looking to learn. What to play besides the root? I play at church and we play a lot of the contemporary Christian rock stuff and I try to learn note for note off of highly compressed mp3s and it’s not always easy to figure out what I’m hearing in the “mushy” bass register and was only trying to add 3rd, 5ths, octaves and 7ths to spice things up. I don’t have much time to practice 6 songs per week and find the right stuff to help my progress as a bass player…I was playing 6 string electric and I subbed for a guy at our church once and seemed to have become the new bass guy. This is good teaching.
    Thanks Alex.

  5. Ed Avatar

    Hi Alex,

    As usual your willingness to share useful information has no limits. God Bless!

  6. julius D. Avatar

    Thanks Alex. You’re the man. You dont know how much I appreciate all your efforts in helping guys like me. Every time I get your Vids Im always learning something new I dont care what is even if its fingering, hand positioning, patients with my learning scale. Please Bruh dont stop and may God bless you…. and your family for letting you release some of your gifts to us….

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Julius I really like your spirit – Thanks for expressing your gratitude! Make yourself a great day today!

  7. Roy` Avatar

    Great stuff Alex, My thing is gospel and jazz, but get lost on putting bass lines together.

    Thanks alot and God Bless. Roy

  8. Nathan Avatar

    that was great. I really enjoy the vids they help alot. Amen.

  9. Esker Bobo Avatar
    Esker Bobo

    Great tips! Can you show how to play Gospel Music and Key(s) is it normally played in

  10. paul Avatar

    Hi Alex, GOD BLESS YOU , great lesson i needed that bass line to improve my playing in church, you made it so simple for us to understand,the rhythm is what counts. thanks a lot………

  11. Leon Avatar

    I’ll give a definate AMEN!!! A nice way to show that you can go from blues(The Thrill Is Gone) to Jazz (Spain) in one simple step.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Leon thanks – yeah the underlying principles are the same so genre is not gonna change that too drastically. Peace!

  12. Dave Avatar

    it’s really cool and really great way to learn this stuff. It’s amazing keep it up

  13. Bob Bachelder Avatar
    Bob Bachelder

    Love it! Great job. Thanks for the encouragement.

    I’m a bass player in my Praise Team at church and just want to keep the line going. No aspirations for solo playing.

  14. Miguel Avatar

    Thanks for another great lesson. Please keep them coming. I understand some chord structure but this really helps. You have truly been a blessing. “Bishop Alex “Bassist” Sampson” 🙂

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      hahah that’s hilarious – thanks for being too kind to little ole me’ 😉

  15. peter newbery Avatar
    peter newbery

    this great Alex! so good in fact that I am tempted to just sit back and listne and not absorb.
    If you were aiming to inspire you have done it.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Peter 🙂 thanks for the compliment my friend… It’s nice to know that you can inspire folks ever once in a while in any little way 😉

  16. Walter Avatar

    Great video, lets see what new music horizons this opens!

  17. Lonny Avatar

    Amen Dude, that was pretty cool….keep up the good work, I’m going to show that to my wife (maybe not then she’ll think bass playing is EASY)…..

  18. Phil Avatar

    Thanks very much for that demo. i will put it to good use. looking foward to learning what you have to offer in the future.

    cheers Alex

  19. Pete Bjerkelund Avatar
    Pete Bjerkelund

    Just waned to give you a shout to say thanks for creating this material online, and especially for sending out the freebees like this one (creating basslines), and the 5 beginner tunes. Its all helpful, and you explain things in an encouraging and professional, though accessible way.

    So, thanks man!


  20. oliver Avatar

    amen alex that is deep, that is what I am talking about and you are on the right track.

  21. jazzy Avatar

    A very nice way to learn the bass.
    Had not enough time to put this to use but so far so good.

  22. david Avatar

    I just wanna say thanks for the I am a begginer and this helps alot

  23. Roz Avatar

    Thanks Alex, this lesson was very helpful. I hope you keep them coming. I am learning a lot about keeping the rhythm going better known as the groove.

  24. Jay Avatar

    Ya know…………I am always motivated to play better and practice yourm ideas when I see these videos. I dunno ’bout the others but I “get it” when you ‘splain stuff. Keep up the fantastic work ‘cos you’re makin’ us feel good about playing bass!! Amen ……………an’………….AMEN!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Preach Jay! lol thanks man

  25. ted jones Avatar

    yo alexis,amen,amen,just these few videos you made now i’m starting to put different patterns to different all sounds alot better and it makes me practice more often,i make the time to practice.keep it coming,i want learn as much from you that i can,tc,peace out.

  26. Robert Avatar

    Preach brother. That was very simple. Once you learn the pattern you just have to find the tempo. I would love to learn how to do ad instead to fill in the gaps.

  27. REDMNCHSTR1 Avatar

    COOL, really helps me out alot. Many other bass players don’t have time for me.

  28. Glenn Rigby Avatar
    Glenn Rigby

    Outstanding. I’m playing on our worship team and I’m way over my head. This type of “theory” is exactly what I need. Keep it coming. How do I get the DVDs or whatever for the whole series.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Glenn, glad you like – I’ll post some more info here about the entire program for folks who want more… It’s all done to be very simple and straightforward in everything from tuning your bass to technique to setting your tone to developing feel for pulse etc etc etc – this was a small taste. Peace and groove bro.

  29. Bob Avatar

    This is what I’ve been looking for

  30. David Avatar

    AMEN, Good Lesson. It made it simple, keep it going.

  31. Tony Kneen Avatar
    Tony Kneen

    Simply awesome and inspiring Alex. Just makes you think about whta and how youcan actually play.

    Here’s your AMEN!!!


  32. Immanuel Avatar

    AMEN!!! I will use this in church and everywhere else! Thanks! Can’t wait to put it into practice! Bless!!!

  33. Silver Avatar

    I dig it Alex

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      ya dig? 🙂 Nice!

  34. kim billion Avatar
    kim billion

    Wow, Chick Corea how great can that be, Spain such a great latin feel.
    You helped me strip it just like that, like the fingers knew were to go instantly
    instead of taking a couple of days to get it down. Providing these building blocks
    really helps to unlock the magic of improvising!
    Thanks my friend.

  35. manny Avatar

    Fantastic and very enlightening for me!!

  36. Kevin Johnson Avatar
    Kevin Johnson

    Simple and straight to the point. Nice job on the video Alex!

  37. Kevin Barber Avatar
    Kevin Barber

    Hey Alex this is great! You make it so understandable. I wish you were around here so I could be a student. You don’t seem to ever have a problem sharing your information. These videos are really great and very, very helpful. I like the fact that you are showing both hands. That is helpful, too. Thanks, man. you rock.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Kev thanks – Yeah man I’m pretty open about sharing stuff – I’ve been getting *A LOT* of requests to do lessons again – Not sure when I’ll find the time but maybe getting back to skype lessons may be something I do if I can squeeze them in once in a while for folks…

  38. Joseph Avatar

    Clear and very easy to follow instructions. Great start..

  39. Thomas Jenkins Avatar
    Thomas Jenkins

    That’s cool, Alex. I have your various books and lessons. Stopped playing because of work (but never stopped practicing). I’ll be getting back in the choir with my bass (will continue working). I know my theory. I have Gospel bass playing dvd by you. This is the first time i’ve heard you mention the pulse, I believe that’s what i’ve been missing. Keep it coming. You are the man. People at church have been asking, when am i going to play ,again? They’ve seen me go from sitting there learning, to getting better. But i suffer from, not thinking I’m that good. I’m going back with a vengeance. Hang in there with me, man, as i with you.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      You go boy! Do that bass thing and have fun with the journey!

  40. Mike Cortez Avatar
    Mike Cortez

    thanks once again Alex for the videos. I am really enjoying them. they are simple to understand just like all the stuff you teach and i look forward to watching and applying them when they come. i will definately be playing much more once i retire from the military next year and these videos will help alot. oh Amen to you lol….

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Mike that’s cool to hear…Glad you like 😉

  41. Pete Avatar

    Thanks Alex! Great lesson and great information. Well done from a beginner!

  42. Jon Avatar

    Major props my man. New at the bass, this video was awesome. Learning the bass lines by utilizing the “theory” with minor chords and major makes awesome sense. Naturally, had to pick along and it was magic, could just feel the rythm popping. You rock, keep them coming.

  43. Dwright Avatar

    Awesome vid keep em coming thanks an god bless

  44. Kinnon Prater Avatar
    Kinnon Prater

    Hey Alex. Very good information. I get locked into certain ways I play (like alot of us) and this gives me another way to look at what i’m doing and it was simple enough to adjust on the fly if necissary. Thanks. Looking forward to the next one…..

  45. toni Avatar

    This is a great teaching video and I hope your are proud of your creation. Bravo!

  46. Claude Avatar

    Man this was so helpful. I have been playing a little over a year at my church and I really desire to stand out when it comes our solo parts doing shouting music. Man you make it so simple and plain and easy. I really don’t have anyone to pull off from when it comes o bass players. Most guys hoard their skills and information and don’t want to share. Thanks. I look forward to receiving your two free jam tracks!! AMEN!!!!!!!! BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks Claudius the Bass player!!

  47. Richard Avatar

    Alex I can’t get enough of your lessons and Thank you so much for putting this stuff together. Its nice to have a real Players knowledge.

  48. Gerald Avatar

    Thank you Alex. I am going to start practicing in a serious manner.

  49. John Avatar


    1. alexsampson Avatar

      And there the first Hallelujah 🙂 lol

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