Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Riffs Every Bass Player Ought to Know.[/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,583 responses to “Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs”

  1. John Avatar

    Really cool I’m into the funkadelic type run on the one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Mario Avatar

    Perfect for beginners!!!!!!

  3. Kate Avatar

    Great teaching Alex – your video was easy to follow and understand, slowing it all down was great and having the tabs and drum tracks just makes it better

  4. Troy Avatar

    Thank you, Alex. It’s great to have these to build upon.

  5. Joe Avatar

    Nice Job. I am one of those busy people who plays the bass. I missed your “Bass Logic” videos cause I was working, both times 🙁 Any way. Good job with these look forward to the others.
    I am a big fan of your stuff.

  6. Erskine Gordon Avatar
    Erskine Gordon

    Great video Alex. Keep up the awesome work!

  7. omnia Avatar

    Really cool – Would be interested in an entire site dedicated to famous bass riffs.

  8. Paul Vaughan Avatar
    Paul Vaughan

    Sure enjoyed how you slowed down for beginners, thanks, looking forward to the tabs also.

  9. Rand Avatar

    Thank you very much again, to everybody at Bass Guitar Tips. I’m a happy graduate of the complete Bass Guitar Secrets course, and enjoyed learning how to apply music theory to my bass fretboard, but you’re righteous in acknowledging that famous bass lines are fun, and an important part of repertoire.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Rand much appreciated and thanks for being part of our little space on the interwebs bro! I certainly recognize your name as a frequent flyer! 😉

  10. Ron Avatar

    Great stuff!!! As a rank beginner, any help is appreciated that has a little fun attached! Using your course I have been able to muddle through a couple of Hootie and the Blowfish songs. When I started this I NEVER thought I would be able to play along with Hootie. Yeah!!

  11. Pete Avatar

    I enjoyed the video. I’m not a beginner by any means but it was good to go back to grass roots type riffs as it can bring you back to reality and remind you of humble beginnings, and remind you that simple can sometimes be the best thing.

    thanks, Pete

  12. Wyatt Avatar

    Grear Job Alex
    I am one of those busy people too, However I’m doing it as a hobby I am prabully your only fifty
    year old student. I had been interested in learning a new langauge until one day I was listening
    to Victor Wooten and he said music is a langauge and a light went off in my head and I decided
    to learn the langauge of music. I had a 1969 fender Percession when I was in High School in
    Detroit but it was stolen shortly after i got it. So I am very excited that you are taking the time
    and droping some knowlege on us. I’m loving this video keep up the good work. 😉


  13. BARRACUDA Avatar


  14. pete Avatar

    thanks for the video alex, found it really useful .look forward to seeing more

  15. Alfred Avatar

    Very good!!!! More, more, more……

  16. Jim DiazRomero Avatar
    Jim DiazRomero

    Thanks Alex. I’m going through the course slowly, but I’m learning a lot of good stuff. This video is a great bonus.

  17. Joyce Avatar

    Really cool I am a beginner a real beginner can I get the TAB’s

  18. Maurice Avatar

    Great stuff, I have been waiting for you to hit with some new stuff. I will be in the shed tonight for sure.


  19. glitz carino Avatar
    glitz carino

    hey alex , i like your samples here , but where can i buy those dvd that you said be a bass player in 80 days?

    thanks bro


    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi Glitz… hmmm not sure what you’re referring to – We don’t sell any DVDs that promise you will be a bassist in 80 days… BUT keep your eyes on this blog because in the next few free lessons I’m gonna show you guys some VERY cool stuff that will get you playing respectable lines VERY quickly… Peace!

  20. Charles Stallworth Avatar
    Charles Stallworth

    Man I feel that is system will help me out alot. Hope you will be coming out-with it real soon. Thank you

  21. JonaS Avatar

    Very nice, very smooth ….and very enjoyable. I Apreciaste it as a teacher myself.

    Lv J

  22. Larry Avatar

    Thanks for the video

  23. Brian Avatar

    I’ve been working on nuts and bolts so its nice to something to frolic with. You struck a “chord” with the mechanical scales feeling I got playing with friends in WV. But that helped with my determination to work harder once I got back into computer realm. Thx for the dessert!

  24. Dwayne Avatar

    yes i like the video wish i could play just one like that. I like gosple songs , i would like to learn to play the bsss. Thank You Alex

  25. raymond Avatar

    Just want to say thank you so much, it has really helped me in my playing….Please keep it up.

  26. Kevin Avatar

    That was good , My kind of slowing it down. Im very green , kinda do my own thing.

    still working on finger dexterity. an all.

    I could use some finger excersising techniques.

    Enjoyed the lesson

    Thanks .

  27. Bob Pfeiffer Avatar
    Bob Pfeiffer

    you hit it right on. Can’t wait to try but time is tight, maybe next week. Great hearing from you, Bob

  28. Larry Newwome Avatar
    Larry Newwome

    Hey Alex Man, yes I’m one of the people that could defiantly benefit from the use of this video. I’ve been playing bass for almost 8 years now yet, with children One of which is a newborn, and not being in a band ( nor having the time for practice) I cant seem to find my groove. I have a vivid imagination and come up with grooves that would make Stanley Clark proud, i just don’t have the skill level to play.them.I am a self taught bass player and know the fret board yet need help with fingering techniques so i can play like you…. HELP !.Yes I’ve looked at Bass Guitar Secrets(longingly for over a year) and have every e-mail i have ever received from you, I’m sorry i just haven’t been able to afford it….for that I am a lil ashamed….But i do honestly appreciate you keeping me on you list.and all the help you provided thus far…… sincerely, Larry

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Thanks for keeping up with us… it’s good to hear that you appreciate our free content – Enjoy!

  29. John Avatar

    Very good…very easy to understand & follow.

  30. Shellie Lewis Avatar
    Shellie Lewis

    I need a teacher that can teach me to play left handed bass! The videos are great!

  31. mr.g Avatar

    thanks for Ascension -Maxwell i forgot about send some earth wind and fire ,,,,lets groove tonight…..maybe???
    this helps a lot

  32. rick Avatar

    thanks alex,
    I’ve been a supporter of yours for awhile and you always delivered more then expected,,,, and you did it again,,,Thank you—Rick.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Yeah Rick you rock bro! 🙂 Thank you from the team here at BGT – we appreciate our customers and really try to do fairly and right by you guys!

  33. michael Avatar

    Nice work

  34. jesse Avatar

    Awesome! It cool your thinking about those who are barly starting.

  35. Gary Sheppard Avatar
    Gary Sheppard

    I really like these lessons. Thanks alot.

  36. Douglas Jennings Avatar
    Douglas Jennings

    Thank man this is great, great idea keep them coming I’m from the old school, great selection also I will stay tune.

  37. Mike T Avatar
    Mike T

    Very good!

  38. Trevor Avatar

    Alexecellent as Yousual Very well done and soooo easy to follow.
    Note: My download speed gave me a break every 3 or 4 seconds so (a real pain the A). I would love to be able to download the video. Any chance this could be done?

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi Trev… Thanks for the support. Unfortunately we don’t have downloads available at the moment – I’ll consider it for some of the other free videos in the future though… There are pros and cons to doing so that we’re kinda still debating 🙂

  39. rosalio Avatar

    Very excellent drums sample beginner’s lessons. If it is possible to give us guitar tabs sample lessons also, I would appreciate it a lot.

    Thank you very much mr. alex sampson.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Sorry Rosalio I don’t teach guitar here… If you were asking about the bass tabs for what i played in the video then I did send them to your email address. Peace

  40. ian Avatar

    great keep it coming
    thanks ian

  41. paul lawson Avatar
    paul lawson

    very cool bro

  42. Glen Avatar

    Hey Alex, just what was needed, adds a bit of fun and coolness to my playing.
    Tell Wyatt he’s not on his own, I too am very busy working full time and dancing “Rock n Roll and Swing three nights a week. Bass playing is a hobby but a love of music keeps these young 57 year old bones still jiving. Keep up the cool tunes.
    p.s. Been using a ’58 reissue Danelectro Long Horn.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      yeah man glad to hear from ya! I replied to an earlier comment letting folks know we’ve have customers in their 80’s so 50-something year olds are ‘young’uns’ ! lol

  43. curtis king Avatar
    curtis king

    Man that was Great.

  44. D. Gilbert Avatar
    D. Gilbert

    Again, Alex, you have spoiken and demonstrated in a manner which activated my mu neurons. The Gandhi Nuerons of Dr. Ramachandran’s neurological research that explicates the power of demonstration in learning. We are connected without me and my axe because: you demo, I watch, and you and I are autogenically (mind-body) firing off the same neurons; mirroring the demo by you…in me.


  45. D. Gilbert Avatar
    D. Gilbert

    To Wyatt —

    It’s okay to be 50….I’m 71 and fundamentals are essential tools for growth and the pursuit of excellence. I’ve been at this as a learner and performer for more than 60 of my 71 years. Don”t forget about the 10,000 hours of scales that Quincey Jones says are essential.

    D. Gilbert

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Nice post D.G… In fact we have customers in their 80’s ! – Yup I personally spoke to a guy on the phone who was 81 and I was blown away by his excitement for learning…

  46. Vincent Avatar

    Thanks Alex, I’m one of those busy people and your videos help me get a little closer to my break through.

  47. Ronald R. Brooks Sr. Avatar
    Ronald R. Brooks Sr.

    great video for me an old beginner.!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks.

  48. Dave Avatar

    as always great…. time is a problem but i do what i can and its fun so its a win-win

  49. Mark B Avatar
    Mark B

    I like the direction you’re going with this Alex. It could prove to be a very valuable tool for busy people who still want to learn bass.

  50. mauro Avatar

    Great video,thanks…

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