Video 3 – Constructing Great Sounding Basslines

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #3 – How to Create Great-Sounding
Original Bass Lines the S.B.P.S. Way![/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,141 responses to “Video 3 – Constructing Great Sounding Basslines”

  1. Tim Avatar


    I enjoyed the lesson. The patterns were based on 12 bar blues which I enjoy.
    I liked the pattern.


  2. John M Avatar

    Alex great video.
    I am not a bass player but I am looking to get one for Christmas and I want to get started correctly in my education on playing base. I play guitar and have taken lessons but did not get to take lessons until much later in life.

    To make a long story short give me some guidance on how I should proceed. My goal is not to be just good but to be excellent in my approach to learning to play. What advice do you have for me?

    John M

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey John I think the Simple Bass Playing System will be ideal for you to start of with (shameless self promotion) and obviously spend as much time as you can with the instrument to develop your skill. Plus put an emphasis on learning to play tunes…

  3. sonny Avatar

    great,i like how u took your time to explane it..and went slow to show it

  4. Paul Hopkins Avatar
    Paul Hopkins

    Alex, this is INCREDIBLE – I got so much out of the first 10 minutes already!!! “I hope you can see my enthusiasm”, you say towards the end of the video – oh, yes…and it’s catching! Oh yeah: amen!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. juno Avatar

    THAT WAS AWESOME ALEX !!!!!………………….

  6. gary meech Avatar
    gary meech

    Hi Alex, i have been playing for more years than i care to remember but i always pick something new up from your videos. keep up the good work. gary

  7. Prince Avatar

    Amen, I’ think your on the track. it’s real cool’

  8. rajieve Avatar

    great work but could not download it. any help?

  9. joe ferrare Avatar
    joe ferrare

    great lesson. I’ve been caught up in scales and modes not really knowing how to apply them. this will definately help alot. thanks

  10. Linton Letang Avatar
    Linton Letang

    Hi Alex that’s great stuff. You’re a great teacher, wish you were more accessable. You are really helping me get a grip on this bass thing. Was lost at first but I’m really getting into it. Great stuff keep it coming.

  11. John Avatar

    Hi Alex.
    Your system looks good to me, Amen to that. I have recently started to learn to play on my P bass. I am looking forward to my new Jazz after Xmas. Great videos, keep up the good work.

  12. Alfred Avatar

    thanks Alex ! Yes Amen, i have one question about the musical notations w/tabs. the numbers in brackets how is that played? i’m trying to learn the notes using the tabs is there a short answer. again thanks AL

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Alfred the notes in brackets are “ghost notes” It’s where you don’t totally depress the string so you end up with ‘thud’ sound rather than a note with an exact pitch…

  13. Joe Bruno Avatar
    Joe Bruno

    Great lesson, making what seems difficult easily understood.

  14. lonnie Avatar

    Very good lesson. The pattern was easy to learn and with a little practicing you can find ways to improvise it.

  15. Gerardo Martinez Avatar
    Gerardo Martinez

    Am loving the things that you are showing. I am interested in getting the system so that I can learn at my pace. Because sometimes I have more time than at other times.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Gerardo thanks for your comment and glad you’re interested in checking out the simple bass playing system… Will send you guys some details soon… Peace

  16. paddy Avatar

    thanx alex i am just starting out on bass and i find this video very helpfull, i listen to all types of music.i am looking forward to more of your great videos to help me improve more.

  17. Steve Brett Avatar
    Steve Brett

    Amen! Man. Exceedingly helpful and stimulating

  18. AL Avatar

    Amen Alex, amen. I like what you’re doing, been playing 42 yrs and still learning cuz it’s contagious. Much love to you young blood.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Al, big respect bro! Thanks for the support and I intend to keep learning my entire life too! Peace and groove!

  19. Chris Avatar


    Your right on point, keep it comming. Will put those patterns to work next sunday.


  20. James Oxendine Avatar
    James Oxendine

    AMEN!! Bro that was a great video

  21. Levi Garbose Avatar
    Levi Garbose

    I’m back–inspiring video…

  22. will Avatar

    i,love what did ,show me more,i’m a big return to forever fan,[amen]i thank you keep on doing what you do,100%

  23. lewis Avatar


  24. Daryl Avatar

    Amen brotha that was cool i like the 12 bar blues pattern or any blues pattern

  25. Jamie W Avatar
    Jamie W

    Alex great lessons really enjoyed them
    And explained clearly with tabs and the exercises
    challenging but will pay off FANTASTIC

  26. E. Bernard Harrell Avatar
    E. Bernard Harrell

    Amen Alex,

    Good lesson for me, enjoyed the video, keep them coming. I’m glad you were slow and simple we could see your fingers. (u r fast)

  27. Francois Sterling Avatar

    ALEX i really like this video,i wish i would have bought the video version instead of the pc version, but thanks it helped a lot!

  28. Vanessa Avatar

    Awesome! Oops – I mean amen! ๐Ÿ˜‰ So when you say ‘major type chord’, does that mean it isn’t following the standard root/3rd/5th pattern?

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Yeah Vanessa, major does use the root/3rd/5th (if you insist on bringing up the theory) ๐Ÿ™‚ but there are many different type of major chords so for simplicity I’m just saying that this pattern can work over all of the different types of major chords.

  29. John Hooker Avatar
    John Hooker

    Thanks for your videos. I am practicing them whenever I have time.

    Could you direct me to any video that you have that indicates how to figure out the chords of a song, as mentioned in this video?

    I would appreciate any help you can give me in this regard, my own technique is pretty hit and miss.


  30. John W Avatar
    John W

    Amen. Can’t thank you enough Alex. I’ve been working through your Bass Guitar Secrets course, and have absolutely loved it, and have seen great improvement, even with the all to short time I have to practice. These videos are perfect, and I can’t thank you enough. Can’t say I’m ready to take it out on the road, but they definately wince less at church ๐Ÿ˜‰

  31. jessie Avatar

    Alex, Great Video, it gives the self taught another way to approach things.

  32. Charles Erway Avatar
    Charles Erway

    Amen! At 66 I’m pretty much getting out of the scene. Still likin’ it though. Keep doing what you are doing and get the upn’comers up and into the groove.
    Blessings, chas

  33. Moff Avatar

    Alex, Thanks for the pointers, I practice at the firehouse in the evenings while I’m at work, between alarms. So far your tips are helpful and easy to pick up on the various bass runs and techniques.
    Thanks, Moff

  34. Wonya Avatar

    Wow. Been learning scales, modes, arpeggio , but never got the concept of how to use them….
    Just purchase two programs from u , bass guitar secret , and gospel bass player!!! Can’t wait to see the progress!!!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi Wonya, glad to hear that you’ve joined our group! welcome and thanks for the support! Keep it groovy… ๐Ÿ™‚

  35. Stuart Avatar

    Great video, many thanks it`s good to see new ways of doing things.


    AMEN AMEN teaching myself from you tube books etc I know a lot of licks,chords but do not how to put it together or know what to play with a song. This was very enlightning I think I will be able to apply this and maybe become a decent player. I have short hands but will not give up thank you.

  37. Tauno Siltanen Avatar
    Tauno Siltanen

    This key fits to my lock, Alex! After playing bass more than 30 years Iยดve missed the groove from my playing. Your pattern system gives my right hand now the freedom to create some interesting rhythms without worrying too much of the notes. The only problem now is develop the right hand technique to the level, that leaves the mind free for the music.

    Thank You ever so much for your efforts and inspiration You spread around the world!

  38. Herb Avatar

    Thanks again Alex. Your a Master but you make it easy to understand.


  39. Troy of Marysville, WA Avatar
    Troy of Marysville, WA

    Thank again Alex, for the tips on Major/Dominate and Minor chord shapes.

  40. Peter Starec Avatar

    HI Alex what to tell,perfect video,as usual:):):)
    T.c. Peter

  41. David Avatar

    AMEN good stuff you deserve every bit of applaud for this ! I loved it as always. You care about teaching us and that itself makes you amazing.

  42. Jani Avatar

    Thank you Alex! Very interesting lesson!

  43. John Avatar

    Yet another grate lesson by Alex and so simply put
    You the man and I look forward to the next lesson

  44. Dave Avatar

    Hi Alex,

    I’ve been playing in bands for over 35 years & I always have a little look at your vids. Great stuff. Good concept. One of the best instructional internet teachers out there.

    Wish I had this type of tuition back in the day when all i had was my cassette player to transcribe (learn) tunes & my music teacher taught me boring scales that I (at that stage) had no real idea of what they meant & how to apply them..

    This is a great fast track way to get new students playing QUICKLY & enjoying their playing experience & not bogged down in boring scales etc & possibly give up (It is important to understand scales eventually). The explanation of the 3rd (10th), 5th etc & how they are derived from a scale can come later. Keep up the good work Alex, Great groove as well Alex.

    Dave (Australia)

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Dave, you hit the nail on the head – just like learning to speak we learn the rules after we’re already talking we can learn theory etc when we are already in the game… Thanks for the comment!

  45. Stephanie Avatar

    I really enjoyed this video. Everything seems to be straight forward. I look forward to using this information on a couple of my favorite songs. Thank you for taking the time out to share some of the knowledge you’ve gain along the bass playing journey.

  46. Larry Golden Avatar
    Larry Golden

    AMAN….This is just what I need…and you are a Greeat instructor…send me MORE !!!!!

  47. jack Avatar

    You have a fine way of presenting the material!!!!…..I never realized how important chordal knowledge is to the bass.
    Is ther a way to isolate your fabulous right hand method for getting such smooth rythum and punch?? ..any exersizes you’d recommend ???……or is it just personal experimenting and preference…

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Jack thanks for the kind and flattering words ๐Ÿ™‚ I talk about that in the full course which you’ll get some info about shortly… Peace! Glad you like.

  48. Billy Cox Avatar
    Billy Cox

    All I can say is “AMEN” Alex! However, there’s something I’d like to ask you about. I purchased many materials from you in the past, but I can’t find anything on the “passing notes” and the “rythmical fills” like you have done on the back of “THE THRILL IS GONE”. Preferably right at marker 12:08 and 12:31 in this video. If you have any training videos on this subject, I will order & buy it like Yesterday. =OR= perhaps I already have it in some material from you & just over looked it. Whatever the case, I would love to learn how you are doing these fills. Pls holla back @ your student, Billy Cox……. Thanx.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi Billy nice to hear from ya… about passing tones and such i talk about that in some other courses ( for example) but I really think you’re gonna dig how the info in this video gets expanded in the full version… Yes lots about passing tones, riffs, fills etc once you get the patterns below your fingers… Peace!

  49. Anthony fowler Avatar
    Anthony fowler

    Really like this

  50. John Sharman Avatar
    John Sharman

    The video was exactly the kind of help I need! It ties simple patterns – to songs – which allows me to dig into the scales to see how it ties together.


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