Video 2 – 2 Simple Dexterity Builders

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #2 – A 13 Minute Technique, Speed & Dexterity Tune Up![/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!


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514 responses to “Video 2 – 2 Simple Dexterity Builders”

  1. Edward Avatar

    Thank you (from a do not have the time) for the encouragement.

  2. Barret Avatar

    Hey Alex…thanks for this video…it was just what I needed as I have been slipping into some bad practice habits. I’m always noodling my own riffs to death and not really exercising, which has made my playing feel stagnant. Thanks again and keep em coming!!

  3. jonathan Avatar

    Sam , great tips for fingering also benefit for discipline, accuracy, with independence.Happen to be one of the super busy time travelers. Thanks I will be regular soon.

  4. Hrvoje Avatar

    Great video! I just love how u explain the one of the exercises in your home study course.
    It would be awesome if u would demonstrate the proper way to do all of the 6 exercises WITH the things u say to try to do with which I’m (prolly not the only one) having problem like not using your thumb?! on the fret hand and how it should sound when using only your fret hand without your plucking hand.
    Your bass guitar secrets home study course is absolutely awesome and I recommend it to EVERYONE who thinks to get serious about bass playing!
    Keep up the great work and ttys!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi there Hrvoje – thanks a lot for the feedback and the kind words… Glad to know you dig BGS and keep a sharp eye out for the next video you’re gonna LOVE it… We just got done editing it and it’s literally dripping wet with super valuable content… Dripping wet!… 🙂

  5. Charles Avatar

    I love these simple exercises. I’m self-taught intermediate level and I really need to improve my basic technique. Thanks!

  6. Jim Avatar

    Alex… Thanks for the exercises. These short, to the point videos are great. Just what I need to help me be a better player.

    Thanks again!

  7. gary c. Avatar
    gary c.

    thanks alex. it’s always great to have someone who is a high level player available and open to give us pointers. sometimes i will buy a book just looking for that one clue that will raise the bar a notch. having your videos available is like having you for a one on one lesson and the bar is raised a yard. thanks again

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Gary thanks for those kind words brother… I am glad it helped some!

  8. Richard Avatar

    Great stuff Alex! Those are excellent excercises, simple yet challenging. And I love how you break it down so some one with out a music degree can actually understand. I can’t thank you enough for doing this stuff.

  9. bongs Avatar

    wow this way helpful,thank you again

  10. Jani Avatar

    Thanks again,Alex! I like your videos a lot!

  11. shauna Avatar

    This was just what I needed. I had problems keeping my right hand in a good position. This video helped!! Thank you.

  12. Gary Avatar

    I’ve been teaching for 33 years–great lesson, well presented and broken down. Very useful. Thanks.

  13. tony Avatar

    Great video Alex ! Very helpful,i play left handed you make it easier thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. eric Avatar

    alex very nice and interesting exercises on your video looking forward to your next one.

  15. John Avatar

    My man these videos are really on time. these are the kinds of things that we need!

  16. Cameron McIntosh Avatar
    Cameron McIntosh

    Hello Alex:

    This last video was great! I am a bass player for many years and you have shown me some things I do that can be approved upon. Thank God for you, keep them coming!

  17. eric campbell Avatar
    eric campbell

    hellow alex. i love ur style. i can learn a lot from u. i beed beginners stuff. thank u.

  18. frank Avatar

    hey Alex! i thank you for the insite on the fingering.
    i realy needed that emfo keep doing what you are doing
    man blessings is coming your way like never befor.
    Again thank you and send me some more emfomation
    on some other stuff as to how to play church songs.

  19. Jason Ruesgen Avatar
    Jason Ruesgen

    I am a more advanced player but I know you always have little tips that make us think. That simple little tip of leaving the finger on the string until you need them to move was worth the watch. Not only does it help with economy of movement but I’m sure it helps with keeping other strings from ringing out, however slight!:)


    1. alexsampson Avatar

      yessir Jason – just there are a lot of benefits with that one little tweak in motion! Glad you stopped by even though you already smoking! 🙂

  20. dave abrams Avatar
    dave abrams

    Alex; great stuff keep it coming you are a good player and a great communicator;thank you. I have been playing for about 15 years but i want to keep learning . i want to learn some funk techniques and how to pla without getting lost. Dave A.

  21. aaron Avatar

    hi alex. i decided to look at what you had to offer, play at church contempary christian. some isreal houlton stuff the tec. u showed was good i do those instintively. i can play what i here , but cant play any thing of my own. i do play five string. little help please. church is taking me on a gig in texas at the end of march 2012 . if a song is in G AND ITS change to A I JUST MOVE THE PATTERN .CAN U HELP please iwant to know what i am doing

  22. John Avatar

    Alex,once again you have brought to my attention it’s the little things that means so much in our playing. Keep up the good work. Thank you.

  23. Luke Morgan IV Avatar

    This is real great stuff for us beginners…loved it!

  24. Denny Avatar

    Thanks for correcting bad techniques.

  25. Ron Gray Avatar
    Ron Gray

    I even though I concentrate on keeping my fingers down on the frets and only move them when I want them to play. I find it hard as well as get well as get an uncomfortable feeling in my left wrist. When I go from the G-string up to the E-string, I do really well as far as keeping the fingers in control until I need to use them, but when I reverse the other way, I keep muting the strings with the other fingers as I try to finger the frets. It is hard for me to get that finger curl that it appears you have to keep the fingers off the strings. I noticed that my fingers are a lot more flatter. Any suggestions, I do really want to learn the correct way.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Ron try lowering your thumb on the back of the neck and as with anything patience and going slow is what build a habit. Cheers

  26. Claude Aurthor Avatar
    Claude Aurthor

    Alex, this was just what I needed
    Really fantastic tips, really helps with my developing independence in my fingering. I too have a really busy schedule, only get to practic 3 times a week at the time.The video’s are awesome, just what I needed. I see if I’m not carful it’s easy to pickup bad habits,but your video’s set me straight,very helpful, thanks again.Very happy to received the email with the link to your awesome material.Looking forward to your upcoming material as well…Thanks again!

  27. Rich Ord Avatar
    Rich Ord


    Nice exercises!

    Helping me break some bad habits from being self taught.

    Never used to use pinky!

    Major handycap!



  28. Romel Castro Avatar
    Romel Castro


    Good to see this video. I’ve been doing the dexterity exercises wrong by lifting the fingers. I’m going to try these technique. Way to go! Keep on coming!

  29. David Espinosa Avatar
    David Espinosa

    Alex, this is the kind of info I need. I don’t have time to take lessons due to my work schedule. with this video, I can practice and review them at my own time frame.

  30. Rob Avatar

    Hey Alex,

    Tips are awesome, thanks! Couple of questions…do you use round or flat wound strings? I’m having a real hard time with a lot of buzzing in my playing. I’ve been playing long enough where finger strength shouldn’t be an issue, but I still buzz a lot. Could you go over tone and volume controls, how to get different tones from different control settings and when you finger over the front and rear pick us?

    Thanks again for all information, you’re a great instructor.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Rob, thanks for the comment… About the strings on my four string right now I am using flat wounds. In terms of buzzing have you ever had your bass setup checked out?

  31. Javier Avatar

    Thanks Alex.
    Really good information.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Thanks Javier!

  32. Wilson Avatar

    good stuff alex

  33. Apple Pryor Avatar
    Apple Pryor

    Hi Alex,

    I have long fingers for a girl, “piano fingers” my Mom used to call them. I have wanted to obtain greater reach and dexterity on the bass fretboard. This video segment has helped me with keeping my fingertips on the fret much better. You are helping me so much! Thank you Alex!

  34. Errol Avatar

    Alex. I love the new way how you are laying it down. It’s much more easier to understand and follow. With this I can surley see and feel the improvement.

  35. Phil Avatar

    Thanks for the pointers Alex , i do run the strings an now thanks to you i can now do it the right way. thank again Alex.

  36. Glenn Rigby Avatar
    Glenn Rigby

    Technique, technique, technique. Bad habits are hard to break, especially if you don’t know what you’re doing wronq. Thanks again.

  37. Alex Moore Avatar
    Alex Moore

    Hey Alex That is some real good info I need more of it thanks alot I love it

  38. Powell Motsumi Avatar
    Powell Motsumi

    I really like ur taste my man Alex.

  39. Butch Avatar

    Good information!

  40. PIerre Gervais Avatar
    PIerre Gervais

    I don’t know how much to thank you Alex. I am so greatfull that you took your time to develop this and most important you are giving it free to your customers. God bless!


    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Pierre you’re kind words are thanks enough my friend! Have a great week… Cheers!

  41. Jimmy McGee Avatar

    This good stuff, keep it up. Thanks.

  42. Ron Dyson Avatar
    Ron Dyson

    I enjoy this its very encouragement and thanks again

  43. Mike Avatar

    Short, practical, to the point. I can feel improvement already.

  44. Ray Avatar

    Good stuff, Alex, I am a newbie and find your method much easier. It makes sense! question? I jumped into a five string bass, Probably not the best choice to start but it was a smoken deal. so with your method, should a from the top down ( top being the largest string) or skip the top string and play the lower four? Glad I found your site, It has been very helpful! Kudo, Dude!!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Ray if you want to play the song in the same key i did then you’re gonna be skipping the top string of your bass. But that doesn’t mean the patterns only work on the e string… The bass is a symmetrically tuned instrument so you can plug these in anywhere…

  45. Herbert Brown Jr Avatar
    Herbert Brown Jr

    This exercise has proven to be very beneficial to me.


  46. joe cramer Avatar
    joe cramer

    hi alex,great video and so simple to understand i will be able to get rid of some bad habits and play properly looking forward
    to more practice regds joe

  47. Charley Avatar

    I like !!!

  48. Nathan Parsons Avatar
    Nathan Parsons

    Very helpful and clear to understand. I have been looking for a critique of how to position your hands and good clean fingering. I tend to practice scales, positions and arpeggios in the same pattern every time, with these videos it has opened another path to practice!

    Thanks for all your help

  49. Céline Paradis Avatar
    Céline Paradis

    Thank you Alex, i am a very beginner and the videos very help me! THANK YOU!

  50. Céline Paradis Avatar
    Céline Paradis

    Thank you Alex, i am a very beginner and i learn along. You very help me.THANK YOU

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