Video 3 – Constructing Great Sounding Basslines

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #3 – How to Create Great-Sounding
Original Bass Lines the S.B.P.S. Way![/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,141 responses to “Video 3 – Constructing Great Sounding Basslines”

  1. ryan Avatar

    hey great lesson! this is the stuff I need to learn. thanks

  2. Monroe Avatar

    You share the skills we need and more importantly a reason for me to play the bass. I finally found a good Bass instructor!
    Thanks Alex

  3. bernard Avatar

    You have an Amen

  4. atul Avatar

    Hello from India 🙂
    Really awesome….I got a really good idea of western bass playing style….. thanks for your effort and time 🙂

  5. John Emerson Avatar
    John Emerson

    Alex, You have my undivided attention. I love your technique and the way you instruct, you make me want to learn more and I do. How do I get your system?? How do I get more instruction time?? John

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi John, glad to hear that you’re diggin what we’re doing 🙂 You can pick up a copy of the Simple Bass Playing System here: – Will keep an eye out for ya. Trust me you’ll love it. Blessings

  6. shaun Avatar

    great stuff, do your cds take this concept further for people who are not beginners.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi Shaun, thanks for the comment – And yessiree – this is just the tip of the iceberg 😉 (It’s not CDs though) – check for the full deal.

  7. Marquel Avatar

    Still loving the things you’re showing me, keep up the good work.

  8. George Mandalou Avatar
    George Mandalou

    Amen! Great job Alex

  9. Chris Avatar

    You are da bomb! I have always heard these shapes but never quite understood them until now. I feel that in three lessons I am a thousand times better than a few days ago. Thanks and amen bro’!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi Chris, hahaha thanks and glad to hear it! that’s why we call it the ‘Bass Ignition’ crash course… Next step ‘Simple Bass Playing System’ 😉 Peace and blessings!

  10. Len Avatar

    I just bought my grand daughter her first bass guitar and Amen this lesson will be used for her to get started.

  11. patrick bellinger Avatar

    very good .A lot of Info.can’t wate to try it out

  12. Jonathon Avatar

    these few tips and patterns made playing and practicing twice as fun and more productive than almost a year of fooling around did!

    1. alexsampson Avatar


  13. daniel Avatar

    Super cool. I can already play a bunch of songs using those two patterns.

  14. Francis Asare Avatar

    Alex, I’m so grateful at last I found someone who can identify my needs, This is incredible and just what I need after all these years of wondering, just came across the net looking for something to lift my uninviting bass lines to a level I can be really proud of. Please let me know how I’m going to get all these in full and more. Note!!! I prefer the crush ones more than anything but it is hard to learn from the net all the time when you do experience difficulties sometimes. I’m new to your website, so I am ignorant on how things are done on your site. please fill me with all the details. Thank you and God bless.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi Francis, wow glad to hear you’re feeling what we’re doing my friend… If you’re wanting to fully explore my whole concept of “conversational musicality” in a very through and step by step way you gotta check this out:

      Peace and blessings bruh!

  15. Gary Duvall Avatar

    Alex I play mustily Gospel stuff and because of my like formal training I get a bit lose some times but with a little bit more of this teaching on cord patterns I just may surprise myself .good stuff !

  16. Bob Avatar

    Great work simplifying things down
    I am off to buy a bass guitar, woohoo

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      haha that’s funny… but very cool to hear!

  17. Arnell Avatar

    aman this is a big help to me thank you.

  18. Tony Avatar

    Well done Alex, very good way of teaching patterns. Keep them coming………

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      why thank you Sir 🙂

  19. Rodney Mercer Avatar
    Rodney Mercer

    LOL… Amen Amen… Good Job…

  20. Benjamin Avatar

    This is worth the $$$X10. Thank you. My dream is play music with both my sons who are both professional musicians. I stopped laying the trumpet many years ago. I started playing the bass but could hear the patterns clearly enough to master the instrument. Now I am on my way.
    Thanks so much!!!

  21. Tom Avatar

    AMEN ALEX! Great video,sure helped this beginner start to understand just exactly what and how bass lines begin to work. Looking for more instructions, best teaching demo Ive seen.

  22. ron Avatar

    Hey Alex: great teacher I know the different modes on the bass but you show what to do with them and how to apply to song. All I was taught was know the modes and the melody will come , thanks again Alex:

  23. Manny Avatar

    Amen Alex! The lesson is super fantastic!!

  24. Mike Ornelas Avatar
    Mike Ornelas

    Hey Alex, I learned to play bass when I was 15, but I never really got lessons to go deeper than just playing one note chords. Great stuff, man, really appreciate it.

  25. David Avatar

    Amen and thank you so much. Not only myself but also my son have enjoyed your instruction. Your a great teacher. We both look forward everyday, to seeing your new videos.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey David, nice to hear – thanks for the support!

  26. Dan Avatar

    Hi Alex, Really enjoying the Videos, learning lots quickly and easily, taking 1 step at a time.

  27. T Pixidust Avatar
    T Pixidust

    I learned in the first 10 minutes of this lesson something about chord construction and how to integrate notes into a riff from just knowing the chords. Even though completely ignorant about how I may personally make music happen, I’ve always wondered about the subject explained in this lesson, yet never knew quite where to look for the information. Thanks.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Great to hear – and this video is just the tip of the iceberg 😉

  28. Arnell Avatar

    alex you are a very good teacher, I enjoy watching and learning from you thank you.

  29. Kevin Barber Avatar
    Kevin Barber

    AMEN!!!!!! Alex, I have to tell you that I’m not sure why you would EVER have a question about your ability and not have confidence in what you are doing. You are an AMAZING bass player and you teach so well. I can learn more from you in a few minutes than I ever have from (so-called) teachers. I have a lot of your stuff and continue to learn more and more from your videos.

    Thanks for the GREAT stuff.

  30. hugh Avatar

    alex dude that was off the chain.i learnt much and thank you 4 your time and effot.keep up the good work.

  31. kim hales Avatar
    kim hales

    very helpful. Amen!

  32. Charles Avatar

    Great Info!! Amen

  33. gerald rae Avatar
    gerald rae


  34. Jim Avatar


  35. Bruce Avatar

    WOW this stuff is awesome…AMEN!
    I am a brand new bass student. I’ve played guitar for some time and I really like the blues and jazz. This lesson was bang on.

    Thanks Alex

  36. Shirley Avatar

    Hi Alex,
    You have given me new hope. Your instruction is awesome and very clear. Now I look forward to learning and playing more…just have to correct a few bad mistakes. Thanks for the course.

  37. joe Avatar

    Great stuff!

    Looking forward to the webinar, haven’t received the email yet

  38. Jaimes Higginson Avatar
    Jaimes Higginson

    AMEN, Alex,
    you have serious skill and a love for the music, I wouldn’t expect you to have any confidence issues with that much love to spread around.
    This video has boosted my song writing skills by double, ‘cos now I can write in the base lines as well.
    Before, I only knew the root notes from the open string to about the fifth or maybe the seventh fret and didn’t have any sort of confidence to apply artistry to base ‘cos I never thought people actually did that. I always thought guitarists were the flashy ones.

  39. Dung Truong Avatar
    Dung Truong

    Thank you very much!

  40. Adrian p Avatar
    Adrian p


  41. eugene Avatar

    thanks alex another great lesson!

  42. Sam Avatar

    Amen brother , I like the way you go about this. listening to you isn’t boring like others ive dealt with . you make it fun again for me I was getting a little burnt out and in these 3 videos im back in the mood to learn and be better . I look forward to getting your program in the not to distant future .

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Sam that’s awesome news! Glad to know the fire is light again. Will keep an eye out for you going our group soon! Peace and groove.

  43. Sylvester Burel Avatar
    Sylvester Burel

    Very well done Alex. I have been playing by ear for a long time, but I seem to be stuck right now and I am looking more into theory to get moving again. Your instruction is clear and on point and very well articulated. You’re doing a great job and you probably have a bright future ahead of you in music, if that is the path you choose. Good luck to, and keep up the teachings.

  44. George Ryder Avatar
    George Ryder

    Great lesson

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      thanks George!

  45. Tom Avatar

    Love the videos. Only problem I have is that I am a beginner (2 weeks) and I’m still trying to get my
    fingers to hit the correct notes (they don’t stretch far enough).
    Is it normal for your fingertips to go numb from a lot of practicing?

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi Tom nice to have you around – Yes it is totally normal, soon enough you’ll build up some calluses on your fingers and some flexibility too. Keep working with the 2nd lesson I sent you (video 2)

  46. Micheal Avatar

    I am enjoying this i use to play about 15yrs ago gave it up start playing the drums but after seeing ur video i want to start playing all over again. Thank U.

  47. shiran Avatar


  48. Chae Avatar


  49. Reggie Avatar

    And let the church say AMEN! Thanks for the lesson.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      hahah – thanks!

  50. Will Avatar

    Another great vid.
    I want to buy a course from you Alex. Do you sell one?

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi William, thanks for the kind words… Yes I do have a unique system for teaching bass that is centered around these concepts… See it here

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