Video 2 – 2 Simple Dexterity Builders

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #2 – A 13 Minute Technique, Speed & Dexterity Tune Up![/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!


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514 responses to “Video 2 – 2 Simple Dexterity Builders”

  1. Keith Avatar

    The exercise that we’ve all been doing wrong – well I tried it the right way as shown here – that is SO HARD!!!

    I’ve probably spent a total of half an hour on it over a few days and didn’t feel like I was making much progress BUT… the difference in my playing today is incredible! When I’m playing other stuff (not exercises) I’ve found just the one finger I need moves automatically when needed without the clumsy hand shift I used to do.

    Come on guys, work at these exercises, they really do make a massive difference!

  2. dave Avatar

    Thank’s for this- what a good exercise.

  3. John Avatar

    Alex, another great video with music. Is it possible to save each video to my computer hard drive for easy reference when I am not connected to the internet?

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi John thanks a lot for the “props” unfortunately we don’t currently allow downloading of the video lessons.

  4. Beverly Atchison Avatar
    Beverly Atchison

    Excellent video! The strange problem that I have is that whatever finger I am using to fret with tends to be the same finger that I end up plucking with on my right hand when I am doing scales and exercises. I am trying to break that weird phenom… not easy! I am sure these excercises will help! Thanks.

  5. Tom Avatar

    Very much! I picked up a new apeggio I never thought about. Thanks so very much and may you celebrate a God filled Thanksgiving Holliday.

  6. Ron Gray Avatar
    Ron Gray


    I am still having difficult with the left-hand finger independency. I do fairly well, but I still lift my fingers,(not as much), when I play. Maybe its due to having short fingers, I don’t know. I will keep on trying to make this work. Is there a certain place on the back of the nect that the thumb needs to be? In what relationship is the thumb to the fingers, Is it staying pretty much even with the middle or ring finger?
    All-in-all, I really like your teaching style. I have actually started to seeing the fretboard alot more clearer now. especially as far as the 5 th and 7th fret capos. It has started seeking in as to knowledge of where the notes are located all over the fretboard. Now I have started to memorizing the notes. I am still tone deaf as to knowing the tone sound for the notes.
    Thanks for you being you and having an interest in people me that is trying to scratch the surface to music.

  7. Malcolm Smith Avatar
    Malcolm Smith

    Wow, that first exercise I have always done wrong and now it is difficult to change but I can see what the benefit is and with practice……
    Thanks again Alex

  8. Byron Avatar

    Hey, thanks for the great tips. I really appreciate your videos and the time that you spent doing them. I will defiantly work on the exercises now that I see how they should be played.

  9. Kevin Barber Avatar
    Kevin Barber

    Hey Alex. I missed this one the first time around. Once again, you do it great! You amaze me with the ease you play, but most of all, that you are so willing to share your wealth of information and training to guys like me. Most people kind of write off beginners, but you share your knowledge without any reservations. Great stuff. Can’t wait for the next one.

  10. kelvin minor Avatar
    kelvin minor

    Alex bruh…you are great teacher & bass player. You have help me so much! Thks for sharing your gift & knowledge with the world. every thing you teach is building a kingdom of Bass players.

  11. William Schooler Avatar
    William Schooler

    This was fanomenal. I didn’t know I was doing the finger excersies wrong all these years. Thanks! I’m humbled… U Da MAN!

  12. Thomas Avatar

    Ok, that’s seem to be much better. Now I can see myseft doing more.

    Thanks and God Bless,


  13. Chris Avatar

    The lesson was very helpful;Big thanks for the knowledge and skill that you pass on to those of us that are in advanced age and little time to practice. I would like to be playing in a club by May 2012.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      It’s good to know you have a specific goal my friend. Keep that in mind and there’s no reason why you can’t it do!

  14. Ken Avatar

    Thanks, again. Keep up the great work!!!

  15. Dwayne Harshaw Avatar

    I like the way you explain the bass for the beginner to know how to get started.It make you want to study and learn to play I am a beginner . Thank you so much for this.Allways look to learn.This is good stuff .

  16. larry kovar Avatar
    larry kovar

    Thanks, This Should Help Build Up My hands.

  17. mark Avatar

    More food for thought. Thanks for clearing up that first exercise. I am on it and will run with it. Thanks for the instruction. Every clue helps.

  18. james mitchell Avatar
    james mitchell


    This is great stuff keep it coming!!!!!!

  19. George Williams Avatar

    Thxs! Alex, Great vedio!!

  20. joe ferrare Avatar
    joe ferrare

    great lesson. I really like ex.#2. nice variation of a chromatic excercise.

  21. Takpor Dwanyen Avatar
    Takpor Dwanyen

    You are a very humble and gifted teacher. I have not searched anywhere for lessons since I came in contact with yours. My plan is to purchase this video when is available. God bless.

  22. Takpor Dwanyen Avatar
    Takpor Dwanyen

    You are a very humble and gifted teacher. I have not searched anywhere for lessons since I came in contact with yours. My plan is to purchase this video when it is available. God bless.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Takpor, thanks for the kind words and support over the years… Good clients like yourself are always highly appreciated.

  23. Kymberli Avatar

    Thank you so much for your videos. I was at a point of giving up, feeling like I am just to old to become good at it after 11 years of trying. You have giving me hope, other than practice, my member is my biggest issue.

    Again, thank you so much,

  24. Troy of Marysville, WA Avatar
    Troy of Marysville, WA

    Thanks Alex, you always are in tune with what I need, and giving me more and more to work on and getting better a playing bass.
    Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      You’re most welcome Troy!

  25. John Avatar

    Thanks for driving the fundementals in this video.


  26. paul tierney Avatar
    paul tierney

    thanks alex i have doing that exercise for years i now know why it hasnt do anything for me

  27. Manny Avatar

    Great exercise. Thanks Alex!

  28. Pete Chandler Avatar
    Pete Chandler

    Great video Alex. It really smoothed out my playing!

  29. Alistair Avatar

    Another great one, many thanks Aex!!:-D

  30. cheech Avatar

    amen, when you give a beginner an opportunity to enjoy even a small taste of success the motivation and encouragement that follows can mean the difference between one who walks away and one who embraces a lifelong passion for music thanks again cheech

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Cheech, so glad to be of some help my friend… Cheers!

  31. Al J Avatar
    Al J

    Awesome stuff. I picked up the bass in ’71, played through 73. Went through college and barely played thereafter. Picked it back up in ’90 and still played infrequently. Now I’m trying to get in the groove. The exercises you show are extremely helpful. Keep up the good work and wearing the Eagles cap! I will be following you!

  32. AJ Avatar

    good stuff man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  33. James A Smith Avatar

    Great exercises! I’m at work at the moment, but I can’t wait to get home to practice them.

  34. Jil Eaton Avatar

    Hi Alex-
    Very helpful! My band has been on hiatus for almost a year, and I see this as a time to restart and really perfect my techniques.

    Many thanks!

  35. James Avatar

    Awesome man,

    You are really going to develop a following with this cool stuff with tabs. I know you want us to be able to read notes and create groovy bass lines. I am a medical doctor without the time and want to learn bass quickly to play in my church. So please throw in some latest gospel songs.

    God Bless You,

  36. Carlton Evans Avatar
    Carlton Evans

    They are the best!!!

  37. James B Avatar
    James B

    I noticed your four finger practice technique…….Filled in a lot of questiions for me………However my fingers do not strech to cover four frets on the upper part of the bass……..Should I practice that technique with three fingers & practice the four finger technique on the lower frets…

    Thanks Alex

    James B

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Most people I found give up on stretching out their fingers way too quickly. Give it some time. Even if you have small hands work the 1 finger per fret higher up on the bass just to get the technique and from there little by little over time you’ll see that the technique ‘takes care of itself’ when you play in lower positions. Cheers

  38. victor Avatar

    great video! it’s making sense to me now. thanks!

  39. dennis Avatar


    I am really a guitarist, but I play the bass for the church…I usually use my thumb and my index or middle finger to pick the octive note…I’m a pretty good bassis but I am going to try to train my fingers to do your excercises I’m kind of an old dog with it though I have my way to play it does sound good but you can tell I’m more of a guitarist but I really do love the bass I really hope this works for me. Any suggestions?

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Sure having both methods is great… I play with my thumb and index too when I do palm muting. Something I talk a lot more about in SBPS.

  40. Glenn Coldwell Avatar
    Glenn Coldwell

    Makes sense of good sound bass playing technique building exercises after watching many bewildering bass for beginners videos finally something that is clear and concise I get it
    Many Thanks

  41. Rick Avatar

    Thanks Alex this is basic stuff but very important and is exactly what needed in warm up and practice.

  42. ADRIAN Avatar

    This the greatest thing I have gotten better thanks

  43. brian Avatar

    Alex, Finally got to see this video (our computer in NM has slowed down for some reason and the video wouldn’t load) and I like it, especially the independant finger exercise. I’ll bepracticing them starting now. Thx.

  44. Anthony Avatar

    Thanks A.S. all I need to do is concentrate more.

  45. Flavius Avatar

    So true!

  46. Christine Avatar

    Wow thanks. will practice when I get home Yeah man, you know your stuff thanks for sharing.

  47. anthony Avatar

    i like this good work how do i get the system man

  48. William Schooler Avatar
    William Schooler

    This really helps. I plan to do this from now on. I know it’s gonna be difficult, but Hey… Thanks!!


    1. alexsampson Avatar

      It’s not gonna be difficult William – Don’t take that mind set.. Approaching it as being fun learning something new is gonna get you far better results. The exercises really are very simple once your hands learn the motions. And that is what you are after “muscle memory”. Cheers

  49. PETER Avatar

    Hi Boss, I have been much enjoying with your bass guitar lessons on online. May heavenly father
    bless you beyond your understanding.

    And I believe your lesson will lead me play a better bass guitar in the near future to help my church..

    please, do send me more lessons..



  50. Rodel Avatar

    Hi Alex,

    You’re doing good! Keep going. I’ve got many things to learn from this video.

    It’s been a long time that I wanted to have my own bass guitar, so that I can just play at home. I need to go to church to play.

    God bless you!

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