Video 2 – 2 Simple Dexterity Builders

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #2 – A 13 Minute Technique, Speed & Dexterity Tune Up![/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!


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514 responses to “Video 2 – 2 Simple Dexterity Builders”

  1. Kenneth Henderson Avatar

    Mr.Alex,I messed up and either erased my 3rd e-mail or third part,PLEASE resend.You are a great teacher and I assure you that I’am going to purchase Your product asap,give me just one more week,Thank You very,very much..Kenneth H.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Just resent the link. Best regards and thanks for the kind words…

  2. Richard Harrison Avatar
    Richard Harrison

    Your videos are the bomb! I must also mention that your articulation is fantastic and easy to hear and understand. Keep it coming.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Thanks a lot Rich! Glad to know you’re getting value outta the stuff!

  3. Reginald Beazer Avatar
    Reginald Beazer

    Yes….This is wat i was waiting for.I’m a 43yr old
    Reggae bassist from St.Croix . Just adout to get into
    music production.I know ur system will give me the
    tools i need to progress ………Tanx teacher,Bless

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Reggie – awesome! Man Reggae music is just soooooo grooving… Go at it bruh!

  4. Willie Avatar

    Alex, thanks for that viedo, It really helped…

  5. Marquel Avatar

    Great exercises Alex, thanks for the help. I’m a novice player and trying to get better at gospel playing so what you are doing is wonderful. As soon as my finances are in order I will be ordering the full system.

  6. George Mandalou Avatar
    George Mandalou

    I listened to the first video and its great. For the first time, I think I may be able to learn the bass guitar. Geo

  7. Chris Avatar

    have been playing for a few years but realize my technique was holding me back. I feel that these exercises are already helping me push through that barrier!

  8. Tom Avatar

    I just finished lesson two and I think I have a great way to warm up now once I get good at this. I just want to say thanks because I’m and older guy with no music training at all who at age 52 and an empty nester wanted a new hobby to see if I could learn…these lessons are great. I look forward to playing every day and want to mix these lessons with some songs that I grew up with. Some great base lines from: Seals and Krofts, Kenny Loggins, etc. I love it. Thank you so much.

  9. Willie Avatar

    Thanks Alex,this exercise is what I needed.


  10. woody Avatar

    yes, i really liked the video. i cant wait to see the others. a comment you made sounded just like i feel. i have been playing for a couple years and i just feel stuck! just wanting to start all over again because it seems as if i cannot get over this hump. i hope the videos help. i love to play and when i heard ascension by maxwell on the video i got pumped up. i remember playing that song before. thanks for your help

  11. daniel Avatar

    i was taught to do that excercise incorrectly by a guitar teacher! thanks for the correct way to do it

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      you are welcome my friend 😉

  12. Willie Avatar

    Thanks Alex, for the help..I think I am beginning to understand .

    thanks Willie T

  13. Bob Cleveringa Avatar
    Bob Cleveringa

    Great lesson Alex. I really need to practice these exercises. Getting my fingers comfortable on the frets is my problem. My wrist is always getting tight as I try to keep my hand in a comfortable position. With your tips I should be able to solve this issue. Thank you

  14. Francis Asare Avatar

    Hi Alex, once again though I consider myself intermediate self taught, this video does open a whole new concept to me in my approach towards exercises. Thank you once again and God bless.

  15. Gary Duvall Avatar

    man I really never had a teacher like this before this is some real good stuff but what happened to all those dvds you offered awhile back are they still available?

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Gary, nice to hear from ya… Thanks for the feedback and yeah we have stuff you can use to further your progress in many different areas of bass musicianship… But be sure to check out – Peace and groove

  16. kyoshi Avatar

    love learning from your video. it is very easy to follow and very informative. again thank you for the tutorial

  17. Arnell Avatar

    thank you alex this is a good excercise,I’m waiting for the next vedio

  18. Rick Avatar

    Great exercise. I can feel my dexterity getting better just after a few practice runs.

  19. Todd Avatar

    Hey, I just watched the second video and I think it was really helpful and will definitely help me to learn proper fingering and playing techniques.


  20. Todd Avatar

    I really enjoy your videos, i think if i watch them and practice enough that I will learn to play the bass. Hope you have many more lessons because I’m going to need them and I’m looking forward to them.

  21. Todd Avatar

    How do I build up strength in my pinky finger so that i can get to the next note to be played without moving my whole hand?

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      hey Todd just go slow and give it some time – your hands are trying to learn to do something you probably haven’t done before and to develop some muscle control and flexibility. Just give it time

  22. Chuck Kear Avatar
    Chuck Kear

    This was just what I needed. The clear concise teaching and the bullet point tips are great. The ability to practice in a systematic manor are really powerful. I’m excited to practice the dexterity builders.
    Thanks again, Chuck Kear, Lolo, MT

  23. Rodney Mercer Avatar
    Rodney Mercer

    Good stuff Alex.. I have been doing it that way for 2 weeks. it makes me feel good that I was doing it right..



  24. Tom Avatar

    Great lesson, easy to learn bad habits, this will definitely help against playing with just one or two fingers on the left hand. First video was great also looking forward to spending more time in those excercises. I’ve only been playing about six months and play for a church, but only single note stuff and I am not sure how to incorporate these styles into that type of music, especially when all we play with is just the guitar chords and lyrics to the songs. I’m really hoping your program can help me expand my ability to play bass the way these songs intend it to be. Thanks for these free vids and the help they provide to us newbies.

  25. Dan Avatar

    Excellent lesson, love the technique, great warm up exercise.

  26. Marty DeShields Avatar
    Marty DeShields

    Been playing bass some 40years.Always wanted lessons but,never took time
    Love your videos. Helping me improve my playing. Thanks

  27. David Avatar

    Yes yes. Thank you much. I really enjoy the explanations in your video.

  28. Sam Avatar

    Great stuff so far. I like what your saying and it’s simple just like you said and hearing it is what is needed sometimes to make it click . I find myself overthinking it or have my A. D.D. moments.

  29. Albert Avatar

    Really awsome second video i really had a hard time using the right fingers on the right frets thanks for the exercises


  30. Michael Avatar

    Loved the video. I never realized that I was doing the walking exercise incorrectly. Glad I found out early enough to change (BRAND NEW TO BASS PLAYING). I will also have to quit resting my right arm on the bass and droping (Explains why it gets numb sometimes). THANKS AGAIN.

  31. Desi Taylor Avatar
    Desi Taylor

    I been playing bass for 30 years and i still learn something from this video. Never too old or too good to learn something. Thank you

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      That’s the approach I always take… 🙂

  32. Tom Avatar

    I love these exercises. I’ve been doing them for a week now and the muscles on the back of my left hand are actually sore. But I have been playing some of my favorite riffs as a reward for doing the exercises and it really does help. It helps not only in the dexterity but also in lerning to jump from fret to fret. you can see it better. For example I’ve been playing U2 With or without you which is all on one string with eighth notes but its easy now to jump from 10-5-7-3. LOVE IT. Now if I could only sing and play at the same time.

    I’m an older guy 53 and never played an instrument in my life so this is a new hobby and I love these lessons.

  33. Keith Avatar

    Gonna be good. Now to practice!! Thanks!!

  34. Louis Avatar

    Good basic exercises. can’t wait to see what’s next

  35. T Ruff Avatar
    T Ruff

    Hey man real good stuff I just might lean how to play the bass

  36. kim hales Avatar
    kim hales

    Very constructive vid. I enjoy the common sense approach. All the tips have been very helpful. I am a drummer. I do play rhythm guitar and piano as well. Really want to play bass well.

  37. kevin Avatar

    thanks again, good training!

  38. Beverly Avatar

    Great exercises! I will add them to the ones you have already given us. I would love to see some parradiddle exercises too for accurate speed. Thanks so much for all you do!

  39. Jim Avatar

    Really liked this lesson…have never been told this before, didn’t know finger, or hand position was so important. Thanks, now have to re-learn everything.

  40. Ray Avatar

    Very helpful.
    easy to follow instructions presented in a realistic format.

  41. Jalissia Avatar

    The bullet points are very helpful; thanks for the simplicity Alex.

  42. alfred Avatar

    thanks great information i didn’t no that I thank I’m going to make it this time. I thank the Lord for you

  43. stacey Avatar

    I like the way you break down the exercises so simply. And your rationale really helps me to understand the importance of perfect practice. Thanks Alex.

  44. Rodney Chancellor Avatar

    Alex, great video – very useful dexterity exercises, thanks

  45. Eugene Avatar

    l love this 2nd lesson too many thanks Alex.

  46. Jonathan Avatar

    I want to thank you for the video’s. They are great and a very good tool for learning. I appreciate the way you have mastered the technique of the bass and the ability to teach it in a way that I can truly learn the bass. Thank you.

  47. Thomas Rich Avatar
    Thomas Rich

    Great video. I have been playing drums for over 30 years. Just started learning bass one
    week ago. I was doing those scales incorrectly. Your video showed me the right way to do it, and it makes sense. Thanks.

  48. George Ryder Avatar
    George Ryder

    Thanks for showing me the proper tech and exercises I just played papa was a rolling stone tab and nailed it thank you will practice every day at least two hours a day word!

  49. Leonard Avatar

    Great lesson. makes it simpler that all the site I’ve visited. thank you.

  50. Reid A. Crossman Avatar
    Reid A. Crossman

    I am a disalbled Vet I played acustice guitar as a boy and was told that I would never play agen I have only 75% use of my left hand and no use of that pinkey. I started playing Bass 3 year ago and after 4 mounth was told by the person teaching me that without my little finger I could not be any good so I stopped. 8 mounth ago a friend incuraged me to bring my bass to church and practis with the prase and worship teem as I already sang bass with them and have been playing simple songs ever scince now I am ready for more your first video was good but I needed this one for the basices I was told to use all 4 fingers for plucking on my right but never could get use to it ended up doing gust what you said with 2 and your finger exersize even thow I am unable to use my little finger it give the rest a workout that I need
    Thank You You have inspired me to go even firther
    Reid A. Crossman

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