Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Riffs Every Bass Player Ought to Know.[/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,583 responses to “Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs”

  1. joe lowrance Avatar

    This is great! Stuff I can use without all the extra fluff!

  2. Stephen Avatar

    Interesting breakdown! Actually looks feasible even for the old codger!

  3. Bob Avatar

    Great idea! Keep them coming they’re a great help. The sound level on your bass is really low and not easy to hear – can you turn up the volume in future vids? Thanks again. Great job.

  4. Mark Avatar

    Awesome Alex! You seem to know just what I need when I need it. Thanks a lot and keep up the great work! I really appreciate what you do for us.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      yeah every once in a while the stuff I learned at Professor X’s school for the gifted comes in handy 😉 Hey Mark thanks for all the support bro…

  5. Mark Avatar

    thanks a bunch Alex! You know what I’m looking for and need before I do!

  6. Takpor Dwanyen Avatar
    Takpor Dwanyen

    Sounds great-I am watching to see if you are using scales, arpeggios, chords, modes, or combinations

  7. Francisco Avatar

    Good stuff always wanted to learn cosmic girl

  8. James Beckwith Avatar
    James Beckwith

    Nice stuff, thanks for the riffs! That bass sounds nice…..

  9. Michael Fisher Avatar

    I like the break downs it’s still a little hard to see
    What finger is on what string or fret.
    If the notes been played were posted below
    That would be great 🙂

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Mike that’s why we provided the tabs for each song… Sent them to your email. Peace.

  10. paul Avatar

    i appreciate u showing us “beginners” some basic songs. it is encouraging when u can learn songs like these as quickly as possible. helps keep the motivation going. thank u very much. Paul

  11. keith Avatar


    I needed that.

  12. GEORGE Avatar

    Thanks Alex, this will help me alot. How hard is it to be an intermediate player self taught and now do it right with lessons?.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey George, well really that’s a sorta open question… Everything kinda depends on what type of music you’re trying to learn, the time you can afford to spend with the instrument… what you define as ‘doing it right’.. If you have a lot or a little to (or nothing at all) to correct about your playing technique… But i will say that it’s certainly very very doable – Helping folks get and feel better about their playing is what we do all day long. Cheers!

  13. adrian Avatar

    I just can’t believe what I have seen. Everything seems to be so easy the way you teach. Thanks a lot Alex for that lesson. You are the number 1.

  14. Clifford Chaperon Avatar
    Clifford Chaperon

    I like your stuff. Thinking through getting some of your stuff. You groove

  15. Paul Timms Avatar
    Paul Timms

    That’s helpful and most of all it’s fun stuff. Well done.

  16. Powell Avatar

    good stuff, I really enjoy ur good lessons, keep it going!!!!!!!

  17. manny Avatar

    i’m still hoping that you can provide a downloadable version of your paid lessons.

  18. josh Avatar

    killer bro. killer.

  19. ilham Avatar

    Great bass riff …good for to learn at slow pace video with metronome.this is agood example of video bass learning.keep up the good work ………..

  20. shannon Avatar

    great site very easy to learn from.

  21. laraine Avatar

    Liked this a lot. I am going to use this video as my practice every day. thanks.

  22. Milton Avatar

    Good stuff alex, great work. Looking forward to learn more. Thanks for sharing.

  23. jacinto Avatar

    bueno bueno

  24. pete Avatar

    Hi Alex

    You make it look so simple, I will however keep trying.

  25. Marcus Avatar

    Great idea and very handy!

  26. Shaji Avatar

    Looks great… will give it a try tonight. Many thanks for being so generous 🙂

  27. cheech Avatar

    great idea as a bass teacher i find that most beginners struggle with coming up with their own ideas giving them a few quick licks is a great way to build confidence

  28. Thomas Avatar

    Thanks Man, this is want I needed.Someone to break things down.

  29. ken murphy Avatar
    ken murphy

    great idea but would like more riffs fromklillers/snow patrol and police and the like

  30. Michael Avatar

    Hi Alex,
    I have been a member of your Bass Systems a fews years now, and Its been a long time since I have been able to get down to any practice, basically due to family commitments. Your comments regarding time to practice!!! were very helpful as I had fallen into that category. The above video content and quality of video has given me the urge to get going again.

    Kind regards


  31. jeff Avatar

    nice breakdown very easy to follow.I think even I can pull it off.

  32. Andy Avatar

    brilliant lesson and showing the music and tab is mjch better

  33. Mehmet Avatar

    Teşekkürler bende öğrencilerime sizin verdiğiniz örneklerden yararlanarak ders vermekteyim.Başarılar dilerim

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Oh wow if I’m not mistaken these are Turkish greets right?! — tesekür ederim!


    Thanks Alex for the great idea it just encouraged me to get back into my learning bass playing once again thanks bro.

  35. Simeon Avatar

    So many people want to play the complicated stuff, but this is part of the journey 🙂 Good Call.

  36. Improver Avatar

    Time yes I need more. These riffs are great a good reminder what should be played. Great stuff. from a old codger who’s still trying to learn Thank you Les

  37. Rusty Avatar

    Hey great stuff! The two timing changes really show what’s going on.
    So next time can u turn it up ?

  38. john Avatar

    thank you again for your time and effort with this. I am nearly sixty, and the say you can”t teach an old dog new tricks
    I think you proved them wrong

  39. Ivens Guido Avatar
    Ivens Guido

    I have already your course ” Bass Guitar Secrets” but seeing the lessons on videos like this thats what I missing.

  40. Jim Avatar

    Thanks for the demos. Good stuff.

  41. Mike Avatar

    Great Concept,
    Thanks from a very busy old retread trying to get some of my younger tallent back

  42. Glenn Avatar

    Very cool. I’m waiting for more 🙂 I’m interested in how you’re going to approach groove creation.

  43. Len Morgan Avatar

    Great lesson Alex. I especially liked Come Together.

  44. pete Avatar

    fantastic choice of songs well presented

  45. Jim Avatar

    Fun stuff, thanks, most helpful.

  46. Kevin Butler Avatar
    Kevin Butler

    I really enjoyed this. Give us more, after I learn this. Thanks alot, this is great.

  47. Hrvoje Avatar

    u r the greatest! keep up the great work! TYVM

  48. Michael Avatar

    Hey great stuff, I have a suggestion. When making these videos you should consider editing in some type of highlights on the fretted stings on the bass so it’s easier for the viewers to see what frets/strings you’re playing. Sometimes the fingers being used change during playing, which is normal; this should make it even more clearly to all on what you’re playing. Doing something like this is solidifying your dominance on Bass instruction videos.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Tabs are provided Michael.

  49. Rob Hardy Avatar
    Rob Hardy

    Great video and very useful. I had self taught myself Another One Bites the Dust but changing a couple of notes makes it so much better and easier. Keep up the good work

  50. david Avatar

    The most important item to include in your next video would be to give the notes you are playing.
    The action is a little difficult to follow for a first timer.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      hmmm not sure if folks are missing this but I’m gonna say it again… I gave the TABS to what i played in the video in a PDF… Tabs meaning I write out each and every note so that anyone can follow. those tabs were sent via email. cheers

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