Video 3 – Constructing Great Sounding Basslines

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #3 – How to Create Great-Sounding
Original Bass Lines the S.B.P.S. Way![/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,141 responses to “Video 3 – Constructing Great Sounding Basslines”

  1. Ken Stern Avatar
    Ken Stern

    Very nice! And well-presented.

  2. Johann LeClaire Avatar
    Johann LeClaire


  3. Jake Avatar

    Very good video. Thank you so much for your work Alex!

  4. Joe Avatar

    Thank you Alex.I like the selections by the way.A Jazz man myself,but just want to say I appreciate your time that you are putting into this to teach us and not get so overwhelmed with music theory etc…Thanks and AMEN!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      thanks Joe, yeah man i can’t tell you how happy i feel to get this feedback because as my wife and team would tell you I *obsess* about trying to conceptualize, package and communicate my info so that it really helps folks… I appreciate your support!

  5. Chris P Avatar
    Chris P

    Great stuff!

  6. dave Avatar


    in just a couple minutes i can see how this is gonna work out well with some stuff i’ve been working on. THANKS!

  7. George Clarke Avatar
    George Clarke

    Alex, that was great and it’s set me off in another direction, which can only be a good thing!
    I have been stuck in a rut for far too long and your system and tuition has given me a much needed “kick”.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Glad to hear ! Peace and groove

  8. marcus Avatar

    magic stuff – I play 6 string and bass and teach bass – you do it well
    and I can really use – how do I pay you?

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Haha thanks bro! Glad you’re diggin it… Now about sending some moolah my way gimme your address and I’ll arrange to stop by with an armoured truck πŸ™‚

  9. Doug Walker Avatar
    Doug Walker

    Problem with self confidence? I don’t think so.Good stuff dude, as usual. I’m sending all the young players that ask me how to play to your site! Thanks again and be blessed.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hahaha Doug may be on to me… Thanks for the thumbs up – it really means a lot!

  10. Terro Avatar

    Thanks for the videos, it was very helpful

  11. Kevin Nightingale Avatar
    Kevin Nightingale

    These lessons are superb are such a good teacher and player.Thankyou for posting these lessons

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Thanks Kevin… I appreciate that.

  12. Bill Reed Avatar

    hi Alex
    Love the first clip and like you said its so easy.
    big well done for keeping us all intrested after a couple of years since yoy brought out your first books..
    so glad yoy dont just sell us something and forget us.
    thanks again

  13. norton Avatar

    Amen brother! very straightforward and helpful

  14. ray Avatar

    The best help , I can sure use it , keep it comming !!!

  15. Keri Butcher Avatar

    This Rocks… thoroughly enjoyed it… and learned a few tricks! Thanks!

  16. ray Avatar

    the best Please more

  17. Manfred Avatar

    Hello Alex,
    in a short video, you bring the things to the point. I like this, as you dont waste time with details,
    but immediately start using some ideas.
    Hope you could show us, how to effectively add fills, modify the patterns during playing and
    tastefully connect all these.
    I also want to express, that your teachings are alway fresh and motivating!


    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey bud thanks for saying that… Yeah this was just an overview of the new ‘simplified’ process I’ve been using recently with rookie folks and it does go further into making this stuff more unique, more expansions, adding fills etc. Warmest regards.

  18. Dave Avatar

    This is a very cool way of learning at my age and a beginner. Keep it up…!!

  19. JC Avatar

    For your self confidence Alex…:-)

    This is great and I really dig it… just back from a business trip and could grab the bass without thinking too much just go ahead and play and practice with what you’ve brought to us. This is really great and that’s the way in some part of this world a lot of people do learn.
    Put all this on a CD/DVD and I’ll be the first to buy. You know am serious.

    Thank You

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      hey JC, thanks for supporting my low self esteem man πŸ˜‰ I am glad to help and I am thrilled to know that folks are getting value…

  20. Dennis Avatar

    Very good, keep up the good work. Your lessons are easy to follow..

  21. adrina phipps Avatar
    adrina phipps

    love it alex. another great video. thanks

  22. D Gutierrez Avatar
    D Gutierrez

    Thank you for this Alex. I really like the concept of skipping to the pros examples to get your patterns. You can see that the theory is actually still there you’ve just inverted the process and made it tangable for those that want to ‘quick start’. Very cool!!!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      YES! you just phrased it correctly… I am not downing theory at all and the “theory” as you put it is still there – but like you so rightly said I just inverted the process… I like that way of thinking about it… I may have to steal that πŸ™‚

  23. Derbin Leighton Avatar
    Derbin Leighton

    Awesome video….you have been the only one so far that explained extactly how to play patterns over chords and the types of chords. Most people I’ve encounted could not explained it. AWESOME JOB!!!! THanks so much!!!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi Derbin thanks! – The thing most folks don’t realize is how often these things come into play! Glad you liked it…

  24. James Beckwith Avatar
    James Beckwith

    This was very powerful! You make it look easy. Amen!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Actually it’s not to difficult πŸ˜‰ just go slow at first… Cheers!

  25. Rich Ord Avatar
    Rich Ord

    Amen! Alex!

    Excellent simple instruction without the theory!

    This is something I can use and apply to my playing today!

    I have had expensive lessons where I got less out of it!

    Thanks you! In just trhis short video you have made a better player!


    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Rich glad yo hear it and that’s a pretty cool comment to know you got more from this than some lessons you paid for because that’s exactly what I was going for – to deliver real value! Peace

  26. Gerry Ross Avatar
    Gerry Ross

    Mighty, I don’t have a clue about bass guitar but am very quickly learning thanks to you Alex. Amen.

  27. Rob Avatar

    Really good…especially for us slow guys…very instructive and no, not too long. Can’t wait for the next one.

  28. Mark Brathwaite Avatar

    Hi Alex
    Good Afternoon. I appreciate this stuff very much it is excellent.I am going to print the PDF notes and practice and practice..
    Kindest Regards

    Mark Brathwaite

  29. jack Avatar

    absolutely great i think Even I could learn from your demo thank you. (your hat ???} im old j.

  30. Francisco Guevara Avatar
    Francisco Guevara

    Brother Alex

    With these videos it comferms how wonderful you play but not only that how of a teacher you are, and thats a plus in your teaching, everytime I see play the bass you inspire me to keep lerning to bring bleassin to church, keep it up and God Bless

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      My friend thanks for the kind words. I am glad to hear you enjoy our stuff.

  31. Danny Avatar

    finally somebody that knows how to teach.


    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Thanks for the props man! Keep watching…

  32. Ed Macnab Avatar
    Ed Macnab

    Clean and simple lesson that I will actually use. Thanks!!

  33. Bob Turek Avatar
    Bob Turek

    Alex, Thanks For the newbee stuff I’m enjoying it. I’ve gotten a coupel of your lesson sets and just don’t have the time to practice its nice to have some quick tips to get started.
    Bobby T

  34. JMH Avatar

    Great video !

  35. Carl Gelbart Avatar

    Very cool way to play generic basslines. I play bass now using tab’s and in case of popular songs, people expect a certain baseline, for example the songs Money or Another Bites the Dust where you can’t put in a generic baseline. What do you do in those cases?

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      I don’t think generic is the right term. You should think in terms of ‘improvised’ and ‘composed’ – The lines you referred to are composed and RIFF based and most times when they are *written* you get a specific thing to play by who ever wrote the song… A specific RIFF. Unless you’re the one coming up with the riff originally in which case the same concepts of NOTE, RHYTHM and FEEL apply, then you don’t have a problem. This lesson is specific meant for folks coming up with bass lines where they are not given a specific riff.

  36. Carlton Evans Avatar
    Carlton Evans

    I love the video’s, them have really help me a lot.

    Be Blessed

  37. Roy Avatar

    Great job Alex!! Patterns are great to get us going! the pulse is a good tip too! These videos are a great help, I have your program which contains written material and useful softrware- your videos really take it to the next level of understanding to what you have to share. Amen!!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Thank ya Sir! keep watching!

  38. gary c. Avatar
    gary c.

    hey alex! i just watched part of the video lesson and it was amazing. as soon as i saw your progression i was mentally putting in the fill notes. thanks bud!

  39. Ray Davis Avatar
    Ray Davis

    Very nicely done, easy to understand, very smooth and practical! You got my amen brother!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      hahah Another Amen! lol Thanks

  40. Seth Avatar

    Alex, thank you thank you thank you. A lot of people claim to teach bass but end up just show offing their skills. You really break down real situation bass playing. God bless.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Seth yeah man I feel ya for sure… I appreciate hearing that…

  41. Romel Castro Avatar
    Romel Castro


    These videos are really very helpful. These are what I have been looking for!!!! Very very useful. Keep on coming brother!

  42. Ben Moloney Avatar
    Ben Moloney

    Nice and explained very well.

  43. Darryl Avatar

    Amen Alex, Great video keep up the good work. By the way the choice of songs was on point. Thanks

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi Darryl – nice to hear that – I know for sure some folks would get weirded out by Spain but I am glad to hear you were diggin it!

  44. Carlton Evans Avatar
    Carlton Evans

    I love the video’s, they have really help me a lot, This video is the best help I ever had.

    Thanks so much

  45. Harlene Avatar

    this is good for a beginner to understand where the note are on the neck and to sound like you know what you are doing in a set.

  46. Julian Bardi Avatar
    Julian Bardi

    Nice video – It’s nice to see someone who understands that, besides rudimentary practice skills, it’s also important for beginners to have fun playing and not just the root and 5th.

  47. David Borzoni Avatar
    David Borzoni

    If I weren’t unemployed and living on the stipents of, I’d buy your lessons in a heartbeat!

  48. Lenny Avatar

    AMEN !! Now dude, Now where talking , I’ve been beating myself up recently, after spending several hundred pounds worth of your revolutionary literature.
    Cd’s, books,downloads and backing track subscription, but with time being my issue as I work two jobs, I’m not getting anywhere fast and have really struggled .
    However you have rekindled my hope , AWESOME !!!!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Lenny well big props to you for being a avid supporter thanks but if time is a thing for you I understand and that’s what this is all about to… Hopefully soon you’ll have more time to dig into all our other stuff you bought πŸ™‚
      By the way do I even have hundreds of pounds worth of products πŸ™‚ LOL

  49. Ivens Guido Avatar
    Ivens Guido

    I like it, really good lesson.

  50. Tim Avatar

    Yeah …. keep it Alex ….. that helps with min / Maj /dom 7 patterns
    I know root notes for cords but patterns for the cord were kinda confusing before.
    I am not trying to become a pro, just play nice for church worship team.
    Thanks Alex
    And Amen

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      haha thanks for the Amen πŸ™‚

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