Video 3 – Constructing Great Sounding Basslines

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #3 – How to Create Great-Sounding
Original Bass Lines the S.B.P.S. Way![/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,141 responses to “Video 3 – Constructing Great Sounding Basslines”

  1. Gary Avatar

    Aman Alex a!man love the videos, the lesson and eveything about it, keep up the good work and keep them coming..thank you

  2. Kelvin Avatar

    Thanks Alex, as always very helpful, clear and concise, luv u bro

  3. Gil Satre Avatar
    Gil Satre

    Amen, I loved it!

  4. Michael Wilks Avatar
    Michael Wilks

    Sick Alex! Can’t wait for the next video.

  5. Elise Avatar

    Yeah… The video was good and informative. I took how to form major/minor lines. Is that what you are going for?

  6. Roger Avatar

    Hi Alex.
    Still at it and getting better, I play 30 minutes per day.
    Many thanks.

  7. Curtiss Avatar

    Amen, Bro! Thanks again for the video. I think it will definitely help with the construction of new bass lines.

  8. Bill Ringer Avatar
    Bill Ringer

    Alex, You are Amazing. I hope to do much more with your videos. Thank You, Bill

  9. Bruce Avatar

    Amen πŸ™‚

  10. Howard Jones Avatar
    Howard Jones



    ALEX,S i like your program,you take time and explain and show how the bass is suppose to be play for a begginner like me,i believe i could learn how to play the bass.

  12. David Avatar

    Thanks Alex, your video help me a lot. you are doing great for us beginners bass player out here. Thanks a lot!

  13. David Avatar

    Thanks! you are a great American Alex.

  14. David Avatar


  15. Dana Avatar

    Amen, Amen,Amen Alex.
    I don’t need to learn every chord in the book to attempt to follow a song. Excellent, you said you would make it simple and you did what you said. I was skeptical,and don’t believe everything I see on the net. I can trust you. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
    Your worst student,

  16. charles davis Avatar
    charles davis

    Thanks Alex: for the step-by step learning even for the beginners, like me. I am able to play most of all your videos. but not at the speed yet. soon I’ll get there. Amen. to you and your videos.
    Thanks again.

  17. David Avatar

    Amen Alex! You are on the right track.

  18. danny Avatar

    Alex this really is a cutting edge approach to learning to play the bass guitar! I think you’ve developed a system of teaching that will get you groov’n in the least amount of time. Cant wait for further lessons using your ‘sbps” technique…KEEP DOIN WHAT CHA DOIN!!!!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Danny thanks – Glad to know you see the power of it all. We really are seeing phenomenal results with folks using this system.

  19. Rodney Smith Avatar
    Rodney Smith

    fantastic tutorial..

  20. zen Avatar

    Sick Alex! Can’t wait for the next video.

  21. Bill McGowan Avatar
    Bill McGowan


  22. charles davis Avatar
    charles davis

    Thanks Alex.
    Keep it coming, keep up the good work.

  23. NaveenJH Avatar

    Alex,Good stuff.

  24. NaveenJH Avatar

    alex goodstuff thanx.

  25. Tony Wyche Avatar
    Tony Wyche

    Thanks Alex for the time you take in producing these videos. They are very inspiring and very motivational. It’s causes me to find more time to meditate on what you are teaching and makes bass playing a lot more fun. Pls keep up the good work!

  26. Troy reddick Avatar

    Awesome thank for the information looking forward to next video

  27. Rev. john marker Avatar
    Rev. john marker

    great lesson, awesome sound, i could follow the lesson structure with ease which is great as I have not picked up the Bass for about 25 years. What else can I say…….Brilliant!

    many thanks

  28. Sid Avatar

    If I was local (or loaded) I think i’d be paying you for lessons. You’ve shown me useful tips and trips that i can really use. Thank you once again .. please keep posting those freebie lessons !!!!!!!

  29. waleed Avatar

    Thanks Alex,That was helpful
    God bless bro.

  30. Bradly Avatar

    Amen! Super concise! Love the videos! Can already feel the improvement! Thanks, Alex πŸ™‚

  31. arnoud Avatar

    this is sick, this is dope.!!!
    can’t wait for the next video.

  32. Rodney Avatar

    Alex Thank you this one moves slow enough for me I am 47 and always wanted to learn and this slow pace works well I just want to make music

  33. doctorwhitlock Avatar

    Good video lesson. Now I think I understand why I see guys moving up and down the E string instead of working more towards the head and staying in the box.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Doc, bear in mind I’ve only showed you one of many patterns so far, but yes you can use these to move around the neck horizontally but there are many others that keep you in one position which totally have benefits in itself. Cheers

  34. terry whitmore Avatar
    terry whitmore

    amen your great please send me more

  35. le roux Avatar
    le roux


  36. Dan Avatar

    Good Job…..This helps me with my Guitar lessons…..

  37. Dan Avatar

    Very GOOD Lesson….Thanks

  38. Nicole Avatar

    Thanks! Awesome tips!

  39. James Avatar

    I was stuck until I saw this video, thank you for the knowledge, looking forward to the next video!

  40. Steve S Avatar
    Steve S

    awesome video great tips can’t wait for another video!!!

  41. al thomas Avatar
    al thomas

    AMEN Alex, you are one bad boy. I think I’m going to learn a lot from you.

  42. Dannie Hayes Avatar
    Dannie Hayes

    This video is the bomb…Thank u,,,For your sacrifice and of your time and effort .

  43. David Condo Avatar
    David Condo

    AMEN Alex…hahahaha. No, to be serious for a minute…you actually opened up my ears and my mind to music. I love your system. I am really glad that I stumbled upon your website and I can’t wait for more lessons. Thanks again Alex!!!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Awesomeness! πŸ˜‰

  44. Luis Avatar

    It was good!

  45. Tom W Avatar
    Tom W

    Amen Alex. Great video. I’ve been playing for a while, but always looking for a different viewpoint. Wish I’d found you when I first started out. Would have shortcut a lot of things that took longer to learn another way. I’ll be watching for the next one. Thanks.

  46. wayne Avatar

    Amen this is it …great stuff Alex. i just have to practice , but keep it coming

  47. Gerald Irwin Avatar
    Gerald Irwin

    Great stuff; but I will need to watch it a few more times. This may be all I want from my bass guitar.

  48. james Avatar

    I understand what your doing with patt. 1 and 2. But in the BB King song when your in patt. 1, in the B minor you hammer on and pull off into the major note, from d to d# to d. what gives? Dont get me wrong, it sounds great what you are doing, i just dont know why when you said patt. 1 for minor and patt. 2 for major…..Love all the bluesy/funk stuff you do, wish i could play like that

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      πŸ™‚ it’s the same pattern just re-arranged. If you don’t already have this trust me you should πŸ™‚
      Best Regards

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