Video 3 – Constructing Great Sounding Basslines

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #3 – How to Create Great-Sounding
Original Bass Lines the S.B.P.S. Way![/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,141 responses to “Video 3 – Constructing Great Sounding Basslines”

  1. David Espinosa Avatar
    David Espinosa

    Great video Alex, I enjoy these video they give me great ideas on playing

  2. Jeffery Avatar

    Hey Alex, man this is really helping me. I really wish I was one of your students but because im not could you please keep these videos comming because I really need this. I don’t have the money to take lessons so I half to take what ever I can get.How does that work on jazz bass lines? Keep up the good work Alex and you will be bless for it.

  3. vicg Avatar

    very well done. a simple bass line that even i can play. really makes a difference. it’s nice to know a little theory but sometimes a picture or shape is worth a thousand words.

    thank you a lot, vicg

  4. vicg Avatar

    very well done. a simple bass line that even i can play. really makes a difference. it’s nice to know a little theory but sometimes a picture or shape is worth a thousand words.
    thank you a lot, vicg

  5. Brian Avatar

    Thanks Alex, what a legend!

  6. Duffy Avatar

    Nice and simple. I’ll try and work this into my bag of tricks.

  7. George Brown Avatar
    George Brown

    Definitely “Amen”! Great stuff – really appreciate it. Thanks

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      haha George thanks for the Amen bro! waiting to see who will say “Preach!”

  8. Jason Ruesgen Avatar
    Jason Ruesgen

    Another great one Alex…Amen! We can know all the theory out there but it’s feel and how to put the notes together that make basslines great!:)

  9. Bill Avatar

    Another great lesson Please keep them coming.
    You ROCK!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Bill you Rock too…! Thanks for the support – Keep grooving…

  10. Ken Avatar

    Excellent Alex!… never fail to disappoint me…keep up the great work…much appreciated…Amen!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Ken thanks for the support… I sure hope you never find out about my never going on roller coasters… that usually disappoints folks 🙂 (doh wasn’t supposed to say that outloud.) lol Although I have sky dived before and that was a blast…

  11. Eddie Rogers Avatar
    Eddie Rogers

    Amen Alex, you are the best at explaining the bass that I have every seen, keep up the good work.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Aww shucks 😉 now i’m blushing…

  12. Daniel Avatar


    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Thank ya!

  13. Brian Avatar

    Hey Alex this was a eureka moment for me, can’t believe that it is so simple God bless you
    looking forward to more of this Brian

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Brian yeah man glad to have shed some light – And trust me there is a lot more light where this came from 😉

  14. Willie Smith Avatar
    Willie Smith

    I’m a beginner bass player living in Pasterson New Jersey and i’m 46 years old and i’m trying to get better at my bass playing and your lessons are helping me a great deall. By the way will this help me playing with the church choir

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Willie sure thing… The underlying principle of note, rhythm and feel will work for any type of music

  15. Mike Avatar

    It’s like the blinders have been lifted
    Awesome work

  16. Isaac Avatar

    Nice from a 63 year old beginner.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Many kind regards from a 31 year old student 🙂

  17. Jeff Avatar

    Wow, that sure jump starts my learning curve!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      BooYah! there you go! Keep watching 😉

  18. Mike Shih Avatar

    Hi Alex:

    Your methods of teaching arouse the interests of potential bass players. Thank you.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Mike I am glad you feel that way because I am also secretly on a mission to convert some guitar players to bassists 😉 LOL

  19. Riko Beverly Sr Avatar
    Riko Beverly Sr

    very helpful and informative. Thanks Alex!

  20. CJ Avatar

    Amen Bro! Man you have it goin on now!!!
    This is what I have been hoping for.
    keep it up.
    Best Regards, CJ

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey CJ thanks – I’m just trying a lil sum’n sum’n! Got A LOT to learn myself but glad to help along the way – Blessings!

  21. Bob Avatar

    Hey Alex, that is a big amen bro, the video was excellent and very informative, all I can say is keep ’em coming, don’t stop, very easy to understand your explanations and reasons, great tutorial.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Oh yeah another AMEN! lol

  22. Tom Avatar

    A amazeing
    L learned
    E exciting
    X x- traordinary
    S smart
    A artistic
    M melodic
    P professional
    S smart
    O outstanding
    N notable

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      LOL Tom that’s the biggest I’ve laughed all day… THANK YOU man but you’re being far to kind… I certainly don’t deserve those accolades 😉 but I can’t say it’s not fun to read. You rock man! My humble regards…

  23. Mick Dougherty Avatar
    Mick Dougherty

    these videos are really excellent, I bought the download course but lost the link due to computer virus, however these are really useful and helpful, really enjoy watching these and then practising along. I would love to see more examples like these.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Mick thanks bro… We don’t have the downloads on BGS anymore but we’ll send you a disc for free as an existing BGS client. (just help us with the shipping). Contact support at support (at) and let me know – We’ll hook ya up! We take care of our folks 😉

  24. Aaron Sanchez Avatar
    Aaron Sanchez

    hey alex your doing good but i am still struggling and i have a bass that has been sitting there but i dont know where to start! where do i start? can you upload a video about that? thank you

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      hey Aaron in terms of where to start – just start… Anywhere. Think of it like driving to work… You can’t wait for all green lights… Just start driving and when you hit a stop light deal with that one stop light then move on… Really just do something – The first video gave you some songs pick just one and learn it! that alone will help build some confidence. But keep your eye here cause this site is all about moving from ground zero to playing good…

  25. John Avatar

    Thanx Alex. I’ve been taking lessons for 2 months and I found your patterns fitting in well at this time. Amen! I’m 59, a music lover and really enjoying playing. John

  26. graham holden Avatar
    graham holden

    brilliant, cant wait for the next part

  27. Dana Avatar

    Great information … thanks!!

  28. Martin Avatar

    Great vid Samson, learning something new all the time, thanks 🙂

  29. Takpor Dwanyen Avatar
    Takpor Dwanyen

    As always, this is a great lesson. This sounds like a blues progression.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Yup Takpor the first song is most certainly ‘bluesy’… Have fun with it!

  30. thomas Avatar

    alex that’s some cool stuff u’re R the man dude,keep up the good works my man

  31. Tee Avatar

    Hi Alex.
    Very usable stuff. Being a cello and upright player in my youth I stopped playing when I was 20. All the theory I learned has gone. I picked up bass guitar last year and I consider myself a re-ginner.
    I just want to play music with my friends, I have no hopes or aspirations to become anything more than an amateur. I’m 54 now. This type of stuff and a bit more advanced will help me get back up to speed again and I am grateful for you giving this to us for free.
    Best regards — Tee.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey T glad to hear… Yeah sometimes theory can get in the way of folks who just want to play some tunes and with this I think when a person learns this simple method reversing into theory is actually easier. Anyway just have fun with it! Cheers!

  32. Desiree Avatar

    That was cool, Alex. Another piece of information that is very understandable and useable. Thanks!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Desiree – nice to hear from you again. Glad you got something outta the video and hope it impacts your playing in a positive way! Make yourself a great day.

  33. Tim Avatar

    Alex, It was great. I really liked to see the fingering for the chords. I usually play the thrill is gone on the first three frets and never wonder down the neck. You have given me insight to now play a Blues song a little more Jazzy. Amen Brother. Keep the videos coming. I am almost through your Bass Guitar Secrets.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Tim yeah it can all be played as you mention in the first 5 frets but for simplicity to keep the shape of the patterns I wanted to keep all root notes on one string. Less confusing for a beginner I think. Glad to know you have BGS – Thanks for the support!

  34. Romey Smith Avatar
    Romey Smith

    Another great lesson from you Alex, wish I had the money to have kept up with my lessons and jam tracks from your club. I think you show great compasion in your dedication to teaching and I am glad that you still send me some free pointers every now and then.
    I have and will continue to point others wanting to learn bass playing and further their skills to your method of teaching.
    There simply are no other methods of teaching as simplified and straight foward to learn from as the ones you have to offer.

    your friend, Romey

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Romey glad to hear your comments and thanks for sending folks our way… Blessings!

  35. Alfred Avatar

    Highly enjoyed it and learned something. Thanks

  36. William Rees Avatar
    William Rees

    This is what I have been searcing for, you just hit upon it. I saw by the Video’s that you are using the root, fifth, and the major or minor 3rd on the last string, I broke it down. My problem also comes with finding a pulse, as I have never been a drummer and you have. The worship band I work with has no drummer so Im the one who is the time keeper along with the piano and rhythm guitar. It is awful hard to lock into a grooves the chords are usually starts on a vi – IV- I – VIIb5- ii – V -IV – I . I play mostly closed patterns positions and I see you open them up and you use mostly the Top string to find the position and the rest follow. You are a great expostive bass player, I wish I could have run across your site when I was younger. I couldn’t download any of these to keep to remind myself of your instructions, like I told you before 10 years ago I had a stroke the has limited my speed and dexterity, but I still have drive and the desire to win at playing with real good musicians, I have played with some great picker in my time, about 50 years worth, I was just a time keeper and I keep working, as an elderly Black musician friend of mine in Houston always told me two things, threat your gig like a day job, be on time do your job and he told me if he could play it so could, I always kept this as my goal. I am on a fixed income like I told you before and there for all these little tips help tremendouslly. Keep up the good work Bill Rees

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey William yup you’re right about the theory behind it but try not to let theory cloud your mind when you’re playing.. All well and good for the woodshed but when you are live just play… About the use of the top string only for root notes that was solely for convenience and simplicity so that the pattern shape would stay the same. About the pulse thing that is something i cover in depth in the full course and precisely as you said teaching people to think the way drummers do… You’re right on the money.

  37. Ron E Ellams Avatar
    Ron E Ellams

    Hi Alex, thank you for the inf, keep it coming, keep up the great work, it is very much appreciated.
    Kind regards Amen, Bro Ron E.

  38. Grip Avatar

    Amen Alex! u ROCK! This is exactly the stuff that I need. Please keep it coming!

  39. john carroll Avatar

    this time last year i got a bass guitar and started to learn i got aLL TYPS of books noting seemed to click till i got your B G secrets home study course I can now play scales and chords and have a better understanding of the bass guitar have a long way to go I appreciate your simple bass playing system and the tabs john carroll

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey John thanks for saying that publicly… I think it’ll help folks who are in the same position of feeling like nothing works for them! Glad you didn’t give up before you meet us 🙂 Keep rocking!

  40. Mike Wagner Avatar
    Mike Wagner

    Amen!!!! Good lesson. Can’t wait to see what’s next. Will be jammin later on! I really like your approach.

  41. Rich A Avatar
    Rich A

    Thanks for the great video. This is a area where my playing suffers. This will be information that will be of great use for as long as I am able to play. AMEN

  42. Adam hossen Avatar
    Adam hossen

    Thanks Alex – I bought your book a while ago but moved house and lost it (oops!!!) but I just didn’t have the time to read it before I lost it anyway. This kind of video is just the right type of length, level and coverage that I need to improve! It’s also top quality in terms of teaching and playing. Love it! Cheers!

  43. John Murray Avatar
    John Murray

    Alex this is great, Amen to you.


  44. Ariel class Avatar

    Amen good stuff gbu brother

  45. Al Pasternak Avatar
    Al Pasternak

    Good Video, I’m anxious to try it out. I play for my church and this will be interesting. Never knew how to put chords together and this seems to be a good, simple start.

    Alex, the only thing that was distracting while I was watching was you having your hat sideways. Sorry, I’m the traditional type, if you’re going to wear a baseball cap, wear it right.


    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hahah that’s hilarious – never in a million years did i think i’d get a comment on the direction of the cap! That’s how the sell em here… 😉

  46. Max Bulmash Avatar
    Max Bulmash

    you are a GREAT teacher !!!!!!!!

  47. Larry Drake Avatar
    Larry Drake

    There should be a book, “Bass Playing For Dummies”, and you should be the author. The way you show us is o very, very simple. Easy to pick up on, and lights up light bulbs in heads….GREAT STUFF.

    Thanks Alex

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Haha Hi Larry, thanks for the vote of confidence in my “head dummy abilities” lol Peace and groove bro – Glad you’re digging the lessons!

  48. Ric Avatar

    Nicely Done!

  49. Syd Allen Avatar
    Syd Allen

    Great system, you have shown the how important it is to understand the pattern of chords.

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