Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Riffs Every Bass Player Ought to Know.[/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,583 responses to “Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs”

  1. Don W Avatar
    Don W

    Its always nice to be able to play some standards. Great video

  2. Dan Avatar

    good video. thanks!

  3. Michael Avatar

    Awesome Alex. Gives me some starting points to groove too.

  4. Jason B. Avatar
    Jason B.

    Once again a great resource for those bassists out here (like me) who don’t have all that much time to work on developing skills consistently. This stuff makes it fun!

  5. Ken Vanenboom Avatar
    Ken Vanenboom

    Thanks Alex.
    Great learning tool.

  6. bill glover Avatar
    bill glover

    excellent stuff. easy to play and sounds great

  7. Sharon Avatar

    Thanks Alex
    I am a beginner and this really helps to boost my confidence to continue to practice. Very helpful!

  8. Rob Avatar

    Alex, thanks for the riffs… The play along and the slow down video format is really helpful. I find tabs hard to follow plus you don’t get to feel the lick the way you do when it is performed. Do you know of any source that produces popular riffs like this in the same video play along slow down as you do? It would be great to access some kind of library for popular song bass riffs.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Rob yup I do in fact know of a resource like this 😉 I’ll be sure to tell you about it in the not to distant future… 😉

  9. Michael L. Holloman Avatar
    Michael L. Holloman

    I just want to say thanks for sending me these tracks i really want to learn the bass. I used to play with a few years back and never got serious but now i’m sreious and i’m getting better and better with your help. I don’t have alot of time but i still try and get 1 hr a day, again thanks for your help and anything you can help me with or send me is greatly appriciated.

  10. Ken Weigand Avatar

    Bought your beginner basic pack a while ago! Taught me a lot but I fall into the busy category as well! Thanks for these tutorials! Loved them Alex!

  11. alan smith Avatar
    alan smith

    veyr useful to me
    thank you

  12. Aaron Avatar

    Loved the video and the download!

  13. Peter Starec Avatar

    Thx a lot Alex,nice videos and lessons,as always from you

    best regards fro Slovakia,Peter.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Pete! how’s it going buddy? Good to hear from ya

  14. Manu Brown Avatar
    Manu Brown

    I enjoyed the lessons.

  15. Stan Childs Avatar
    Stan Childs

    Really cool and easy to understand. Thank you Alex.

  16. Rob Avatar

    Great set of short lessons. I look forward to future sessions to help me get out of the rut of playing the same things over and over again. Great job! Thanks for your time and for sharing your knowledge with us.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Rob sure thing man – will share some more nice tips here for ya for sure!

  17. john p a Avatar
    john p a

    Good stuff and easy to follow as always. Thanks for keeping it simple Alex. How about a couple of Gospel covers?

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey bud! Gospel covers? hmmm check out this video here.. Might be something you like…

  18. Kevin Barber Avatar
    Kevin Barber

    Thanks Alex. You make it a whole lot easier to figure out what the heck to play and you have a great way of showing it so it is easy to understand and use.

  19. Rick Martin Avatar
    Rick Martin


    The perfect approach for those of us who work full time and gig. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    Rick Martin

  20. adrina phipps Avatar
    adrina phipps

    love the ascension lesson. love the breakdown for it. on “another one bites the dust”, the bass was difficult to hear. other than that, as usual, well done. i had put done my bass for a few years and your email and link arrived just in time to inspire me to put my lady up again. thanks.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Thx Adrina glad to hear you getting back in the game! And yeah sometimes we need a little nudge to remember that music is about us enjoying playing! All the best

  21. Mike Toliver Avatar
    Mike Toliver


    i just want to say that your method of teaching is great. I have learned so much from you and my bass playing has improved dramatically as a result.

    Thanks again


    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Mike nice to hear from you and I am grateful and truly appreciative of your kind words – I am happy to know that I helped you in some way!

  22. jugope Avatar

    Thanks for sharing and spreading the MARVELOUS studies and sounds of this WONDERFUL instrument: The BASS!<: Greetings from São Paulo-Southeast BRAZIL<:

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Jugope greets! – Yes long live the bass player! lol

  23. Marion Avatar

    Awesome stuff. You make it look so easy.

  24. Tom Chase Avatar
    Tom Chase

    Good stuff, Alex! You’re the real deal!!! Thanks so much for the share!!! RESPECT!!!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey bro! thanks for the kinds words! Keep rocking!

  25. Duffy Avatar

    Thanks. It would be nice to be a able to download the video for reference. With the buffering I have going on I can’t see the fingering in real time.

  26. Eric Anderson Avatar
    Eric Anderson

    This was right on the mark! You described me to a tee. Additionally, practicing scales and such is pretty boring so if there is a way to accomplish the same thing playing a song it would really help keep my attention. I’m willing to put in the time, but sometimes I need instruction on how best to woodshed.


    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey bro, thanks for letting me know I am on the right track… And to answer your question YES there is a way to learn to play without thinking of rules… In fact we typically go to music school to study and transcribe people who didn’t go to music school! lol – I’ll make that the subject of one of my next free videos here and share some ideas along that line! thanks for the feedback.

  27. Jaap Avatar

    Very useful, and easy to digest ;0)

  28. Roy Edwards Avatar
    Roy Edwards

    Thanks, Alex; Just what I need someone to show me the fingering. Being 72 yrs old I need all the help I can get.
    Thanks again, Roy

  29. John Arlos Avatar

    Its ok, but how about chord names or note names, not just tabs, and some chord forms to use when learning new tunes, to speed things up s bit.
    Thanks Alex

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      John the tab sheet I send you has chords above the notes played. Did you take a look at it yet? Cheers

  30. John Avatar

    Good video. Looked easy enough for me to try.

  31. Alos Avatar

    These are really great lessons, even a beginner like me can follow along. Thanks

  32. Benjamin Ruiz Avatar
    Benjamin Ruiz

    Very nice teaching video. Thanks for helping us out- beginners who are struggling to learn bass lines. Thanks for your genuine concern and helping us out of love. You are great indeed!

    More power to you. God bless you Alex!


  33. David Avatar

    I just started learning the bass about a month ago, Thanks for your lesson this will be a big help to me. I have learned all the notes on the neck, just need to learn some songs. GREAT JOB



  35. Wayne Bailey Avatar

    One Word! Awesome

  36. Larry Jenkins Avatar
    Larry Jenkins

    Nice tracks; simple enough to follow when really played slow; great stuff

  37. keith Avatar

    Excellent bass course – bless you

  38. Edward Avatar

    Very good video, I can learn a lot from your video, thanks!

  39. Robert Avatar

    Your teaching method and viedo’s are very good and have hepled me quite a bit.

  40. Dave Avatar

    Thank you very much for this help. I’m 63 and just getting back into Bass playing. This is very helpfull.

  41. Pat Avatar

    I am just a beginner and do not have a lot of time to practice.

  42. Mike Quillman Avatar
    Mike Quillman

    I could not see your right hand and it would be nice to just have the notes in the bass line.
    In the order that that notes were played.


    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hmm Mike there’s a note for note tab that comes with this lesson – it shows you all the note in order for the bass line. Sent by email… did you not get it? peace

  43. Lloyd Avatar

    Cool Groove Love it, Thank man.

  44. Ian Avatar

    As a rank beginner, I can see some light !! I am sure this will help me!!


  45. Andrey Avatar

    I’m not a beginner, but nice basslines 🙂

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      hahaha we’ve been infiltrated by a non beginner folks – lol Peace and groove man!

  46. Norm Johnson Avatar
    Norm Johnson

    Very good instructor, I like the Slo motion , easier to grasp it.I am retired still learning. Thanks Norm

  47. Raymond Gray Avatar

    Hey Alex, Great stuff man. I actually have purchased several of your products and am amazed at how well they have been put together. I unfortunately, am the guy you so accurately described in the beginning of this video. I look forward to seeing what you have put together for me, Ray

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Ray well thanks for the support and sure I’ll try my best to share some very useable and INSTANTLY applicable stuff here over the next couple days. Peace and groove!

  48. Fred Avatar

    I would like to have some help or lessons on slap/thump playing with how to use ghost notes.

    Thanks for your continued support.

  49. Doc Avatar

    Thanks for the great material, love the slo-mo. I’m 69, hope to retire and have time to get serious. Currently playing upright with some bluegrassers but would like to expand.
    Doc (AKA oulde plucker)

  50. RS Avatar

    this is great! you covered it all- full speed, slow, with tabs and drum track! having the video is best

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