Video 2 – 2 Simple Dexterity Builders

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #2 – A 13 Minute Technique, Speed & Dexterity Tune Up![/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!


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514 responses to “Video 2 – 2 Simple Dexterity Builders”

  1. Doug Walker Avatar
    Doug Walker

    Good solid foundational stuff Alex. I used those exercise when I got your first course. Seeing this video makes me want to revisit them and put them back into my warm ups during my practice time. also seeing you demonstrate it made it more clear to me. I’m more of a visual learner.
    Thanks again, I can hardly wait for more.

    Doug Walker

  2. George Clarke Avatar
    George Clarke

    As usual, well thought out and clearly explained. Thanks Alex.

  3. rob Baxter Avatar
    rob Baxter

    Hi Alex
    Great videos as usual – keep it up

  4. Jim C Avatar
    Jim C

    Outstanding!! Showing the first exercise really caught my mistakes in this simple but important strength exercise. And the crossing exercise…. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi Jim, yeah alot of folks are familiar with this exercise but they inadvertently do it incorrectly… Peace!

  5. David Avatar

    Again this is great help. Thanks David from Tennessee

  6. Natalie Avatar

    Awesome video! Please post the nect one ASAP 🙂

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi Natalie, thanks for the support – Yeah i think you guys and gals will like the next video a lot…

  7. Frank Avatar

    Hey Alex , Keep the videos coming ……….keep em simple and thanks for great explanations………just started playing at 40 …….so these do help a player like me who took up this great instrument so late in life.

  8. Michael L. Holloman Avatar
    Michael L. Holloman

    You are the man Alex and thanks again for your help, i’ll take all you can give.

  9. Timothy Smalls Avatar
    Timothy Smalls

    Im probably putting this in the wrong area but 1st off good vids- but heres what I want to learn as well and that is learning songs fast especially if u don’t read music cuz most all churches give you cds or youtube to learn which requires rewinding rewinding rewinding what i want to know is tabs eaiser to learn or quicker what i think is listen write play just like plug & play.

  10. Darnell Avatar

    Thanks for the tips. As a self-taught beginner, there truly are so many things that I simply don’t know. I am a tri-vocational graduate student, so I do not have time to take lessons. Many of tips, you can’t get just from watching somene play. I need someone to teach me and show me what they’re doing and why That is exactly what you do and I appreciate it! It is making a difference already.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi Darnell, thanks man and you’re right and raise a good point… Sometimes we look at a player and unless we know what to looks for we can miss several little details. For example most people doing exercise one just copied it from seeing someone else talk about it – very few had a tutor point out the difference between the proper motion. I am glad this is helping.

  11. Daren Avatar

    Great, I really learned alot Thanks

  12. Urs Avatar

    Thanks a lot Alex!

  13. Ken Weigand Avatar

    Awesome Alex, but How do i keep that pesky pinky from doing a one finger salute?

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Ken what you’re talking about there is one of the reasons for my pointing out the ‘tweak’ in exercise #1… As with everything start slowly and deliberately… It really is just about training the muscles in your fingers to gain independence.

  14. Spanky Avatar

    Again you’ve hit it! May GOD keep blessing you as you keep blessing us. Many THANX

  15. bill glover Avatar
    bill glover

    Hi Alex
    Very informative. Can’t wait to get started. Thanks

  16. Patrick Thomson Avatar
    Patrick Thomson

    Thanks so much for the exercises! It only takes a couple of minutes which I can do during warm up. Simple, effective and fun! Thanks so much.

  17. Todd Avatar

    Awesome stuff! Keep it coming!

  18. Steve Brett Avatar
    Steve Brett

    Excellent stuff, very clearly and succintly put. Thanks, Im staight into practice

  19. Bob Avatar

    Another great vid — with lessons that can be heard and followed and gives lots of help.. great job! Thanks!

  20. Joe Ferragamo Avatar
    Joe Ferragamo

    Thanks Alex, good job explaining those techniques.


  21. Kurt Avatar

    Love your stuff. A beginner at 54. My one question.. is it possible to play with small hands? No way I can put one finger per fret and keep them there without playing let alone trying to play your beginner exersises. HELP!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Kurt thanks for the support about your question – It absolutely is possible to play with small hands and a great deal of the time folks say they ‘can’t possibly play’ with one finger per fret it’s one of two things… 1) Simply need practice to loosen the muscles… 2) If you hands are exceptionally small you can look into a shorter scale bass neck. But either way don’t bug out over it… Keep in mind is an ideal and strive for it best as you can. It’s good to have goals 😉

  22. Ron Avatar

    Excellent.Thanks for the tips.

  23. Aaron Johnson Avatar
    Aaron Johnson

    Great stuff!!

  24. Rigo Avatar

    Great and very helpfull. Thanks Alex. Rigo

  25. bob Avatar

    alex, thank you . i am always busy and dont spend time on practicing fundamentals, your exercises always seem make me slow down and make me take time to work on the simple things..i’ve played in bands for 5 yrs now and seem like a beginner at times because i am constantly learning new music for the gig and not concentrating on building good technique or groove. thanks for engaging my brain.

  26. D Avatar

    Nice exercises… Thanks!

  27. Lee Avatar

    Hey, good stuff. Why do you ignore the E string on the last exercise? Thanks for posting this.

  28. Ron Avatar

    Love it. I have recently taken a step back to work on some of the fundamentals, so thanks! This will be very helpful. On another note (this may be too advanced for these short videos) do you think you will have any videos dealing with basic fundamentals for starting to utilize left and right hand technique for simple chords? For me it’d be nice to see something touching on this and perhaps how move from the one finger per fret to a chord and back. As I mentioned earlier I am stepping back and It would be be nice to see how to incorporate this in my practice and approach it correctly.

    Again Thanks!


  29. Jason Smith Avatar
    Jason Smith

    This video is just what the doctor ordered. Recently, I have been really putting my playing under the microscope and wondering why I can’t move as fast or cleanly as some other guys. I found the culprit which was my right hand technique. I won’t call any names but a certain beginner bass DVD I picked up when I first started showed me a technique that was fine for the time but is now crippling my playing. I was wondering what exercises I could do to correct this and strengthen my left hand simultaneously and BINGO out of no where I get an email from Alex Sampson saying ways to correct your playing. Thanks Alex I have taken note and in just a few hours I will have bass in hand undoing 3 years worth of damage.

  30. julius D. Avatar

    Thanks A… I really appreciate that you’re NOT forgetting guys like me. In which, I some times get caught up in learning songs and not the techniques. Videos in which you bring it back home as far as hand position “left and right” help me with the fatigue factor because i find myself wondering why my hands are burning after a few songs in playing THANK AGAIN BRUH” I needed that!

  31. Erwin Avatar

    tnx alex, this is great for me coz i have a difficulty having time to practice your CGX system
    due to my work and busy sked.

  32. Jeffery Avatar

    very good, keep up the good work and keep them comming please.

  33. Courtney Grafton Avatar
    Courtney Grafton

    Great Fundamentals. Once again you keep coming thru. Go Alex

  34. clyde mack Avatar
    clyde mack

    I like the videos,would like to see some funk techniques or some funk riffs

  35. Jay Avatar

    Outstanding………….reminds me of the stuff I used to do but somehow got lazy in my work and stopped doing exercises that keep me fresh. Yo da man! and BTW……Howz that little one comin’ along?

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey there Jay thanks for the kind words… the little one is already 2 and a half and won’t stop talking, running or singing… lol exactly what we ordered! 🙂

  36. Amp Avatar

    Thanks Alex for your time and dedication. This is my first time watching and I’m upset because I could have advanced further in my playing. I’m not happy with how I sound playing, and I really want to be a good player. I’ve been playing for maybe two years now and I can’t hold it down like I would like to. I’m looking forward to these videos to show the way to better playing, Thanks again. Amp.

  37. Elvis Mortley Avatar
    Elvis Mortley

    Thank you for making the grooves nice and simple. I really enjoy them and thanks for thinking about us, the busy people.

    I think you are great
    May God continue to richly bless you and yours.

  38. Andre Avatar

    Seeing some light!!!!!! I was beginnig to get discouraged ar my playing. This video helped. TY.

  39. Redd Avatar

    Alex is gifted at teaching , which is rare these days ! GREAT STUFF !

    When will you be teaching SLAP techniques ?

    GOD Bless !

  40. Tracy Watson Avatar
    Tracy Watson

    Great lesson, it kept me keeping my fingers where they belong and working out the runs was very satisfying, keep them coming, I need the practice.


  41. jefferey Spruill Avatar
    jefferey Spruill

    I think that this video is very infomative because many times we forget the simple techniques.

  42. Ladrick Avatar

    Hi Alex! Thank you, it’s a great help.

  43. Alan Avatar

    Excellent instruction!. Wonderful application of “economy of motion”.
    Looking forward to more of your videos, Alex

  44. Cheryl Avatar

    Wow! Alex you must know me. Thank you for clear, concise guidance. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Always nice to hear from the ladies 🙂 Glad to know you gals are working it too!

  45. Edwin Duran Avatar
    Edwin Duran

    Thanks a lot. For sure you understand what we are looking for. I’m applying everything I’m learning from you.


  46. thomas best Avatar
    thomas best

    i would like to see more like that i think that could help me to learn to use,s to finger,s.

  47. Rob Avatar

    hey Alex, good lessons, very explanatory and necessary exercisers to be mastered. one thing however I don’t like to use with my students in practising is ‘PERFECT’. Nobody is perfect, even the best make a bum note sometimes. I like to use the word ‘better’, with every bit of practice you do, you get better, of coarse it goes without saying you have to practice the right thing, the right way. To practice to be perfect is in a word is unachievable however, if every time you pick up your axe and practice you will get better, more achievable and realistic. The more you practice the ‘better’ you get, practice as much as you can and you may become really great, but you will never be perfect. If you get my drift, I know it is only a word but words mean a whole heap, if you try to reach perfection you will only be disappointed, better to be great and happy.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Rob, appreciate your feedback and I get what you’re trying to say and of course no one is perfect but that doesn’t negate the statement that “only perfect practice makes perfect” – likewise sloppy practice makes sloppy playing and therefore *everything in between*… The fact is a person needs to be AWARE that whatever *their personal goal is* ‘the proverbial perfect’ or not, (totally up to any individual to determine *their goals*) then the type of practice you need must match that goal… Peace and groove!

  48. David Avatar

    Hey Alex, I really like how you are putting together this instruction series. It’s becoming very interactive making it feel like a whole lot more than following a disc lesson and hope you are getting it right. Great stuff. Keep it going and I’ll be checking back often for some nuggets 😉
    Looking forward to seeing what’s next.

  49. gary Avatar

    thanks again alex! it seems so much easier to do these exercises after watching the video than just trying to go by tabs.

  50. Marcel Avatar

    Great stuff Alex. This is the level I’m at! Looking forward to more instalments

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