Video 3 – Constructing Great Sounding Basslines

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #3 – How to Create Great-Sounding
Original Bass Lines the S.B.P.S. Way![/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,141 responses to “Video 3 – Constructing Great Sounding Basslines”

  1. Warren Westfall Avatar
    Warren Westfall

    Love the vid, lots of good simple techniques that I can use.

  2. Frazier itsonw Avatar
    Frazier itsonw

    I am a teacher myself l teach power. Equipment. Systems at a tech school. I’ve taught for thirty five. Years now. I play bass in church I. Been told I have passion when play. Music is passion so is teaching. I see alot passion in your teaching and playing not everyone has that gift . So keep on giving, be blessed. Frazier

  3. Reggie Dennie Avatar
    Reggie Dennie

    You get a Aman from me!!!

  4. curt knott Avatar
    curt knott

    Amen ! The thrill is back!

  5. toots Avatar

    chur bro ,system helping out heaps,love it AMEN!

  6. Christopher Walther Avatar
    Christopher Walther

    Great stuff Alex! Thanks for the simple, effective lesson on creating a groove.

  7. Ricardo Brown Avatar
    Ricardo Brown

    Hi Alex:
    I realy enjoyed this segment of your Simple Bass Playing. Great stuff. “So be it”.

  8. Shaun Avatar

    Hi Alex, had this sitting in my in box WAAAAAYY too long before I opened it. Inspired me to get into it.

  9. Barry Lewis Avatar
    Barry Lewis

    Nice job Alex.
    My daughter is taking lessons and your talk about roots is right on. Must know the base root notes to move forward in this basic lesson. I hate it when people start talking Pentatonic and etc .
    No sense in doing that until you get his down. Brave

  10. Thomas Kenny Avatar
    Thomas Kenny

    That was excellent. It helped me understand different formations of rock based patterns. Very cool. I appreciate the first three videos a whole lot.

  11. David Avatar

    Thanks Alex,
    I think I’m starting to see the light ! Amen…
    Can it really be as simple as this ? It would appear to be.

    May the groove be with you.


  12. kofi attah Avatar
    kofi attah

    Alex, you are God’s sent to help people like me. I am praise and worship leader in my church and i love singing and i’ll like to play bass as well but it was difficult for me at first but after watching your video i’m convinced with you i am a bass guitarist. May the good Lord reward you for your kindness and love. looking forward for your next video.

    May God bless you and make you a blessing. May you be in good health and may all your needs be met in Jesus name amen.

  13. Morag Lorigan Avatar
    Morag Lorigan

    Thanks for your dedication and enthusiasm. You are sending positive ripples out into the world and making a difference for good in so many peoples lives. Amen!!!!!

  14. Geoffrey Dauberman Avatar

    Wohh just what I was looking for, appreciate it for posting.

  15. Douglas Kelly Avatar

    Amen! These are helpful licks for all bass players.
    Thanks Alex

  16. John Avatar

    Very, Very, Extroardinarily Good Alex! This is the easiest tutorial I have seen to date, for a beginner to play some real melodic Bass grooves…. thank you very much…YOU DA MAN, BRO!

  17. Herbie Watson Avatar
    Herbie Watson

    Alex: I’m trying to send a comment at the end of each video, because you have truly been a blessing to me and my bass playing growth. Much Love!!! Herbie Watson

  18. Herbie Watson Avatar
    Herbie Watson

    Alex: Herbie Watson again!:) THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!:):):)

  19. Dennis Avatar

    Your stuff is so simple and amazing!
    Thanks For your time.
    God bless

  20. Kris Avatar

    great new pattern. I will definately use this in my church band. Thanks!!!!

  21. karl Avatar

    I’m just starting out, yes I like this video and it has help thanks

  22. bassguit Avatar

    hay!i have bin playin bass for 6yrs and this rely helps me go back to the” good simple bass licks”thanks man.

  23. James Avatar

    I love this type of stuff. When is your next video coming out?


  24. Rob Avatar

    The video showing how to use the two patterns and begin to articulate around them was very helpful. I have been playing for a long time but to break this down to its basic structure is a very easy to understand where I’m going way to teach bass lines. I would like to continue learning the patterns and how to put them together.

    Thanks Alex

  25. martin st rose Avatar

    Amen my brother in christ this is good stuff I like the practice
    simple but very deep thanks my brother for your love.

  26. John Williams Avatar
    John Williams

    Amen brother! That was straight. I really enjoyed it.

    Be Blessed and keep up the GREAT work !

  27. Andrew Dinh Avatar
    Andrew Dinh

    This is what I ‘ m looking for a quick start .
    Thanks Alex

  28. Richard Brown Avatar
    Richard Brown

    What’s up Alex, enjoying your video’s and like to purchase some if you have some available. Back doing Church playing and your vedio’s is helping out greatly. Whatever you have i can use i can promise you that.

  29. Charlie Avatar

    I love it man. Thats what I need more of, how to applied what I learn. I ve been looking for this for years, Excellent !!!

  30. Ken Johnson Avatar
    Ken Johnson

    very nice, I’m excited

  31. Ronald R. Brooks Sr. Avatar
    Ronald R. Brooks Sr.

    ain’t nothin but a G thing

  32. julius D. Avatar

    Thanks again Alex, once again you are the man….for very needed information I can use……:)
    I know I am a little late in responding but I appreciate the passion you have for teaching me this stuff 🙂 That at one time I almost stop trying to learn but you’ve once again giving me hope to press on……… Thanks and let your wife know we thank her also for letting you out to do this for us! Hope the baby is fine.. Be blessed!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Julius, thanks a lot for the consideration man.. I’ll pass on your message to my wife fo’ real! lol and baby is doing great.

  33. juno Avatar

    That was some great stuff right there !!!…

  34. Johnnie Horne Avatar
    Johnnie Horne

    Hey that was great, Amen…keep up the good work and tremedous rncouragement. Praise God

  35. HS Chan Avatar
    HS Chan

    Thank you, Alex

  36. Renee Avatar

    I can see this comin together for me great stuff

  37. Renee Avatar

    I can see this comin together for me great stuff

  38. cedric Avatar

    Hey alex i haven’t heard from you in a while now, and yes your bass instruction are very helpful to me. if you have any bass package that i can purchase hit me up on my email. im pretty much a self taught bass player and im diggin your bass methods, holla by at me.

  39. Mack Avatar

    Hey Alex I just found your email by mistake.I never open it until 5-1-12. It was cool…. AMEN AMEN AMEN………….Keep it going..Mack

  40. colin Avatar

    Hey Alex cool man ta 🙂 col

  41. Ralph Avatar

    Amen! I played the bass guitar in my younger days and layed it down for 40 years. Now I started to get the itch back about 10 months ago I got a band started. With your methods its going to help me a hole lot to change my style on playing. Keep the great video coming. Thank yo

  42. ken Avatar

    great stuff just keep doing what your doing

  43. dbenton Avatar

    That was pretty cool,dude. There’s a lot of songs out there though with different rhythms and a lot of genres

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi thanks for the feedback and you’re right there are a lot of styles… That’s why the methods I use teach people not just to copy a specific “rhythm” but to learn HOW TO IDENTIFY CATCHY PULSES in any music they listen to… So no matter what genre of music you like you’ll learn the skill of coming up with suitable rhythmic patterns yourself. Peace.

  44. Kingsley Avatar

    Nice one Alex,” you da man!” I also love that Chick Corea track, so you have to show us the intro step by step. Seriously though, I appreciate anything that you show us and the time that you have taken to put it out there! Cheers!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      haha you diggin on the intro to Spain? Ok nice – Maybe I should do a break down 😉

  45. Manuel Avatar

    Alex, great stuff! Example #4 is what I aspire to groove to in a month (or less?).

  46. francisco batista Dominicci Avatar
    francisco batista Dominicci

    I like the bass line your are teaching. Soon I’ll be buying your advance bass playing CD.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Great – we’d be glad to have you!

  47. Theo Avatar

    I tried taking bass music lessons five years ago and it did not help. The instructor spent too much time on theory and I just could not get excited and lost interest. I like the way you teach in breaking it down that helps develop self-confidence and skills.

  48. jason Avatar

    More…More…More… I like it.

  49. Ash South Africa Avatar
    Ash South Africa

    Hi Alex this is a great lesson, I’m starting to play Jazz standards and it will allow me to play over the chord types much easier. At least I will look like I know what I’m doing and not feel lost by only playing root and fifth all the time.

  50. rob graham Avatar
    rob graham

    Good lesson. short relatively simple and motivating. I must say I like this method.

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