Video 2 – 2 Simple Dexterity Builders

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #2 – A 13 Minute Technique, Speed & Dexterity Tune Up![/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!


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514 responses to “Video 2 – 2 Simple Dexterity Builders”

  1. Brian Crook Avatar

    So far one of the best ways to learn to play a bass. I have been trying for years to teach myself, and I have learned more in the last 2 videos, then the last 5 years.

  2. Jaco Avatar

    simple but essential

  3. Roger Avatar

    Hi Alex.
    Interesting, still working at it.

  4. Tom Coffland Avatar
    Tom Coffland

    I like you, Alex. You just connect with me somehow. You seem very relaxed. Thanks for showing me the right way to do these exercises. I,m older than most beginners; my hands need a lot of warm-up and I am a slow learner. However that just slows me down a bit. I,m also tenacious so I will plow through all of this in time.

  5. Curtiss Avatar

    Great video. Thanks. Well put. You have a real talent for teaching and seem to have the passion for it as well. As a coach I can tell the difference between good coaching and bad. You are definitely a good instructor. Keep it up!!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      why thank you Curtis!

  6. Louis LeBel Avatar

    Good practice technique for one to learn the right way. However I use only my index finger to walk the srtings. I do it just as fast as with two fingers and it is easier for me. Is this going to be a problem?

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Well James Jamerson played with just one finger and it worked for him. Totally depends on the music you want to play. However I have always found have two fingers working on the right hand to be very advantageous as you progress to more difficult passages.

  7. Sid Avatar

    As an absolute beginner, your instruction has proved invaluable – I had already picked up the first exercise from t’internet .. But had (as you said) been shown wrong. Thank you for saving me loads of future grief !

    Waiting with interest for the next video,



    I am a beginner bassplayer try to learn how to play the bass guitar,I started off going to music lesson,had a least 3 different teachers all of them teaching differently which had me confuse most of the time. your breaking down on how to do makes it easier for me to caught a hold of.Once I can learn how to play i will be playing for my church.And I am in my 60ths.

  9. charles davis Avatar
    charles davis

    This is Great, but I am still a baby at this. When I grow up, I want to be just like you.
    Thanks Alex.

  10. d stewart Avatar
    d stewart

    the videos so far are excellent, i have certanly got a much better idea as to trying to play.i am 63 and my fingers are a bit stiff through groundwork, but i will keep on trying, i thank you for spending the time to teach us learners,look forward to the following leasons,

  11. Frank Jacobs Avatar
    Frank Jacobs

    Alex that was help full alot I am a lefthand bass player so i have to switch things around and it takes a little time to get by u slowing things down really helps me

  12. Slim McNaught Avatar

    Alex, I sure do appreciate someplace I can get some decent instruction. I am just starting to learn the bass guitar and there are so many confusing instructions out there. This is the first time I have watched your video, but it won’t be the last. I will bookmark this site and be back regularly. I really can’t afford to put much into lessons, so this video was very much appreciated. Thanks again. Slim.

  13. claude Avatar

    rea;;y good practice information. will use fully, thanks

  14. Anthony Avatar

    alex, this is informative and fun and gives me hope that at 67 I can beome a decent player. I have always been a vocalist and song writer and I used the bass to show other musicians notes etc. I am excited. thanks to you and your team

  15. Bill McGowan Avatar
    Bill McGowan

    Thanks, Alex. You’ve answered a couple of things that have been bugging me for a long time. Now I’ve got new confidence and really look forward to picking up the bass and having a play. Life’s good again.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      That’s what we like to hear 🙂

  16. EDDIE Avatar

    Great refresher, I especially liked the elbow positioning technique & think it will help my picking accuracy especially with the middle finger which tends to be too strong & probably due to the lazy elbow. Good tip!
    good exercises, just like the working out at the gym.
    Looking forward to the next lesson.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Thanks Eddie!

  17. mike Avatar

    excellent job. i learned more watching your video. im a beginner ..only 55 years old never too late to learn.. thanks

  18. michael morton Avatar
    michael morton

    Good Video!
    looking forward to the next one.
    thank you…

  19. Richard Avatar

    I’ve watched a lot of instructional videos and have to say your instruction is clear and concise. I look forward to your next lesson.

  20. Bruce Snell Avatar
    Bruce Snell

    This exercise has been very helpful.

  21. Alex Avatar

    Thank you very much for this video. The shortness and to the point style that you have make your videos really easy to follow and very usefull!! Thanks again

  22. terry whitmore Avatar
    terry whitmore

    Liked it cant wait for the next one

  23. Rodney Burks Avatar

    Thakns this video really helped

  24. Nicole Avatar

    After watching the second video….I realized that I LOVE YOU!!! lol
    I can’t say enough how grateful I am to have found you. I was doing the very incorrect things that you demonstrated…..this video was very helpful. Although, the exercises did make my left hand hurt though….I guess I have to get used to it….

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      hahaha Hi Nicole now you got me blushing! 🙂 Thanks for the kind words and yeah muscles can complain a little when you do something new… Keep an eye on your progress and see if it starts getting easier in a week or two.

  25. Keith Avatar


    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Awesome – Welcome to the club bro! Shout out to ya!

  26. Willim Avatar

    Great, I as doing this all wrong.

  27. victor cruz Avatar
    victor cruz

    hi alex
    im a 62 year old guy who recently (past three years) got interested in playing bass
    found your videos very helpful
    there is a lot to learn and age does not really matter if you really have good advice
    i was almost ready to give up , but your videos have just re-inspired my interest your exercises are veryy helpful and i already have noticed a difference in my playing thank you so so so much

    vick cruz ( not the football player )

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Lol and I was just about to ask for your autograph 😉

  28. Michael Meyer Avatar
    Michael Meyer


    Loving the videos. I’ve taught school music for over 20 years focusing on winds and percussion with some vocal but now am able to set all that aside and focus on my bass. Your approach resonates with the style of teaching I’m familiar with. This is helping me to tweek my personal playing and also think about methodology to better teach with. I’m looking forward to more. Thanks!

  29. Steve S Avatar
    Steve S

    awesome video with tips and great exercises for practice!!!!

  30. al thomas Avatar
    al thomas

    just watched the exercize video, very informative. i am going to purchase your lessons package real soon. thanks

  31. christian Avatar

    great way to learn

  32. christian Avatar

    this is awesome i cant wait for the next video (:

  33. Pete the bass buffoon Avatar
    Pete the bass buffoon

    Thanks Alex
    watched three videos so far, really helped my playing(complete novice) and made it fun too…. great teacher !

  34. David Nelson Avatar
    David Nelson

    Hi Alex,

    Thank you for your FREE online bass lessons, they’re great! I left a previous message that I couldn’t pause your video; I figured it out so I don’t need beginner computer lessons as well as beginner bass guitar lessons! Ha, Ha!

    I may be ahead of myself with the following question:

    I was taught to use my fretboard 1, 2 & 3 fingers when playing a sweeping Ionian Mode Scale or a sweeping Major Pentatonic Scale, say when beginning w/root note on the bottom or 4th string and sweeping 5 frets inclusive. I’ve seen you on the first video using your 1 & 4 fingers to span only 3 frets inclusive.

    My question: Does the one-finger-per-fret-rule apply specifically when going up the fretboard one half-step or fret at a time, and that when spanning 3 frets or more, this rule doesn’t apply?

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi David, 1 finger per fret is easily the most useful hand position you’ll have going up or down the bass… where you stretch out to grab additional notes (spanning 5 frets) is totally doable and accepted but it’s not a hand position you can naturally keep while playing. Grabbing a note outside of the 4 finger position should be seen as ‘stealing a base’ not as your permanent hand position.

      hope this helps.

  35. Barry Taylor Avatar
    Barry Taylor

    Yo Alex! Thanks alot for the instruction. Just learning tthe bass and enjoy the groove and pocket stuff. I’m into gospel so you know your stuff comes in real handy. It’s a lot of work and takes practice

  36. Barry Taylor Avatar
    Barry Taylor

    Thanks for the teachings. I’m into gospel so the info is on point. Keep up the blessings.

  37. Cedric Edwards Avatar
    Cedric Edwards

    Hi Alex,
    Great stuff. I love the Eagles hat. I have the same one. Are you in the Philly area. I would like to hire you as my instructor. I’m from Philly but live in Burlington NJ. My favorite genre is Jazz. If you are available please contact me. If you are not available can you recommend someone. keep up the good work. Those of us on a budget appreciate you giving us free lessons. Thanks


  38. Lou Avatar

    Great lesson! Thanks

  39. Monica Avatar

    Your videoes are very helpful for me. I am visioned impaired, and can’t read music anymore. so your videoes help me learn to play bass by ear

  40. David Avatar

    I like being able to slow down and work on technique improvement.
    These drills help a lot.

  41. Garry Plear Avatar
    Garry Plear

    That was a super job on the basics: hand position, finger position and placement. Also nice easy exercises to practice on. Great lesson!

  42. mick Avatar

    very good basic and to the point helpfull

  43. Kevin Avatar

    This is so great to be learning so much in such a short time, thanks, thanks, thanks!!!!

  44. Javier Avatar

    Great stuff Alex, I’m a beginner and often get frustrated by not knowing what to practice hope fully ill get more tips from you so my practice can become more enjoyable. God Bless



  46. John Avatar

    hi alex,
    thank you once again.
    i have started working on finger exercise left and right hand.

    thank you.

  47. Les Avatar

    Thanks alex: I believe what you:re showing us will help me perform better subbing as a bass player for a banquet the 15th.thanks Les I appreciate your ability to keep it simple and direct while giving us something to work with other than overload.

  48. Les Avatar

    thanks alex, the hands definetly need the exercise.

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