Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Riffs Every Bass Player Ought to Know.[/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,583 responses to “Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs”

  1. wout Avatar

    Hi Alex, Good to hear from you again, talk about busy with two jobs for about 14 hours a day. If I can get in about three hours per week I’m lucky, so this hits the spot!

  2. patrick Avatar

    Nice work. You are such a blessing.

  3. Bob Oldham Avatar
    Bob Oldham


    Thanks for the tips. I learn something new every time I watch one of your videos. Thanks!

  4. gary Avatar

    thanks alex,
    working 8+ hours a day, i fit into that class of players you were referring to. looking forward to trying out some of these.

  5. Wilson Avatar

    Sweeeeet And to the point. thanks

  6. Steven L. Smith Avatar


    Alex it is obvious that your are a gifted bassist. What is really impressive is that you are generous with your knowledge and your resources. So many time musicians on your level are unwilling to help beginners and intermediates discover the broader horizons of music. THANKS MAN GOOD LOOKING OUT!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Thank you for the kind words my man – keep an eye out for the next lesson… peace

  7. Anthony Avatar

    Lessons have helped me a lot. Thank man.

  8. Stu Avatar

    you know someone is good when they make it look simple. Thanks.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      haha Stu, you’re being kind 🙂 thanks!

  9. Samuel Avatar

    Some I pick up right a way and I need some work on.

  10. Robert Avatar

    Great runs.

  11. Russ Cooper Avatar
    Russ Cooper

    Alex, Just what I needed this evening. Really Good Stuff!!!

  12. Russ Cooper Avatar
    Russ Cooper

    Great Stuff, just what the night had in store

  13. Don Withrow Avatar
    Don Withrow

    Thanks for the info! It’ll be great to get these under my belt, and they’re fun to play too.

  14. Bill Avatar

    Good stuff Alex. When I master these I will have a good jump start…

  15. Jose A. Cruz Avatar
    Jose A. Cruz

    Thank you for your great video….excellent lesson….I had learn a lot…thank once again

  16. Edgar Avatar

    Thanks. You hit it on the head not a lot of time but striving to be a better bass player. Your lessons are right on point. Thanks

  17. dennis Avatar

    I loved what he had to show me and it was following along than he stopped to show me the riff just incase I didnt get it….Ya Alex you have talent thanks…You leave me wanting more…

  18. Tyrone Joseph Avatar
    Tyrone Joseph

    Thanks a lot Alex. You hit the nail on the head. I’m one of those whose always busy with with work, and with not enought time to practice and absolve all the basis, and techniques of bass playing. I’m somewhat an intermediate bass player, and I play in church. I love music, and touching basis on different types and styles of music is great. And the way you lay it all out is fabulous. I play by ear, because I’m self taught, and I can pick up by ear pretty good. But I really want to learn more of the basics, read music, and all that other good stuff, to go along with my ear. If I can find a lil more time to get more involved, along with you by my side, I know great things lies ahead for me as a musician. Thank you very much for all you have done, and will do, as you bring to us more fundamentals of bass playing. Thanks again Alex. You are outstanding on the bass. (Smile) Keep up the good work, and be blessed… Tyrone Joseph

  19. Leonard Bragg Avatar
    Leonard Bragg

    This is great. It was a little hard seeing the notes that you were playing in the video. However,
    it is a great lesson as I am a beginner.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi Leonard – thanks – check out the tabs to see what notes I was playing – sent to your email cheers

  20. KDogg Avatar

    Need some must know Gospel Riffs.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      start with this.–-all-around-intro/

  21. Brian Avatar

    WOW. You describe my situation perfectly. Lack of time. I love to play but don’t have the time. Your lesson is progressive through the 5 riff’s. Exactly what I need. Thanks you.

  22. Wayne Avatar

    Cool – thanks for the lines

  23. thomas land Avatar
    thomas land

    i can used this ,now i can have some thing to play that sounds good , thank you.

  24. Clifton Avatar

    Thanks for this Alex! Real Cool stuff! I will have Fun this these! :^D

  25. henri Avatar

    I’m just starting on the bass need a good book,and some digm.

  26. James Avatar

    Yes, I would love to get the Jam Track.
    So cool. Keep on keeping on.
    Great blessing to those who are trying to become skillful.

  27. Spanky Avatar

    Hey Alex thought you forgot about us “tweeners”. All my faves to thanx.

  28. Mike Avatar

    Awesome! Just what Ive been looking for to get some cool grooves. Thanks!!

  29. Ron Avatar

    For even old and new bass players, theirs something for every one
    Thanks Alex

  30. E. Bernard Harrell Avatar
    E. Bernard Harrell

    Hi Alex
    I am a rookie intermediate, I love your short video, thanks for keeping all of us in your heart. Keep them coming.

    Thank You
    Bernard H.

  31. Amy Avatar

    Looking forward to this – thank you for your generosity……

  32. Brian Hawkins Avatar
    Brian Hawkins

    Thanks a million Alex. It does take me a little longer to follow exactly as I am left handed. However, I found it informative and with practice will be able to take this on board. I look forward to the next video.

  33. Brad Avatar

    Great stuff! Keep it coming.

  34. john Avatar

    great but i would like a bass line with the drums and it would be good to replay the demo how ever many thanks john

  35. Carl Avatar

    Very good can not wait to get started. Most sites move to fast hard for beginners. Getting tabs helps me alot.

  36. Barron Avatar

    Since I’ve found u u have been a big help in motivating me into wanting to play again when I have reached my wits end in my rookie state. May God bless u the more for ur given and caring.

  37. mmolin Avatar

    Thanks. Now if I just had more time.

  38. barry Avatar

    this is bass playing i like to see

  39. Jim Avatar

    Alex, this is a perfect approach to someone like myself who is trying to learn bass in my spare time. I’ve always felt that the way to stay motivated is to start playing songs, the theory can come later. I was beginning to wonder if I was the only one with this philosophy, but this video is a huge step in that direction. Thank you for this and I hope there will be more to come.

  40. Fred Avatar

    Great I can really get excited about playing again!!!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Awesome! Glad to hear it!

  41. luis vega Avatar
    luis vega

    Alex you rock! great video thanks a lot. how can I some tabs with practice tracks?

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Luis, yeah the tabs and mp3s are sent to your email automatically – let me know if you don’t get it

  42. Francisco Avatar

    Thanks Alex those demo’s were well done I appreciate you going out of your way for us bass players especially like my self that can’t always put in the time like I would like to and just focus on creating bass riffs and of coarse studying the various scales.
    May the Good Lord bless you and yours as you share your knowledge with me and many others.
    Take care my Brother, Francisco Giovanni Colon’

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      hey bud nice to hear from ya! thanks for the thumbs up! hope you been keeping well…

  43. Jeff Avatar

    Hey Alex, good to here from you. As always you share good stuff for that can be use. Thanks for the information. I look forward to the upcoming videos.


    1. alexsampson Avatar

      hey my man – how you been bro? — fightin’ crime and making the streets safer as usual?

  44. Herb J.Williams Jr. Avatar
    Herb J.Williams Jr.

    The lesson were helpful. You should do more the the beingers

  45. Jorge Salas Avatar

    Hi Alex:
    Its good to know that you do understand the need of most of us.
    The criteria that you got really hit me so thanks for paying attention on people like me (my level) good work….

    1. alexsampson Avatar


  46. Scott Avatar

    This is really great stuff Alex! Thank so much.

  47. ray Avatar

    I like the last song on this lesson real well. Good job.


  48. Chris Avatar

    You make it look so easy. Then I try it and am surprised at how easy it really is. Thanks.

  49. Al Hook Avatar
    Al Hook

    Great stuff Alex. Keep it coming.
    I’ve checked out many lessons on Youtube, bass websites and method books. Nothing is even close to your BGS course.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Al thanks a million for your support bro… Peace and chicken grease…

  50. Aaron Avatar

    Simple and groovy for beginners and rookie intermediates such as myself. Thanks a lot Alex. Keep posting more of these cool stuffs. Cheers from New Zealand.

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