Video 2 – 2 Simple Dexterity Builders

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #2 – A 13 Minute Technique, Speed & Dexterity Tune Up![/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!


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514 responses to “Video 2 – 2 Simple Dexterity Builders”

  1. kenneth daniel Avatar
    kenneth daniel

    great video i still at the begiinng stage on the bass learning a lot great stuff thanks guys

  2. richard von seggern Avatar
    richard von seggern

    helped my mechanics a lot…..guides my exercise vs do some of this then some of that tnx

  3. gordon dreher Avatar

    awesome that you back ur video with your privv lessons

  4. Robert Avatar

    Good practicing technique. Thanks

  5. Tyreef Avatar

    I’m mad but I’m glad. It took you long enough to come out with stuff that us new guys can use

  6. Pete Avatar

    Hi Alex, I have been playing bass since 1972 and have my own technique(s). but, looking at the video and the exercises shows that I have made it very hard for myself all this time. Its like learning over again but enabling me to do things easier and more fluently. I’m exited again and at 62 years old a new lease of bass life. Thanks.

  7. Don Moore Avatar
    Don Moore

    Very good informative short lessons. Much obliged!

  8. J Franklin Avatar
    J Franklin

    You make a good video clip I’ll keep answering my email. I need to get my Bass out and try it out



  10. dom gio Avatar
    dom gio

    I use a pick to play, can this be useful to me?

  11. Craig Privett Avatar
    Craig Privett

    Great lesson Alex, I teach my students the same bullet points, and I really dig the dexterity
    builder exercises. Thank you.

  12. Reggie Dennie Avatar
    Reggie Dennie

    Alex, thank you so much for taking the time to share this information with me. These are the exact things that has been causing my scepticism in my bass playing. I’ve been at this since 1977, and i have not found anyone explain and simplify these fundimentals as you do. It really gives me the motivation that i need to put into it what i expect to get out of it, and to realize that it isn’t as scary as i thought. Thank you a million times over, and please keep up the good work.

  13. D.Fox Avatar

    My 71 FenderP Loves u. thx

  14. Carl Avatar

    The exercises were very helpful.

  15. Christopher Walther Avatar
    Christopher Walther

    Once again you are spot on Alex. Perfect practice does make perfect. Thanks for showing the4 correct way to do some of these simple hand and finger conditioning exercises.

  16. Steve Avatar

    Good info presented in a relaxed, easy to follow way. Nice job!

  17. Morag Lorigan Avatar
    Morag Lorigan

    Thanks for the great tips on hand positioning and plucking technique:)

  18. Barry Lewis Avatar
    Barry Lewis

    NIce work. I am helping my 13 year old daughter play using some of your teaching styles.
    I play guitar and piano. She is taking lesson and learning her notes and theory. Circle of fifths, root notes per key.

    Scottsdale. AZ

  19. Tim Avatar

    Great lesson Alex, I’m just starting out on the bass and this will definitely help

  20. Rick (West Philly) Avatar
    Rick (West Philly)


    You are so right, as far as people not having lots of time to practice on everything that’s out there
    for bass players. You have a great idea to keep it very simple with basic stuff to get started. Thanks for everything and happy new year.


  21. tommy Avatar

    hi alex thanks for the tips. i’ve had my bass for about four years now and im still at square one, but seeing your vidio gave me a new outlook. i knew i needed to develop strenth and coordination, you showed me a method to do so, thanks, but my problem is my finger are not long, does that make a diffrence, or do just have to practice. also i have a 15 watt bass amp. what would be the ideal amp. for me to get a more quality sound, i have a p-bass. anyways thanx, hope to here from you soon. this is what i’ve been looking for.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Just practice and give yourself some time. You’ll be surprised at what your ‘short fingers’ can do.

  22. James Avatar

    When will you have more copies of this system for sale?

  23. John H Green Avatar
    John H Green

    Man these are some great tips

  24. Andrew Dinh Avatar
    Andrew Dinh

    This stuff is good for me to exercise today .

  25. David Avatar

    Xllent exercise. This will help build my coordination.

  26. Sylvester Island, Jr. Avatar
    Sylvester Island, Jr.

    Hey Alex,

    I have to say that after being off of my instrument for YYYYEEEEEEEAAAAARRRRSSSS, (and upon returning, feeling like Charlie Brown, after the accident!), that these are the first lessons/exercises that are slowly but surely helping me get my groove back! For that, I am truly grateful! Thanks for the much needed motivation…YOU DA MAN!!!

    Thanx again,

  27. CLYDE Avatar



  28. Robert Smith Avatar

    I have played most every genre over the last 40 years, all by ear. I watched all of your video’s. Learning something from each of them has been thrilling. last year I began studing theory. Your “simple” method has immediately cleared a few clouds{Answered Questions}.
    Robert of The Levites from Kingdom Christian Ministry

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      hey Rob, great to hear! thanks for the support!

  29. Ken Johnson Avatar
    Ken Johnson

    Alex thanks for taking time to show me these things, may God bless you richly

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Ken, many thanks for the kind words my brother… Peace! Alex

  30. Renee Avatar

    Great stuff now I have a idea of what I need to do to start off

  31. Johnnie Horne Avatar

    Thanks Alex for the simple tecnique video…keep it coming brother…god Bless.

  32. isley edwards Avatar
    isley edwards

    thanks alex great lesson very helpful a very simple

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Glad to hear you liking them. Peace.

  33. Jason French Avatar
    Jason French

    This lesson hurts my hand…..I guess I need to keep practicing. Thanks for the videos to help me keep at it!

  34. Yaw Gollo Avatar
    Yaw Gollo


  35. shola Avatar

    couldn’t be better Alex once again thank you

  36. Irene Avatar

    Now, this is helpful. I like the tabs along with the video which helps alot. Thanks.

  37. Theo Avatar

    Amen… where do I sign-up. I’m interested in learning how to play the Blues.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Theo, Here’s the link you need :

  38. jason Avatar

    Thanks for the, again, informative video.

  39. Roger Pepper Avatar
    Roger Pepper

    I have been playing a mandolin with a bluegrass gospel group. I have small hands and recently developed arthritis in my first finger of my left hand forcing me to stop playing the mandolin. I picked up a base because i can play it without having to bend my fingers as much. I just tried your hand dexterity building. I cannot lay my fingers across 4 frets, but I can walk my fingers easily down the frets and back. If this exercise will work for me it will work for anybody. Thanks Alex.

  40. suzanna Avatar

    great instructor. I am a beginner…. I will be watching over and over again. Piano background.

  41. rob Avatar

    Hi Alex,
    I’ve played guitar for quite awhile but have always been interested in bass. It seems like a good instrument to learn because everyone is always looking for a bass player. So far I like the videos and your method but I play with a pick, That’s ok right? At any rate, I’ll keep at it.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      it’s absolutely fine to play with a pick… just a different sonic quality which may very well suit the music you’re playing.

  42. Jerry Avatar

    Once again, great video Alex! Wish you would have been around when I started playing bass!!! Can’t wait for the next video.

  43. Ash South Africa Avatar
    Ash South Africa

    Hi there , a good foundation is important and you show how important it is to build strenght using these exercises.The fingers start to work independently .
    Thanks Alex


  44. Arthur Avatar

    very informative. I will work on fingering to gain muscle memory. I will be in touch soon

  45. ryan Avatar

    Good lesson

  46. Monroe Avatar

    Very clear and on point instruction. I just need to apply perfect practice to develop perfect playing
    Thank you1.

  47. Renee Avatar

    Can’t wait to get home to ” practice” this perfect practice, Thanks for the tips!

  48. michael Avatar

    Thank You for the help in my process of learning the bass, loving it !!!

  49. Kenneth Henderson Avatar

    Oh thats what Im talking about!The raw reeses basic Stuff Thanxs Mr.Alex.Going 2 go do the thang c u later,Thank u so very much again,Ken

  50. ralph Avatar

    thanks alex i’m watching each lesson when time presents itself, preparing to set aside time each day in very near future. Thank u so much very helpful thanks again.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Ralph, glad to hear and you’re welcome 🙂

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