Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Riffs Every Bass Player Ought to Know.[/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,583 responses to “Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs”

  1. Robert Avatar

    Excellent presentation, excellent choice of bass lines, two tempos to learn from, BRAVO!

  2. Wilfredo Belen Avatar
    Wilfredo Belen

    I am bit more in the advance stages and I can see how this video will help the beginner and intermediate bass players. I wish I had this type of video lessons and backing tracks to practice when I started.

    Great stuff.



    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Fred buddy how you been… It’s been a minute… Hope you keeping well

  3. Anthony Langley Avatar
    Anthony Langley

    Alex love those base lines. Wish I could purchase everything you put out, but finance is tight. When things get better I will.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      I hear ya man – well you’re more than welcome to enjoy all the free stuff we put out 😉 good to have you.

  4. Stephen Avatar


    Thanks for the lines and tunes. I have been working on your Bass Guitar Secrets and got stalled in the middle of book two. Any suggestions? My bass playing improved but I’m stuck.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      mmm well not sure what you stuck at…

  5. Joe Levanto Avatar
    Joe Levanto

    Thats the kind of stuff that wud peak a beginners interest and make them want to learn more. Good stuff Alex

  6. Ozell Avatar

    You make it look so easy!

  7. Jesse Avatar

    Hey Alex,awesome stuff man! dat kind of talent comez from above brah….keep up da good work teaching da peepz how 2 groove on da bass,thanx 4 wat u r offering 2 da peoplez, a rear gift,much appreciated so enjoy doin wat ur doin 4 His Glory brah. Peace out!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      that’s what’s up brah – just spreading the love… peace

  8. Bob H Avatar
    Bob H

    Oh man! I love those tracks. I’m learning to play from scratch. My friend has his own rock band. He needs a bass player. He shows me the notes to play and I can keep up and go with it. Although, using a pick. I play a little basic guitar. I believe your tracks will help. Thanks!

  9. Don Avatar

    Quick and dirty. Good work.
    Spider man T-shirt – nice touch


    1. alexsampson Avatar

      lol yeah i figured a batman tshirt would be a little too self indulgent 😉 lol have a good one bro!

  10. Manfred Avatar

    This is really good for learning and practicing… Hopefully it’ll turn out to be helpful for me in the not so distant future… Thx Alex 🙂

    Cheers from Malaysia

  11. Paul Wilson Avatar
    Paul Wilson

    Hi Alex!

    I enjoyed this clip….this is what I’ve been looking for all along…the closeup of the fretboard and left hand helps, especially at the slower tempo. I have other videos by you and other bassists but, I need to work my way up to those levels….my time is very limited and I get discouraged when I don’t see any significant improvement…this video will make me dust my bass off and try again!


  12. Blondell Avatar

    hey Alex whats up? All my life i always wanted to play the bass guitar, but i have no one to teach me. I tried to learn what i could by watching other people people play but it seems now that i have reached the end of the line. listening to your videos really stirs me to learn but i need help!!! Every thing that you said is true of me. I definately want to be good at playing so please help me!!!!!

  13. Keith Morgan Avatar
    Keith Morgan

    Looks like a good system I will try the songs on the video.

  14. Bill Moore Avatar
    Bill Moore

    Glad to have help. I’m a beginner and have been for a long time as I don’t have a lot of time to put into learning.

  15. Courtney Grafton Avatar
    Courtney Grafton

    Great job Alex! You got right into the meat of the lines. This is always the part we feel that we want to accomplish first without any kind of study whatsoever. Once again, great job…..Thanks

  16. Richard Avatar

    I think this may be what I need to jump start my playing! Very cool.

  17. Dennis Avatar

    Hi very nice well put together very nice sound
    Good choice in songs

  18. Greg Avatar

    Nice start! Would love to see lot’s more songs worked out like this. This is exactly what keeps me excited about playing bass – actual songs! Thanks!

  19. Thomas Avatar


    I enjoyed the lesson and I can’t wait to practice them. I have also enjoyed your bass course that I ordered about a year ago. You are right, though, the biggest struggle for me is that I stay so busy. Thanks for the ongoing tutorials that help the busy people like myself, who still like to progress little by little on their bass skills, but have limited time available to do it.

    Thanks again,


  20. stephen Avatar

    great job I am a beginner

  21. Vern Avatar

    Thanks, Alex! Great riffs to build confidence.

  22. Robert Rynard Avatar
    Robert Rynard

    Awesome! Exactly what I needed to help move me along with my bass playing. I am looking forward to seeing what else you have to offer. Thanks and Great job Alex.

  23. ynys Avatar

    Actual top songs great!
    A nice change from pentatonics, modes, perfect 5ths, locrian . . . the will to live . . . augmented, demented . . .

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      lol – yes playing songs is always far more fun than modes huh?! lol

  24. Sandy Avatar

    Hey Alex. Thanks again!
    These videos always help motivate me to play more as I don’t have anyone to regularly jam with. I’m also getting the Premium Playalong tracks and loving those.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Sandy big shout out to ya! member in the house… Word! 🙂

  25. Stuart Carlin Avatar
    Stuart Carlin

    Good choice of tunes. Thanks.

  26. Greg "pistolpete" Avatar

    Cool. Thanks for the goods. Nice break down of the meat.

  27. Latigo Avatar

    As a former professional electric bass player it was quite wonderfully accidental that I found the Alex Sampson website. His sample lessons are truly beneficial for the beginner-intermediate player and an old pro like me looking to get back his groove. The video tutorials are among the best I’ve ever seen. Looking forward to getting the “Groove” back with Alex.


    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Latigo thanks for the support my man! glad to hear you diggin on our stuff… peace

  28. Danny Boggs Avatar
    Danny Boggs

    Great stuff! It is good to get info in short bursts for busy people!

  29. James A Smith Avatar

    You always make it look sooooo easy! Excellent demo.

  30. brian green Avatar
    brian green

    i really like that little sample, how can i get the tabs to those songs thank you very much for that good stuff

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Brian the tabs were sent automatically when you signed in… check your email (and spam folder) to see if you got ’em.

  31. sammy Avatar

    Good idea, sugestion for midi backtrack

  32. goldsmith Avatar

    nice 5 bass songs tips keep them comeing it help thank you.

  33. todd Avatar


  34. Seth Avatar

    Been playing for just about a year, thanks for the great tips Alex.

  35. joe Avatar

    Very Smooth…have trouble knowing which note is being played it might be easier for me to memorize the tune..all the best…

  36. David Brown Avatar
    David Brown

    I think it is a great idea to provide beginner bass songs to get started. I really enjoy your lessons.

  37. ray Avatar

    Love to recive any bass tracksyou have
    Thanks this will help !!!! thanks again

  38. hank Avatar

    Now thats what I am talking about!!!!

  39. Colin Baxter Avatar
    Colin Baxter

    Alex these lessons are exactly what I’m looking for to improve my playing, please keep them coming, thanks Colin.

  40. Paul Avatar

    Another nice informative video. Thanks Alex

  41. Jacob Avatar

    Hey this is a great website. Alex you are a great teacher. Thank you for all you have done.

  42. Frank Avatar

    Cuts the learning process by 1/2-simple straight to the point.

  43. Erwin Avatar

    Tnx Alex i can’t wait to practice it,

  44. Mike McCullough Avatar
    Mike McCullough

    Alex, Thanks for the quick info. After banging scales and finger execises every day a song to play is refreshing.

  45. Tyrone Avatar

    Nice riffs thanks for sharing, still working on my bass lines, but my job is so demanding, in a band and not gonna give up on my grooving. thank you appeciate you so much!

  46. Erwin Avatar

    Alex hope the video is downloadable, like what you did on Michael Jacksons Rock with you, but it sad i was not able to download it, hope you can give me a link to download the video including this one,
    Im still studying your CGX system im still at volume 1, on the modes chapter, its great, but i still suggest that the system is on DVD or it has a video, so it kinda interactive for us who follows your system.
    Tnx alex for such great system.

  47. Don Hamilton Avatar
    Don Hamilton

    Hello Alex
    It’s good to hear from you.Coming up with GOOD BASS LINES on the spot has always be a problem for me. I have gotten some bad looks at church when I decline to play for fear of messing up.I have tried everything and spent much more than a little money on promises that have let me down.Before I spend any more money I have to know that your program does what you say it does.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      well keep an eye on this page and we’ll see if i can help you in any way

  48. John Custer Avatar
    John Custer

    great video… thank you. It has helped me , makes me want to play more..

  49. Cyrus Jarman Avatar
    Cyrus Jarman

    I appreciate you sending me those rifs. I am ready to take my music to another level.

  50. Clay Avatar

    Thanks Alex! I am an older beginning bass player, and as much as I have the greatest interest, I just can’t find a lot of time for practice as I’d like and should. You make it seem so easy, which encourages a lot of beginners like myself. I especially like the way you slow things down to check out the fingering. Only thing I have a little bit of a problem with is not seeing which string you’re playing when you’re using the flat portion of your fingers to finger a note rather than your finger tips (like in the video of “Another One Bites The Dust”. Thanks again your help! It’s inspiring for those who don’t catch it as quick and easy. God Bless You My Brother!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Clay glad you got something from the video! In terms of getting all the notes I played don’t rely just on the video.. that’s what the tabs are for. 😉 we sent them to your email address. check it out

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