Video 2 – 2 Simple Dexterity Builders

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #2 – A 13 Minute Technique, Speed & Dexterity Tune Up![/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!


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514 responses to “Video 2 – 2 Simple Dexterity Builders”

  1. Sam Avatar

    ARGH! I’ve been doing exercise #1 wrongly all along? Gonna work on your version of exercise #1 till my fingers gain independence. Right now my ring and pinkie are just so needy and have no independence whatsoever. =(

    Thanks for the great videos Alex! Keep ’em coming!!!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Sam, yeah this this small tweak for a while, be deliberate and slow if you need to and give it some time… It’s not all wasted cause you were still building finger strength but this will help you gain independence in those last two fingers… Peace and groove!

  2. Glenn Avatar

    This is getting good. Exactly the small bits that are easily understood and applied.

  3. Roz Avatar

    Thanks I needed that information. I have been teaching myself to play the bass and never understood how to place my hands. I’ve been doing it wrong and now it is time to start practicing the right way. Again thanks Alex.

  4. Earl Avatar

    I dealt enjoyed the lesson,practicing as soon as I finish.


  5. Douglas Avatar

    Very helpful never tought of that you are the best. Keep the food coming


  6. Yomms Avatar

    Great pointers. Now I know why my plucking wrist hurts so much. Alex a big thank you for pointing this out. Your tips are the best I ever get.
    God bless

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Glad to hear it helped bro! – Sometimes it’s the little things that cause big issues…Peace!

  7. Todd Avatar

    Another excellent video lesson.
    This information may seem simple, but it is really vital information.
    Thank you!

  8. ian Avatar

    magic keep it coming

  9. Peter Starec Avatar

    Nice one Alex,as allways,that’s the way to go!

    Best regards,Peter.

  10. kevin gordon Avatar

    Hey Alex ;
    Thanks for another helpful lesson, really good stuff !

  11. Mehmet Avatar

    Çok güzel teşekkür ederim..

  12. alan morrison Avatar
    alan morrison

    You’re a gem
    another good aid to get back to basics
    Blessings from Australia

  13. Erskine Gordon Avatar
    Erskine Gordon

    WoW!!! Alex, another great video. Your teaching is edifying….

  14. jim Avatar

    BAM! just like the dark knight you step in at the right time and save the day. As I watch your newest installment of better bass playing for beginners I realize that I’ve been quite careless in my practicing style. thanks for setting me down the proper path to better bass playing. cheers JIM

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Alas the Detective’s identity is exposed… 🙂

  15. Doug Avatar

    Another good set of advice. Always good to revisit the basics to make sure I’m doing it right. Thanks again. The exercises are going to my array of finger builders.

  16. Miguel Da Silva Avatar
    Miguel Da Silva

    Hi Alex Thank you was very powerfull material that you have on this video very instructive well done one more time Thank you will help me a lot…

  17. Bucky Ferguson Avatar
    Bucky Ferguson

    Alex, as always yu cut to the heart of the matter. I have been playing for about 11 years with a wedding/party band. I know many songs, but my technique is non-existant. Like many others I am very busy and have little time to practice, I just learn the songs by ear and play them over and over. These exercises really help me develop technique.
    Thanks for all you do for us learners!


  18. GREG pistolpete Avatar

    Good stuff. Need to build on a soild foundation. Just like Jesus, he is our rock and we only
    need to build on his foundation according to the gospel. He has risen!

  19. Perrin Avatar

    Very good video, I will start using these in my practice and warm-up.
    thanks and God bless

  20. Keith Avatar

    Thanks for this Alex, I found the hand positioning tips very valuable and didn’t know that. Something that would have been corrected on day 1 if I’d had one-to-one lessons! Thanks for the encouragement to keep working on the basics – I think it’s mastering these things that will lead to better, tighter and more fluid grooves.



  21. Bruce Avatar

    Great vid!! Keep them coming!! Here’s an idea for a future vid lesson: TIMING. What I mean is this: give and show examples about being right with the beat, ahead of the beat and behind the beat, possibly ( maybe preferribly ) using a metronome. I’m told that I play behind the beat and I want to learn how I can get on the beat and ahead of the beat. I’m sure others may be wondering as well. Thanks!

  22. warren Avatar

    great lesson simple but important!

  23. Alonzo Avatar

    Hello Alex, very nice educational video on techniques…..I needed it trust me…my question to you is ” I can’t solo for the life of me” what does it take to get pass the fear of telling the band while at rehearsal or on a gig “no solo for me im cool” all because of the fear of having a sloppy solo and then maybe losing my job as a bass player.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      hey Alonzo, you’re asking a big question here man – If you’re at that stage where you wanna get into soloing and stuff check this out peace!

  24. Thomas Avatar

    Thank you for an awesome job in showing me these finger dexterity excercise.

  25. Damian Jolly Avatar

    Great! I’m busy, but I can handle this. Cheers

  26. Vesna Avatar

    I really appreciated this video! Alex, you are really good at explaining, demonstrating, and teaching. The video was a great length and had a great mix of explanation and exercise. You are really easy to follow! I will definitely implement this in my exercises/learning. Thanks again for sharing this.

  27. Brian Avatar

    Thanks Alex, once again most helpful.

  28. Star Avatar

    Thanks again for the exercises I will definitely incorporate them into my practice. Please demonstrate with 5 string bass for some of your future videos.

  29. mark Avatar

    alex been playing for quite some time. came across your video
    very impressed good info for beginners

  30. Robert Cockerill Avatar
    Robert Cockerill

    Mega Alex, just what I needed. Mega.

  31. Jörgen Avatar

    Just want to thank you for giving me inspiration to play the bass, good exercises and riffs etc.
    Looking forward for the next video, nice work!

  32. Perry Avatar

    Great Stuff!!!!!

  33. D. Gilbert Avatar
    D. Gilbert

    Alex — Holy deja vu.
    60 years ago, Al Turrey was a classical and jazz guitarist….and an upright bass picker. He played with the Elmer Gill Trio…Elmer, Jabbo Ward, & Al.
    I took bass lessons from Al so I could be better as the bassist for our 1050’s rock & jazz band, The Frantics.
    You skills video today was, truly, an echo of Al’s input.
    I think you should speak more to how you, too, have learned from some old farts.
    D. Gilbert

  34. N.L Avatar


  35. Terry Avatar

    Alex. You are thee best. EXACTLY what I needed.

  36. Sybil Avatar

    I’ll admit that I watched this video while at work so I haven’t had a chance to put it to any use yet, but it seems like good stuff. I especially look forward to that first exercise to see if I’m one of those that takes my fingers all the way off the string – I feel like I probably am! Gotta build up that pinky strength, too.

    Thanks, Alex. Here’s to being a better bassist!

  37. Keith Avatar

    This is some great stuff Alex. Everything I know, I’ve learned on my own…so I don’t know much. I kinda got drafted into the praise team at church and I told them from the get-go that I don’t consider myself a bass player. I get disgusted at my inability to play up to my own standards/satisfaction. I listen to the CD’s they give me with songs they want me to learn and I hear bass lines that just groove and sound so smooth, but no matter how hard I try to copy them, I just can’t get it. I get so discouraged sometimes that I just want to quit.

    I discovered you on YouTube…5 or 6 years ago. Now I wonder how much better I’d be right now if I had of just ordered your lessons then. You were just developing it at that time. I might have even been able to call myself a “Bass Player” by now. I’m tired of being ashamed of my playing. I am going to purchase it today, and get down to some serious practice. I actually came here to hear/watch you play that song I heard you play on Youtube. You used to have it and others posted on your site. I wish I could find them. I think they are very inspiring. Thanks Keith

  38. Doug Avatar

    Helped me just by watching it once.


  39. Francisco Avatar

    Once again Alex you shared some vital info on how one should handle there Bass and focusing on fingering the fret board the right way with great excerises to go with it. I look forward in your upcoming videos.
    Thanks again My fellow Bass Teacher/Player take care.

  40. John Avatar

    Thanks Alex, this was great. Keep making these videos they are very helpful!

  41. charlie Avatar

    Thanks Alex, I really enjoy watching your video and feel I learned some important tips to help improve my practice. I like your method and presentation. Keep up the good work.


  42. Mike Avatar

    Alex, thanks for the video. I play at church but am losing my spot to a young amazing bass player who everything comes easy to, and when I do play, I want to give my very best. looking forward to using your tips to help me out…

  43. marjorie Avatar

    Very informative thanks for tips familiar with some that I have not been practicing and new information for others I will practice play practice play. thank you

  44. mike Avatar

    Thanks for the lessons Alex – I am self taught and totally in a rut, and need these kick in the pants lessons to break free. I’m a visual learner and hate books so they are perfect.

  45. bg Avatar

    Alex some of the stuff you show is sooo cool and the best part is that it works well so well that my instructor says” you dont need me ” . I just think thats too cool . again thanks. BG.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Haha now that’s a cool and funny comment! 🙂

  46. kev Avatar

    alex great video
    can’t wait for next one.
    just an idea though how about you starting a libuary of bass lines that we can tap into for varoius songs etc.
    i find the ones on the internet not that helpfull for the bass.
    so your up and coming vidio on bass lines will be great.
    thanks again for your help.
    i need it

  47. Andrew Avatar

    Hey Alex,
    Thanks for doing these latest vids on technique and a scales.
    Still working away on The Fretboard Formula, which has been awesome!
    Can’t wait for the next vid coming soon.


    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Andrew real nice to hear bro! – Thanks for the ‘thumbs up!’ peace and groove!

  48. robert Avatar

    these are really good and easy to umderstand ur a pretty good tutor

  49. Gerald Avatar

    Excellent man!! keep them coming please.

  50. mike Avatar

    Hey Alex,

    Thanks for sharing these exercises. The first one I discovered from Jonathan Herrera of bass player magazine – it’s great for building up the strength in your fingers. Even after years of playing it’s a great way to warm up, which is how Jonathan presented it.

    The second exercise I haven’t seen before, but looks interesting and is a great way to play chromatically while moving around the neck. I’m looking forward to trying that one out as well.

    I’ve been playing bass for years, but not with a band in the last few years – and this stuff is perfect for me (not just beginners). Will probably share the love on my blog!

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