Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Riffs Every Bass Player Ought to Know.[/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,583 responses to “Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs”

  1. Ross Lampshire Avatar

    Hey Alex,
    Nice videos. You hit the nail on the head. Want to play, not enough time! Great stuff. Bringing it to us, thanks again!

  2. ted Avatar

    yo alex, thanks for the bass riffs,something i can work on,but a question,is it possible to use those bass riffs in a religious song? something to try.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hmm Ted nice thoughts because the answer is yes… notes are notes.. what separates them is use of language, feel, rhythms etc those are what makes a style – so if you hone in on the character of a style you really can use ‘note language’ that you’ve found is all sorts of other types of music.

  3. Andy Avatar

    Thank you Alex, very helpful video, really appreciate your effort to help us guys in the beginner intermediate level!
    Keep up the ace work!

  4. chris Avatar

    Great tip, I like the idea of being able to learn some of these building block riffs. especially ones that demonstrate good techniques. way more fun than just playing scales!!

  5. Terry Avatar

    Good riffs; nice selection. Keep them coming.

  6. PDennis Avatar

    Alex, This is great. Thanks for lookin’ out for us on planet Bass Guitar Tips.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Booyah brother!

  7. mack wilson Avatar
    mack wilson

    Well Alex you have done it again I think you have found what a lot of basses are miss good grooves to learn that make you want to take to the next level.I have some of your other course which have helped me learn the fret board better but the groove you show will help every one that like to sound good when they play.

  8. Lonny Avatar

    Before I didn’t have much time to practice because I was working. Now I’m retired and don’t know what to practice….I play mostly country old and new along with a little Classic Rock for good measure. Do you have any suggestions. This video was just what I needed, thanks…..

  9. Terry Mathews Avatar
    Terry Mathews

    Alex, thanks; very nice.

    I need a little break from the Fretboard Formual, AV Level 1 Internalizing. Is a break OK?


    1. alexsampson Avatar

      haha Absolutely! 😉

  10. mike Avatar

    ok now u got me interested,so what else you 4 me ,i think i could learn from u

  11. dave Avatar

    very good as the young ones would say cool man

  12. Josh Polony Avatar
    Josh Polony

    Thanks for the lessons. Can you send the tabs to these songs. I know 3 of them but I see you using different fingering And the back up tracks.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      tabs sent to your email automatically – If you’re using hotmail be sure to check your spam folder cause hotmail is downright brutal!

  13. lewis Avatar

    thans alex that is just i need some thing simple. the dvd wae way over my head tknk u agin for somthing simple

  14. Gary Moore Avatar
    Gary Moore

    Thanks Alex,

    More great information, I am one those with little time to practice my bass playing and feeling like my bass playing needs more work.

    Thanks again for the great videos it helps alot.


  15. Freddie Harte Avatar
    Freddie Harte

    Great stuff, many thanks! Keep them coming.

  16. Apalahama Avatar

    Awesome…I won’t be able to use these 5 simple songs directly, but it definitely showed me certain sounds on the bass is created. Do let me know when you folks come out with the complete video with rifts like these so that I can get them. Mahalo…

  17. Peter Van Herck Avatar
    Peter Van Herck

    Hi Alex,

    Nice to have you back on the internet. Have learned a lot from all the other stuff you delivered. Hope this one will do the same!! Best Regards

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      hey Pete how you been man! good to hear from ya – and yeah i have been kinda quite for a bit but i been i been working on some stuff 😉

  18. Terry Avatar

    Alex does it again – continued tuition right at home – it was a very good investment, thankyou!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      that’s what we like to hear! lol thanks!!

  19. jeff Avatar

    did you ever finish building your blog page . everytime i went there it was under construction and couldn’t get on ? this is a kool idea. 5 songs in 5 minutes. thanks

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi Jeff thanks for the kind words – what blog page are you referring to though? our blog is over at peace!

  20. David Avatar

    Alex — Thanks a million for this! Watching other people play always helps me to critique my technique and understanding, and these are some classic bass lines, with your distinctive flair. I really appreciate your passion for helping us to learn!


  21. John Avatar

    Thank you so much for the awsome beginners riffs.I find myself after 20 years of none playing do to an injury where my left wrist is fused and makes it very hard to play.Wanting to play and missing playing and these riffs and the way you put it together is awsome specialy for me where my wrist doesn’t move to good so I need to see and watch the riff and listen and then try to play it
    The way this is put togetr and laid out is awsome and very easy to understand specialy where I never learned to read music and tabbed wow i hardly ever see that but tabs also help me to learn.I am at a low beginners level but still have manged to play at open mike with a friend Sinshine of your love,hey joe,and born under a bad sign plus 1 origanal .Do to the riffs you send me .Money is tight and any help like you freely give is also awsome
    Thanks again John

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey glad to hear you are playing – and enjoy the free videos – tell a friend!

  22. Rick Eubanks Avatar
    Rick Eubanks

    Man that was really great thanks so much for sharing that, I seem to get caught up on riffs thqat I just beleive that they are to hard for me to play.I think we need more bass players like yourself to tell us beginners hey you can do it just don’t get discouraged-anyway thanks alot!!!!!!!!!

  23. Zoltán Avatar

    Good stuff Alex, thanks a lot! All the best from Denmark!

  24. Bogdan Avatar

    Hej, thanks. You’ve got to start somewhere and this is the right place. hanks again.

  25. Al Roberts Avatar
    Al Roberts


    I am a raw beginner (big time rookie). Appreciate your approach. This is the instruction I need to get rolling. Have always been lost on the neck trying to find the next note. The slo-mo is terrific.

  26. Roy Avatar

    Good easy to follow demonstration except some of the Bass riffs were too soft to hear what was being played.

  27. Dan Carnine Avatar
    Dan Carnine

    Thank you sir. You hit me between the eyes. your course was a little advanced for me.
    Keep it coming
    Dan Carnine

  28. cecil Avatar

    thanks alex that was a brill video


  29. Zach Pirangi Avatar

    Fantastic, You make look so easy with your flowing motion.
    Would love to see more.

    Also I am enjoying the Course I bought from you,and BassGuitarTips Blog.



    1. alexsampson Avatar

      thanks man big shout out to ya!

  30. Peter Manley Avatar
    Peter Manley

    Thanks Alex, this is great! I’m a beginner and it is nice to see the riffs done in slow motion. Usually the videos are so fast I can’t see just what is happening. I’m 64 years old and just learning the bass, so seeing the riffs slowly is a big help. Keep up the good work. It would be nice to see something on playing old time bass (not the fancy riffs) as in classic country, classic jazz, and classic blues songs for us old codgers. It’s hard to find anyone teaching this. Once again, thanks.

  31. Dave Avatar

    Great stuff and a big help.

  32. lamatel Avatar

    alex i want to say thank in advance,i just got the fretbroad formula dvd set .it has been going well .i will be buying more dvds soon ,thank you for all the bonus items

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      oh i like you 😉 But seriously thanks for the kind words all the best!

  33. Joseph Avatar

    Thanks Alex! I have been studying your bass courses for a while and this instrument is becoming more and more interesting for me! These short videos here are some great and nice gifts!

  34. jimmy clayton Avatar
    jimmy clayton

    very nice i’m trying this tonight


  35. peter newbery Avatar
    peter newbery

    this is way beyond my playing ability, but it is motivating! keep it coming.

  36. Martin Avatar

    Hi Alex,

    makes me feel like getting my bass off the wall, where it’s been for the last 2 years.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      hey Martin that’s what I’m trying to do – get basses off the wall and outta the basements 😉

  37. James McInnis Avatar
    James McInnis

    Pretty cool gig, thanks.

  38. jim Avatar


  39. henrie Avatar

    thank you so much for these videos l have learnt something new today.Keep bringing them we appreciate your lessons.

  40. Brandon Avatar

    Thanks Alex! These are all great bass lines! I’m especially digging the Maxwell bass line! Thanks for taking the time for a bare bones “lesson.” Always enjoy your videos!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Brandon yeah that Maxwell line ain’t no joke… Sure wish I had wrote it 😉

  41. James McInnis Avatar
    James McInnis

    Cool, Thanks

  42. Rafael Avatar

    Free tabs AND music, you’re awesome Alex, thanks.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      aww shucks… 😉

  43. Star Avatar

    Thanks Alex, hope you can add some gospel bass lines in the future.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey star peep this a bit–-all-around-intro/

  44. jim Avatar

    thank alex, great material to get started and build some confidense. cheers

  45. leo Avatar

    awesome vid Alex look forward to playing around with them and see where it takes me.

  46. Desiree Avatar

    hi Alex……… this will be really nice! I purchased the Fretboard Formula from you and have hardly had time to scratch the surface because of lack of time. Although I’m a “newbie”, I play in a band and any help is appreciated. Please send more, it is just what I need!

  47. Rich Avatar

    Dude, you got a great groove. I’m one of those guys that has very little time and I appreciate your approach. Your muted notes are so natural and that’s what I’m working on now.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      thank you kindly Rich! stick with it and remember to always make it fun… 😉

  48. Sitnotra Avatar

    Well this tracks helps because simple is good, I am starting to get that point, you do not have to go buck wild on the bass to sound good and tight.

  49. mark Avatar

    Love your stuff — Alex, my only regret is not making sufficient time to follow through on the deeper teachings.

    Having riffs like this is really great for inspiration.

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