Video 3 – Constructing Great Sounding Basslines

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #3 – How to Create Great-Sounding
Original Bass Lines the S.B.P.S. Way![/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,141 responses to “Video 3 – Constructing Great Sounding Basslines”

  1. Matt Avatar

    Awesome, Bro! God Bless you!

  2. John Avatar

    AMEN! This is just what I’m looking for. Keep up the good work and I can’t wait for your next video.

  3. Tim Avatar

    The way you explain everything works well for me,

  4. Ernesto Chambers Avatar

    I am interested in learning gospel bass guitar. How can you help me Thanks

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Ernesto check out – Cheers!

  5. Carlton Tatum Avatar
    Carlton Tatum

    Hey man Imma give you an Amen
    I have a couple of your other course
    and you have really helped me
    I know alot of chords and theory
    but to be rhythmnic was a problem
    and this is a great heads up


    very helpful. please send more.

  7. Manny Avatar

    Amen Alex! Thanks for that breakdown of your teaching style. I am getting back into praise and worship music and am rusty on my bass skills from over a decade ago. I never took lessons, and the time thing is my biggest issue right now. Looking forward to learning more.

  8. RIC BERKLEY Avatar

    Alex, I really appreciate your approach to teaching. You would call me a beginner knocking on the door of intermediate. I understand the scales of each chord, but is very very helpful seeing and hearing how to use them musically more effectively. I have been taking an approach of learning the patterns basics, then start adding embellishments, but then I try to understand the why it works. Your approach supports that…..thank you.

  9. Pete Chandler Avatar

    Amen brother!! What a a great simplifing video. I love blues and especially B.B. but the jazz example really got my attention. I just wish you could turn up the volume on the bass. It may be the IPad I’m viewing on but he was hard to hear your playing. Keep up the great work and kee the videos coming.

  10. Fredie Wilson Avatar
    Fredie Wilson

    Alex: I love the video and I FINALLY got it you made it become so clear you see I am 55 years old and I started playing late in life. Because my family all play something and can sing as well,a family that pray and play together stay together 35 years together. Hope to meet you some day and hope we can play around a little on the bass and may GOD keep on Bless you and your family.

  11. Tim Avatar

    wikid dude!!

  12. Jimmy Daniel Avatar
    Jimmy Daniel

    Thank you Alex.That a big AMAN from me.Very nice & simple, don’t worry how long the lesson was just keep them coming. Thank you God Bless

  13. thomas Avatar

    alex enjoyed the video dog hey man you are on point keep up the good work stay doing what you do

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      thanks for the props man – Peace!

  14. Mark Patterson Avatar
    Mark Patterson


    Love it never realized when I bought some of your earlier stuff that it would bring me great concepts and material for 2 yrs now. AMEN AMEN keep it coming you are a blessing to bass players everywhere.



    1. alexsampson Avatar

      That’s how we do MP… We always looking out for our own…

  15. Fred hammer Avatar
    Fred hammer

    Thankyou. That lick type learning is what I crave as I can use it well cool thankyou Fred hammer. I do have your bass secrets. But haven’t got into it yet

  16. DK Avatar

    Thanks Alex. You make understanding the bass so much simpler!!! You are definitely instilling confidence into my playing.

  17. Lyndale Stargell Avatar
    Lyndale Stargell

    Amen! Yeah I liked what you did. That’s the type of stuff I have to keep reminding myself — What’s Major and What’s Minor. I try to add flavor but I just don’t have enough in me so I appreciate the ideas you present. Keep up the good work and I look forward to the next video.

  18. pat Avatar

    I like it simple but interesting good job.

  19. keith dulley Avatar
    keith dulley

    God bless you today

  20. Mtumwa Avatar

    Great video Alex! You often make it look so easy, in this video it all comes together. Thank you for the lesson!

    Peace and Blessings,


  21. Keith Morgan Avatar
    Keith Morgan

    Fantastic! Amen Bro!

  22. barry Avatar

    good stuff

  23. Alistair Avatar

    Just brilliant! Thanks Alex :-)))

  24. Henrie Avatar

    wow that is awesome man you are making bass playing to so easy , really enjoyed it.Keep them coming bro & God bless you somuch…..

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Henrie, thanks a lot my man! Glad you appreciate the effort and got something from the video! Cheers!

  25. Cheryl Avatar


    Wow, thanks so much! Loved your song choices. Spain is a favorite of mine. You are so generous. I thank you for the Bass love!

  26. Saudi Howell Avatar
    Saudi Howell

    Your video was very easy to understand but most of all, I can apply your ideas. This video solved a problem I was having about how to apply the chords. Seeing the process helped me to understand what I need to do.
    Thank You and keep up the motivation that allows you the spread this knowledge.

  27. Tammy Avatar

    AMEN and Hallelujah 🙂

  28. Adam Avatar

    Great stuff. Brings even the intermediate or advanced player back to good basics.

  29. James Avatar

    Thank you Alex, for making it very simple to put a baseline together. I was struggling to do that until now. I would be stuck playing the chords but now with your video and making things simple to understand, I can do a bit more.

    Greatly appreciate your dedication in helping us noobies.

  30. Aandre Avatar

    This is exactly what i needed to see and hear! I’m on my way now!

  31. Dennis Avatar

    Thanks Alex, I do much appreciate one who enjoys what he does enough to share so much with others who may not be able to take lessons. Some may say your tangling a worm in front of hungry fish but I have learned so much from these FREE videos words can not tell you more than keep it up brother and again thank you.

  32. bruce burgess Avatar
    bruce burgess

    First of all I am thankful to the Lord to find you, I have been playing bass on and off for 35yrs. I’ve studied with different teachers over the years and I know they have to make a living and most of them really care about their students ,but it’s so timely and costly My I’m a good player and sometimes I lose concentrition and play (as you call it bum notes) but I believe your system can help me to get more and better gigs.Thanks Bro. Alex p.s. I know individual requests are hard for you to do, but I love the way you played Mr. Magic is the video still available? and/or the
    transcript.Again Thank you Alex. You talk about other players as beasts but don’t forget yourself!!!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Bruce, thanks so much for the wonderful and kind comment from someone playing longer than I’ve been alive… I appreciate you too bro! Wow Mr. Magic – lol I can’t even remember where that video would be it was such a long time ago but you’re not the first person to ask about it – Maybe I will do a lesson on that song (with transcripts! 🙂 Blessings!

  33. Ed Zimmerman Avatar
    Ed Zimmerman


    Alex, thank you, that totally opened up my style. Now I see what the D & G string are for.

  34. donnie wilson Avatar


  35. patrick bardouille Avatar
    patrick bardouille

    im very instrested in your videos & love listening to your bass partans

  36. Mark Mervis Avatar

    Alex. Your videos are always so helpful! As a gigging bass player I have played intuitively my entire bass playing career (playing cover tunes note for note) and now that I am playing with a band playing original tunes the ability to build grooves and lines has been illusive. This video gave me some insight into how to begin to do just that. Thanks and keep thumpin

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Mark I appreciate your comment big time man because you brought up something that folks don’t often think about…It’s two different things playing covers or parts written for you by someone else and playing stuff that you come up with. BOTH are GREAT and have their place but for sure a musician feels a sense of worth when the ideas are his and are appreciated by the band. Thanks for the support and comment!

  37. Donnie Avatar

    Amen,Amen!!,..good stuff Alex,.you da man,.I am a beginning bass player,(not new,but brand new!,)and only picked up a bass about 6 months ago,I’ve purchased some of your lessons before and found that I couldn’t follow ANY of the lessons,they were way too advanced for me as a new bassist,but I’ve learned more in these 3 tutorials than in all the lessons that I’ve taken or purchased.I’ve tried asking other advanced bassist for help,but it’s funny,but mostly all that I ask seem hesitant to give you any of their secrets to help you.I thank God for you man,because you break things down to where I,and I’m sure other new bassist,can understand it.I can’t wait for the next video,keep em coming!!!…God bless you!

  38. El train Avatar
    El train

    I just wanted to say how much I really appreciate your lessons. I would go as far as to say that your work is truly your ministry. You have the gift of teaching.Keep up the great work It’s much appreciated and needed by the groove merchant community.Be blessed.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey El train thanks a lot for that encouragement – I am grateful that you took some time to send blessing my way 🙂 Peace!

  39. Ed Swisher Avatar
    Ed Swisher

    The video is helping alot keep them coming and i might get this figured out yet THANKS

  40. Barret Chapman Avatar
    Barret Chapman

    Thanks for this dude….VERY helpful!!
    Really enjoying this series.

  41. Jeff Kinash Avatar
    Jeff Kinash

    Hey, nice video. Being a complete greenhorn with a 5 string base, I don’t know which notes to are which on my bass, but I’ll catch up:). Need to buy your tutorial some day when I can spare the cash. Keep sending me your emails in the meantime.

  42. robert dodd Avatar

    Amen Alex, I’ve been playing bass nearly all my life but you are a great teacher. You should’ve been around bout 49 years ago. LOL

  43. Fernando Avatar


    This is pretty good. I am the one who doesn’t have that time and having done most of your bass courses this is very helpful for me.It speeds up my learning.
    Thank you and keep doing a great job.


  44. Lee Herrick Avatar
    Lee Herrick

    gotta be your best video yet

  45. Torrell Avatar

    Bro. Alex, Man, Go Hed Wit Yo Bad Sef !!!!!!!!!! Bro. I love it. I love how u keep it simple, and show how tight you are at the same time. Man, I’m a bass player for my church but I need to practice songs more. I have an issue remembering songs. Keep up the good work.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      yo Torrell, thx bro! I’ma go on then! 🙂

  46. alberto Avatar

    please send me da video..thanx in advance

  47. totoy bato Avatar
    totoy bato

    As always, AWESOME video mr alex sampson. That’s a big AMEN!!! I bought your fretboard formula system a few months ago, It was a bit hard but I kept on working on the lessons in your DVDs and I was blown away by how it improved my fretboard fluency. I am now a bass player at our church and also for my friend’s band. Your system really helped me a lot thank you so much and I hope you keep doing what you do best. You are in my ONE OF THE GREATEST BASS PLAYERS OF ALL TIME list simply because of your willingness to help others learn and last but not least, you rock on the bass man. keep up the great work!!

  48. Dean Gilbert Tonkin Avatar
    Dean Gilbert Tonkin

    Thankyou. I would like you to show us kids (I’m 70) what we should with our “pitched drums” (bass guitar) to get the train rollin’ in a jam session where melody, harmony and timbre get in an exciting groove — one that’s truly original, coming to us as we create.


  49. ronnie falgout Avatar
    ronnie falgout

    Cool,thanks Alex and God bless,,,,,,Amen

  50. Barron Avatar

    AMEN! Brother this is hot man and do you get into gospel techniques?


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