Video 3 – Constructing Great Sounding Basslines

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #3 – How to Create Great-Sounding
Original Bass Lines the S.B.P.S. Way![/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,141 responses to “Video 3 – Constructing Great Sounding Basslines”

  1. James A Smith Avatar

    Alex, great stuff…way to simplify. I appreciate how you put your heart into all your teachings, and the fact that your really do care always shines through.

    Continue to be blessed and being a blessing to others…We/I appreciate you!

  2. Jeffrey Avatar

    Good job as usual Alex..I am interested.

  3. AJ Avatar

    Awesome concept!!!! Expand with more examples include slow style

  4. Worshipdrummer Avatar

    Thanks for sharing the patterns they really helped give me somewhere to start as I am studying the minor pentatonic and blues scales and trying to play more than just root notes now. Really good.

  5. Don Ansohn Avatar
    Don Ansohn

    Alex, your video is cutting off on me. The lessons you taught on positioning of the hands is great. Something I have overlooked. I have just recently taken the place of the bass player in our church
    who was injured in motorcyle accident. Most of the songs I don’t know but they supply me with
    the tabs. It’s quite a difference than country and western gospel. Alex, keep up the short lessons.

    Bless you,Don

  6. Al Martin Avatar
    Al Martin

    Alex, you r the best, keep the good stuff coming! I’m new but you are making me look good!!!

  7. John Avatar


    That was awesome. Another “pattern” to work with. I have a few of my own, but I will definitely add this one. I’d love to have at least 50 more. God bless!

  8. Bryn Avatar

    Hey Alex these videos are great to watch and pick up some cool tips cant wait to apply them and surprise my mates in the worship team.

    A big AMEN and keep Preaching it Brother


  9. joe bass Avatar

    you are totally awesome brother thank you so much,i,m thankful for your time and secrets you share,i will try to help others with yor help. bless you

  10. D.Fox Avatar

    LOVE it! Thx

  11. Danny Duhon Avatar
    Danny Duhon

    simply freakin awesome….AMEN

  12. John Lahey Avatar
    John Lahey

    I’ve been a subscriber of his video’s for some time and I can tell you from experience that this is a man who is driven to be the best at what he does!!! He is constantly evolving his teaching’s because he actually reads his feedback…You will NOT get this type of relationship any where on the planet.
    Modes ,scales and such are important but expression is a different story.
    This teaches anyone how to play with incredible confidence and feel. Pretty soon you will feel the pulse and be able to plug in your own groove…I hope this is a prelude to a more extended video.

    Stick with Alex and he will teach you to become the bass player you never imagined you could be!!!!!!

    God Bless You Alex

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      John personal thank you for those very kind words… I am very happy to help and because I love what i do I think it shows in the effort I’d put in. Thanks again for the shout out and have a blessed day! Alex

  13. Douglas Lee Avatar
    Douglas Lee

    Great vid. I liked the chord progressions. Keep it coming!

  14. victor Avatar

    amen. i can dig it!

  15. Haywood Avatar

    I want to say that out of all of the lessons I have taken! This was the best information I have gotten this is the way all bass lessons should be shown. Show the pattern educate the chord to use it on. And the way you broke it down. There are a lot of people who can play” but everyone can’t teach. Keep up the good work. I am def” going to sign up for this system.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi Haywood, thank you for the kind words and super glad to know you excited about SBPS… I think it really will help a lot of folks “get in the game” at a respectable level quickly. And that’s a check in the win column.

  16. Jacques Avatar

    Hey Alex these videos are great to watch and pick up some cool tips cant wait to apply them and surprise my mates in the worship team.

    A big AMEN


  17. Jeff Tolman Avatar
    Jeff Tolman

    This is very helpful! Thank you! This will help alot with my worship music at church. God bless!!

  18. Ian Avatar

    Nice. Enjoyed that. Thanks,

  19. kooo Avatar

    Well done Mr…

    Am waiting for more….and maybe a cheap cd/dvd for me alone to learn more….
    And am waiting for the easy way to learn african grooves…

    PS: do u ve an email i could send an make my own request?


  20. Tee Avatar

    Very helpful . . . Thanks!!

  21. sam Avatar

    Amen! I really dig the way you put this together. Music can get very complex very fast and I really like that you kept it simple! More videos PLEASE!!!! BTW Chick Corea is awesome!!!

  22. brian holland Avatar
    brian holland

    Took your course 2 years ago and found great value in it. I am a theory driven player only because I feel the need to understand the ” whys ” and not just the ” whats “. However its the whats that people hear. I have only reviewed a couple of your videos but really enjoy them and look forward to more

    Please update your e mail address for me and keep in touch.

    Great stuff.

    Brian Holland

  23. James Avatar


    Thanks! This is awesome! It brings everything I’ve done thus far together especially since time is an issue for me. I have already applied these techniques to tomorrows play list and it’s going to sound fantastic. Thank you for the great tips and your integritly in helping us to elevate and reach our potential as bass players.

    Thank you!


  24. Will Bartell Avatar
    Will Bartell

    Hi Alex, thank you for putting so much time and enthusiasm into this for all of us who wish we could play like you do. For me, the crux of this whole video, and the difference between simplicity and a “happening” bass line occurred after the articulation portion of The Thrill is Gone. There was a quantum leap between the articulations and the next pass where you played licks that you would actually play. You said that it was more or less the same two licks as before, but it sure didn’t sound like it to me, and I sure couldn’t follow what you were playing.
    THAT’s what I’m hoping to understand. Thanks!

  25. peter thomas Avatar
    peter thomas

    still getting free tips 3 years after buying bass guitar secrets. i now play in 2 bands but i still watch all your vids which underline and reinforce everything you taught me . thanks a million alex

  26. Tony Avatar

    Great stuff for anyone looking to improve,,, thanx again Alex for your time and dedication. God bless! Tony

  27. Tony Avatar

    You came through yet again Alex. We simply overlook things from time to time, but you always seem to be able to remind us what we need to keep progressing. Thanx again and God bless. Tony

  28. Wayne Colhoun Avatar
    Wayne Colhoun

    These are the best of the best learning videos. I have the Fretboard Formula Master Class course and the Breakthrough Bass Playing Blueprint Class also. I truly enjoy these videos that you send, please keep them coming they are fun, inspirational and easy to grasp the way you instruct them


  29. Mark Avatar

    Amen brother Alex! I’ve beeen looking for material on 3 note chord structure. As you’ve done so many times in your video lesson the simplification is much appreciated! Thanks for info!!!

  30. Randy Avatar

    Finally a teacher who gets it. Exactly what I’ve been looking for. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. 100% Props Alex! U-R-Awesome. Loven it. Thank you Alex, Amen to you..

  31. Jack Thayer Avatar
    Jack Thayer

    Amen and Amen.

    You have an amazing gift. That gift is the ability to impart your passion, enthusiasm, and bass knowlege in a way that enables a student to be inspired and not discouraged. Awesome teaching.
    Keep it up.

  32. Jeffrey Johnson Avatar
    Jeffrey Johnson

    Thanks Alex!! This is the kind of stuff I’ve been hoping for. It was easy to implement and very practical. You have a big AMEN from me!!!

  33. harriet nelson Avatar
    harriet nelson

    this is really presented in a simple way. thanks a lot…

  34. Lloyd Avatar

    Thank Man Can’t Wait for DVD

  35. Anthony Avatar

    Very good A.S. seems so easy but very hard for me, but I will never give up.

  36. Derrick Avatar


    You have a great! teaching method. I’m a self taught Bass Player you have open my eyes to a whole new way of looking at playing the bass. I have your Fretboard Formula DVD set I love it!! Thanks I’m looking forward to your up coming DVD’s and Videos

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Derrick, thanks for the support and glad to hear you’re excited about SBPS!…

  37. Francis "TnT" Avatar
    Francis “TnT”

    Alex, excellent as usual brother… I’m waiting for the lauch man ‘o’ man this will help all of us here in Trinidad.

  38. Manny Avatar

    Awesome video. I always appreciate everything that you have to say and teach. You really have a passion for teaching and it shows. Thanks for the videos…you put alot of effort into it. Keep the lessons coming

    Be blessed

  39. Adam Avatar

    I dig it!! Amen, Amen.. keep it comin..

    Loyal fan

  40. Bill Kucharski Avatar
    Bill Kucharski

    Alex, This is what I have been looking for to open up my Bass playing , Looking forward to the new system and I cant wait to get started.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Bill glad to hear it… I think you’re gonna love SBPS! Blessings

  41. jerry eaton Avatar
    jerry eaton

    Amen!!! I put my bass down 6 mths ago and after I watced this video I am going to pick itup again !! Thanks You!!!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      That’s what we like to hear! Have a blast…

  42. Andree Schulz Avatar

    thanks for the nice lessons (I just take the 2nd);
    God shall (shurly will) bless you for all (you got it!; smile) and every day!!!
    Plenty greetings,
    P.S.: Where I can get the music backing tracks (the bass less music) you use for the 2 nd lessons? Can I buy it?

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Andree, thanks for the kind words. About your question… i think you’re referring to the 3rd video not the second one and yes you can get lots high quality bass removed tracks to practice with here… Blessing bro!

  43. Ray Avatar

    Great stuf. Trying to establish flow is the hard part and you have made it simple. Hence the name 🙂

  44. Danny Avatar

    Alex it was good stuff man you deliver everytime and it inspires me to pick up my bass every second even when i’m on the job. Thank you bro

  45. Tyreef Avatar

    I Dig it.

  46. Tyreef Avatar

    Good job as usual Alex..I am interested

  47. darrell Avatar

    Hey Alex, as usual your system and concept is on point. I am that guy that has a shelf full of dvd system, books, charts, and everything else. I’m learning theory on my on, but I’m at the point of what now. And I believe your system answers all that. Everyone else tells you what to do, such as finger exercises, scales, chords, but they don’t SHOW you how to apply it and when. I am a newby, but I’m focused, but STUCK! Tab is ok, and I read it, but my ultimate goal is to play in a band, so for me, I practice reading conventional notation. I would hope that in the future you will present both tab and notation. Again this new concept is great and thank you!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Darrell yeah I feel you man… Wanting to have the freedom to play and sound good and feeling stuck can be super frustrating, but that’s what we try to help with… I do think you’ll dig the new Simple Bass Playing System so be sure to check it out… Also you mentioned having tab and standard notation… We do! The PDF download for this lesson has both and everything in SBPS has both tab and standard notation as well. Peace!

  48. bob Avatar

    amen !! like your method. ive been playing in bands for 5yrs and this is good stuff cant wait to get.. i find no time to work on methods when all ive been doing is memorizing songs for gigs.. band split up a few months ago and NOW i can concentrate on learning new stuff.

  49. Russ Avatar

    Excellent job. Loved the video. Wish I could play in a way that I could feel good about it and enjoy playing with others that are better than me.

  50. J Franklin Avatar
    J Franklin

    Amen! it is moving right along, good, concise, informational. I like your choice in music also.

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