Video 3 – Constructing Great Sounding Basslines

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #3 – How to Create Great-Sounding
Original Bass Lines the S.B.P.S. Way![/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,141 responses to “Video 3 – Constructing Great Sounding Basslines”

  1. Lannie Avatar

    Been playing @ playing bass for a while but didn’t know how. Good theching,


  2. Will Avatar

    Amazing Alex,
    Pop over to UK, you can stay at mine whilst you visit London and give me a few tips when your here. I’ll tour-guide you, you help my playing, everyone is a winner.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      haha – thanks for the invite William! If ever I’m hopping across the pond I’ll drop you an email 😉

  3. John Hammond Avatar
    John Hammond

    Hey Hey.. I think i seen the light… im applying this lesson and i t works… cool..thanks..

  4. Craig Avatar


  5. T Ruff Avatar
    T Ruff

    I Like it man I got to put more time in one of these day. You good man keep up the good work

  6. Rob Avatar

    Each video gets better! That is a great approach to some good chord progressions that I need to be learning more! Thanks and i look forward to the next videos!


    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Rob, thanks for the kind words bruh!

  7. Lannie Avatar

    AMEN!!!!!!!! As I heard Someone else say ______________ THAT’s good Stuff.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      lol thanks

  8. joey Avatar

    Nice one dude … can’t wait for the lesson on how to embellish the major and minor chords

    Thanks Alex ..

  9. John Carter Avatar
    John Carter

    I am an old geezer presently teaching English in China. Will be here for a year and, what the hell, decided to learn the bass. Have some musical background and a pretty good ear. Am able to hear but have no idea how to play good bass lines. Don’t have much interest in modern stuff but would like to be able to do jazz standards. What I’ve seen so far seems excellent.

    My question: Do you ship to China? Also, is much of this available (if I pay for it) online? Let me know.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hiya John, glad to hear you’re diggin the stuff and yes to both questions… we do ship to China and yes you can access all the video etc online.

  10. Rodger Broyles Avatar
    Rodger Broyles

    great stuff!!! your a great bass player,love the sound of your bass. thanks

  11. Ed Avatar

    Amen Alex. Sweet! Good value for time:) Keep it going.

  12. anthony zito Avatar
    anthony zito

    i loved it, thank you

  13. ed Avatar

    Very clear, very easy looking, Im sold. Good job, yea and Amen *.*

  14. anthony zito Avatar
    anthony zito

    HI Alex, I really like what you are teaching me here and I am looking forward to getting more from you.
    When do I get my next lesson.
    I appreciate the knowledge you are give me.

  15. Jan Avatar

    Thanks Alex! and Amen!! i do appreciate enthusiasm. The lesson was not tedious and hard to follow. Although I think the head of the second song is out of my league at least for now. 🙂

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi Jan, lol thanks for the kind words – Yeah i was just fooling around with the head of ‘Spain’ – no need to worry about that (yet!) 🙂

  16. Irish Avatar

    Hey Alex:

    I have stopped receiving the free lessons after lesson three. They are really great can you get me the rest of them?


  17. scott petty Avatar
    scott petty

    thanks alex , scott from brisbane, i like your style, funk is our freind, you,re a good realistic teacher.long live james jamerson.

  18. ian Avatar

    Cheers Alex,
    thank you for the strait-forward approach.
    I will be looking forward to more lessons and would like regular instruction.


  19. will baker Avatar
    will baker

    AAAAmen !! thanks !!

  20. Nayara Avatar

    Great job. Thank you so much! 🙂

  21. 4 string Avatar
    4 string

    thank you, gonna try it tonight at the jam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. 4 string Avatar
    4 string


  23. Glenn Avatar

    Amen……good job ….I got your SBPS and I’m waiting for workbook…..I’m in Canada so it’ll take a while…..I’m 59 and just learning bass….but I love it!!! Thanks for your help….Glenn

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Glenn, great to hear! Nice to have you bro. 🙂

  24. Kyle Avatar

    This video really cut to the matter of an issue I had not realized. I know a good bit of bass theory, but have only been really playing inside 1 octave. The way that you apply a bass line above 1 octave AND construct the same bassline around each chord change is really teaching me things in a new way.

  25. 4 string Avatar
    4 string

    took this line to the jam on friday night, WORKED OUT GREAT thanks

  26. Paco Avatar

    Great lesson. Thank you very much Alex

  27. Robert Davies Avatar
    Robert Davies

    Awesome video!!!!!!!!!!! Great lesson!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Thanks bro… Glad you liked it

  28. Elizabeth Avatar

    Hi Alex loved the lesson gonna try this with some of the songs we jam. I know I promised not worry about the theory. But I cant help trying to figure out if this is some kind of arpeggio.

    Thanks Elizabeth

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Yes Elizabeth it is.

  29. C.Todd Avatar

    YOU ARE THE MAN!!!!!!


    1. alexsampson Avatar

      🙂 – Thanks bro!

  30. jakie wilson Avatar

    Im on top of it ALEX!!

  31. jay Avatar

    nice n easy, like, need more

  32. smitty Avatar

    thank you sir. glad you teach at my level. keep it simple and I’ll keep learning

  33. Larry Avatar

    Thanks for the lessons.Will have plenty of good stuff to work on this weekend. WOW

  34. Daniel Avatar

    I am learning from your videos and I am extremely thankful. God bless

  35. Greg Avatar

    Amen to Alex
    Yes You Are Doing A Great job
    How refreshing to find someone putting it out there way beyond the box thing
    demystifying it all whilst insisting it must befun
    Encouraging enjoyment
    Rock on Alex
    You are way Cool OK

  36. Prince Avatar

    Amen, this has truly been amazing and a blessing in helping me play a whole lot better. You really simplify playing the bass, and it has made a major difference in my playing. I recently started playing for the church again, and the your lessons have made my playing phenomenal unjust q couple of days and it’s noticeable. Thank you so much for your time and thoughtfulness.

  37. Rick Brown Avatar
    Rick Brown

    This was the most helpful video, so simple you can start playing to your favorite music and begin to fill in. Thank!

  38. william Avatar

    Amen! You are God sent. Your teaching methods are fabulous. Keep up the good work.

  39. Rodney Curry Avatar
    Rodney Curry


    So far I’m digging what I’m seeing. Your camera angles are wonderful, after all, if I’m going to take a ‘video course,’ I need to be able to see what I’m taking. I’ve watched so many youtube video covers where It’s impossible to see what the artists are doing. This lesson was easy to follow and yes you got me excited about your course. I am a beginner and am trying to find my style or any style for that matter; after watching ur video, I see something emerging for me and it’s exciting. So you’ve got an AMEN in Houston.


    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Awesome Rodney! Glad to hear you’re digging it and glad to see you picked up the full course! 🙂

  40. Craig Muir Avatar
    Craig Muir

    Thanks Alex,
    I am new to the bass guitar. Your lessons are helping me a lot.


    Keep up the great work.


  41. Bright Avatar

    For the first time in my effort to learn music I have come across a simple but effective teacher.
    Thanks for the lessons God continue to bless you so we can become great players through you.

  42. jeffC Avatar

    Amen 🙂 Just getting back to playing bass after a 30 year break.
    Went to another other site first where they were just playing every variation of scale you could imagine. This approach form Alex is much simpler and direct and is closer to how I played back 30 years ago. Great now that someone (Tim Berners Lee) invented the web and that Alex has put these lessons on. Wish I had this 30 years ago.

  43. James McCauley Avatar
    James McCauley

    Amen, Alex! Thanks for the patterns on the major and minor chords. Very useful!

  44. Jim Diaz- Romero Avatar
    Jim Diaz- Romero


  45. john Avatar

    Hey Great stuff! Just wish you had a legend for your tab symbols for us really green guys. I looked online but you have a few symbols I’m unsure of. Besides that I’m really stoked!

  46. Chuck Avatar

    No theory expressed, but man I learned a lot! You really have simplified this and have made my learning so much faster. I work with a guy who has been playing guitar for 30 years. I was telling him where I was at with you videos, and he was genuinely impressed. Thanks!

  47. waltercarr Avatar

    very helpful thanks

  48. ronnie Avatar

    this is good imfo thanks

  49. Edward D Szczepanski Avatar
    Edward D Szczepanski

    Great lesson

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