Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Riffs Every Bass Player Ought to Know.[/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,583 responses to “Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs”

  1. Daniel Avatar

    I just bought a 5 string bass and I needed something to get me motivated again. These videos are just the thing. Thanks alot..

  2. Alfred Avatar

    Hey Alex, thanks I thought you stop helping us. You rock!!!

  3. nick Avatar

    Nice video riffs. Would be nice to see some gospel riffs for beginners too.

  4. Patrick Thomson Avatar
    Patrick Thomson

    Hey Alex,
    You have just summed up where I am at with my Bass playing at the moment! Thank you so much for doing this series.

  5. Frank Avatar

    Excellent……..easy to use and understand……looking forward to more!

  6. Butch Avatar

    This is great!

  7. carlitos Avatar

    excelent lesson tanks!

  8. Jack Avatar


  9. Vincent Avatar

    Alex this video is great. I’m that “Rookie Intermediate” player that you mentioned. I currently play for a band and I do exactly as you said…play over the chords as suggested by the guitar player. With all due respect to him, he’s great, but I want to be able to put my own touch on songs. I’m looking forward to more video’s in the series.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Awesome Vincent! Then keep your eyes here – I’m gonna do a lesson exactly about what you just asked cause a lot of folks are in the same boat!

  10. Richard Avatar

    Love it Alex! Please do more. I was hoping you would do something like this again. Like the sweet child o mine vid you did a while back, I loved that too. Don’t Stop!! You Rule!!!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Rich! long time no see bro – Thanks for the support and I guess this stuff is a hit so I will keep following the vein 😉 peace and chicken grease

  11. Larry Mease Avatar

    Its been a while and I missed you guys, great stuff, I have been in a rut.. I need to get better…
    and you hit it I don’t have time.

  12. Clint Avatar

    Very nice…….

  13. Chris Avatar

    I totally agree with everything you said, but to me the question still remains how do you , crate a bass line to a song that not on you tube, and the keyboard player just give you the key of the song.

    I love the Gospel bass dvds, off the chain…

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Chris great question and believe me it’s getting answered soon – keep your eyes on this blog because I’ll be talking about that!

  14. John Avatar

    Weird to see Jamiroquai grouped in with the British supergroups of the 60s, but me like!!! Nice lesson for those that need it!

  15. Eddie Avatar

    Alex that was an awsome thing you did for us beginners thank you, the lessons are simple enough to follow

  16. Dave Kitelinger Avatar
    Dave Kitelinger

    Thanks Alex Very Helpful

  17. kevin carpenter Avatar
    kevin carpenter

    great video! I caught another one by you several months ago about an easy way to find your way around on the fretboard based on 3 patterns. Could you do a repeat of that one?

  18. Al Arnold Avatar

    Hi Alex,

    As a beginner/intermediate bassist, this is exactly the type of lessons I need. I’ve gotten past the basics as far as scales and note placement, I can do slides, hammer-ons, etc., but have never learned “grooves” like these. This will definitely help and they are automatically fun, especially with the tracks. Thanks very much!


  19. Laymond Avatar

    I love these kinds of short teachings ! Thanks Alex for sharing.

  20. rick Avatar

    Hey Alex,I love all those riffs. Could you lay down some of James Jamersons and bob Babbits riffs

  21. Roynell Avatar


    great stuff!!! I have purchased 3 of your products and I must say that you put a lot of work into giving us something we can use. This is that stuff you can go to play when you what to feel like your doing a little some thing. Thanks for the link. Note: I know its just the camera angle, but it’s hard to see which fret you hit sometimes; I guess that is what the pdf is for because you make it look sooo effortless.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey RW thanks for the kind support and yeah check out the PDFs they’ll guide you through it! Thanks for realizing just how much effort goes into our material… Most people have no idea

  22. Mike Avatar

    Welcome back Alex… we missed you! Awesome stuff… do me a favoe… break down the classic Duran Duran RIO tune bass line…. 🙂 My best to you and your family!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Mike Duran Duran huh… I’ll take a listen and see what’s up… we have a new resource coming soon that’s all about different bass lines so maybe it’s something i can included there… peace

  23. David Avatar

    Hi Alex, I really love your down to earth approach to teaching bass, however there are many of us who don’t necessarily want to be pro, but who still need inspiration. I’ve been playing semi-pro for many years, I play in a funky jazz group with vocalist, a ‘hard’ jazz fusion band (unsurprisingly no vocals required), a rock covers band, and a ‘function’ band (horn section, M/F singers etc), but I am still learning – alway – continuous development is the essential, every day is a school day!

    What I’d really like is if you started to include something for us ‘slightly more advanced’ players in your lessons. I know there’s loads of stuff out there already, but I think you approach is fresh and appealing. For instance I really liked the video you did of you playing Mr Magic (a number I also play) and it was great to see another approach to playing that Tune. More like that please. If you’d like to reply to me about any of the above I’m here in the UK at [edited for privacy]

    Keep up the good work!!


  24. etune Avatar

    excelente….thumb ups.!!

  25. roygeorge Avatar

    it is very good & useful

  26. Michael Allen Avatar
    Michael Allen

    Is there a fee for this & I can get lessons of songs that I( need to learn?

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      ahh – you mean if you have to pay for these videos? they are free but what do you want to learn more lines?

  27. Michael Allen Avatar
    Michael Allen

    How do I get mre bass riffs to songs that I need to learn?

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      how’s about learning to play decent bass lines you come up with yourself?

  28. David Avatar

    WOW I LOVE IT your the best !

  29. juno Avatar

    That was some great tips Alex….Thanx

  30. Willie Harris Avatar

    I think videos like these will greatly help those of us who get frustrated or bogged down by helping us to stay inspired and having fun while learning to become better bass players.

  31. Aaron Johnson Avatar
    Aaron Johnson

    Hi Alex,
    The lessons are great !!! I`m having lots of fun. The only thing I regret is not having enough time to practice like I want to. Thanks Alex your method is so inspiring. I`m slow but moving. Aaron

  32. Nicholas DeClerk Avatar

    Thanks for making this material available. Please keep me on your mailing list.

  33. mark steinbach Avatar

    awesome keep them coming i just pickup bass playing this year back in may and i play in our church praise band weekly they say i do good but i know i am not that good but want to be better

  34. Ryan McGaughy Avatar
    Ryan McGaughy

    Thanks. This is what I need. I don’t get much opportunity to play with others. Holidays with my relatives playing some blues (I have only been at it a year or so) but that’s about it. These back tracks are what I need to develop my listening and playing other than just playing with myself (bad wording).

  35. Alex Avatar

    Great video! You should do more of these in the future. Gives me something to work on when I need to take a break from reading.


  36. eddie b Avatar
    eddie b

    great,great,video.thank you so much.

  37. Roy Carreon Avatar
    Roy Carreon

    I like songs with beautiful and enhanced bass technics just like what DJ does

  38. Miguel Avatar

    I think this will definitely help with my bass playing. Thank you for sharing your talent.

  39. Emerson Avatar

    Would love to get them Alex!

  40. Milton Avatar

    Thanks so much for doing something that I can play. I saw the video that you did playing a Grover Washington tune (Mr. Magic) and it was awesome, I’m hoping to get that good someday. I’m trying to make more time to practice and this stuff that you are playing is just right to get me on my way. Thanks.

  41. Margio Carrillo Avatar
    Margio Carrillo

    Thanks for the lessons Alex,looking forward to more,groove on!:)

  42. kevin gordon Avatar

    Hey Alex & company;
    Really cool stuff for me thanks. I would like to see some more lines laid out like this!!
    Thanks Kevin

  43. Jim Uding Avatar
    Jim Uding

    Thanks need to get back to it!

  44. Rob Avatar

    This is awesome, I think you should do the whole bass guitar secrets course in video format actually, kind of like that gospel bass player course.

  45. Phillip Avatar


    Brah, thanks so much for this! You’ve hit the nail on the head with this one. I have a really HUGE desire to learn to play, but the corporate life leaves little time to pursue that endeavor. I picked my bass back up for the first time in three months.

    This is definitely a winner!

    Thanks again!!!

  46. Ralph Torres Avatar
    Ralph Torres

    Very nice Alex…of course all your stuff is niiice, Thank You!

  47. Randy Avatar

    Fantastic video!! I don’t get on the computer too these days, but I enjoy getting your emails with these lessons. Thanks a million Alex.

  48. Butch Avatar

    Love it…Now I am playing in the right keys to some of the songs…These video are very helpful. Thanks..

  49. Keith Avatar

    Thanks you for breaking it down slowly, that really work.

  50. Ben Bouiye Avatar
    Ben Bouiye

    Like the choice of songs and I will be giving them a try. what would really help me is slowing it way down and saying the notes and fret. I having a problem seeing exactly what you doing, like it seem you is playing open strings also but i’m not sure.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      tabs were provided for everything i played in the video Ben – sent via email – cheers

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