Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Riffs Every Bass Player Ought to Know.[/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,583 responses to “Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs”

  1. Roy Avatar

    Yes I can feel the vibes haven’t touch my bass for a long time, just brush the dust off getting back the feel. Thanks

  2. John Avatar

    Awsome brilliant Thank you.

  3. Debo Avatar


    Looking forward to learn more. Thanks

  4. Paddy Avatar

    Great approach and a very relaxed style, I feel happier already about learning this stuff.

  5. carlos d Avatar
    carlos d

    thats was great .it was a good presentation,i learned a lot

  6. Russ Avatar




  8. Gil McNaughton Avatar
    Gil McNaughton

    Sounds like a good teaching concept. Interested to see and hear more.

  9. richard Avatar

    Nice job with video 1. Easy to understand.

  10. Nate Steele Avatar
    Nate Steele

    Just watched first video and am amazed at your unorthodox approach. I found it very hard and confusing trying to learn theory you approach is both fun and easy. Thanks a lot

  11. Paul J Avatar

    So far I’m very interested and excited. Looks great.

  12. belinda young Avatar
    belinda young

    hey that was great stuff. just what i needit.iam a beginner.and i hope you can get me were iam trying to go.thankyou.

  13. demond Avatar

    this video is very good for me

  14. Ted Gillens Avatar
    Ted Gillens

    Thanks Good Job will try your lesson and see if a young guy(65)like me can learn

  15. ralph l. russell Avatar
    ralph l. russell

    cool stuff. i’m overwhelmed for I know nothing about notes chords or that stuff. This was good to see.

  16. Russell Avatar

    this is a great help as i am just stating out playing bass and it will help me to get a few riffs going straight away
    Thanks Again

  17. Bob Tehira Avatar
    Bob Tehira

    Alex, you are so cool. Thanks for the tips. Love your style.

  18. michael silver Avatar

    It appears to be a basic and very simple formula.
    thanks for the one on one format.

    sincerely, michael

  19. Toby Avatar

    Really nice, I like the concept and looking forward to building on it tomorrow~


  20. Jeff B Avatar
    Jeff B

    Very very good, have been playing bass in church since 1995 and your stuff has helped me already. God bless jeff

  21. lupo1955 Avatar

    It´s a great approach! That´s exactly what i was looking for !

  22. C W Avatar
    C W

    its a nice video; u make it look easy, & sound easy; i really hope it wont b too tough 4 me.

  23. James Avatar

    Pretty cool, I have been playing bass for a short time now, and looking for other ways to learn. you do make easier.

  24. Melissa Allen Avatar
    Melissa Allen

    Cool so far!

  25. David Barker Avatar
    David Barker

    Fantastic very easy to follow very clear well done

  26. greg seeto Avatar
    greg seeto

    Great tool and easy to use!!!!

  27. Phil Avatar


  28. Damon Alexander Avatar

    I have been a working drummer for 20+ years. This is exactly how I learned how to play drums. I sat down with records and played. I think this is a solid approach. I have always wanted to play bass but never put the time in. I’m hoping these lessons will get me on the right track. I know the vocabulary and have experience with grooves so this gets me pretty excited..

  29. William Bradford Avatar

    William think those was very great moves
    I like them!!

  30. Mike Avatar

    Thanks for the starter riffs.

  31. Ken Avatar

    Good stuff – many thanks.

  32. Ed Robinson Avatar
    Ed Robinson

    Thanks man,

    I’m a sax player, turned bassist and guitar player. Just ran across this site and can’t agreed more with the concept of building a volcabulary. I started basically the same with my sax playing,. Listening to all the TV shows when I was coming up *60;s-70’s) – so, yeah, the music was quite simple, but it helped me to develop my ear and I played everything I heard from The Andy Griffith Show to Mary Tyler Moore or Dick Van Dyke. No many ethic shows than:)

    However, I appreciate your bass riffs and look forward to copying all that you have, lol! It’ll all come back to you 7-folds my brother. I’m a Praise & Worship Band member at our church, Eastpointe Christian:

  33. Bob Blair Avatar
    Bob Blair

    Im 57 and have picked up a bass time to time realy not getting no where.This system has got me to want to learn and play.Im actually getting a tune out of it.
    Thanks Alex

  34. Mike Haze Avatar
    Mike Haze

    so far so good man! 😀

  35. Joshi Avatar

    I m biginner this amzing thanks help me a lot .

  36. Dwight Avatar

    This is great stuff. looking forward to improving my ability to play the bass with your help.

  37. mike g Avatar
    mike g

    thanks ill watch over an over till i get them down

  38. cedric Avatar

    love this presentation, can’t wait to get home to my bass. looking forward for more.

  39. Linda McMillan Avatar
    Linda McMillan

    Thank you, Alex, for your video. I guess that is why I go to the internet for instruction, to find something that I can imitate, because then it makes sense to me! I liked the second part that you slowed down in order for me to grasp it visually! We all want instant results-just the times we are living in. And, I know, I have delayed learning scales and notes to get that instant gratification. But, it’s not only that…you have simplified it.

  40. STEVE BO Avatar

    I like the technique. am not new to the bass but i fine my self not sticking to it.but after seeing this video. I THINK i will gave it another chance. THANK!

  41. JR Keeling Avatar
    JR Keeling

    I thought the lessons were clear and easy to follow. Being a beginner, I will need to take more time & repetition to flow through each riff. I particularly liked the fact that you liken it to learning to talk… Simple enough. I also like the fact that you give two versions, full and half speed. Would you recommend getting a metronome to assist in keeping time for a beginner?

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Sure metronomes are fine but ultimately when it comes to practicing groove I prefer having a drum machine 🙂

  42. omar Avatar

    thats great

  43. Riston Avatar

    Dude, I can dig it…keep sending..thanks bro!

  44. andre Avatar

    Im a beginner bass player trying to learn a simple approach to learn the 4 string bass guitar im hoping your videos can help i have plenty of beginners video thats actually to fast for me, maybe Im a slow learner im 36years old with a full time job………i need help fyi trying to teach my 8 year old son he love the bass

  45. Cleaster fowler Avatar

    I really like what I see and hear about the system …..thanks!

  46. jon Avatar

    thankyou this is so helpful!

  47. Beverley Avatar

    Thank you for making it easy – I’m a complete beginner and watched the video at work (without my bass), but now cannot wait to get home and try it!

  48. Anthony Avatar

    thank you totally awesome.. This is my newest instrument, & I’m doing it myself so it is really helpful. Ready for #2

  49. Royce W Avatar
    Royce W

    Great stuff, love it I’ll get there.

    Thank you.


  50. Juan Jr Avatar
    Juan Jr

    Thanks bro really felling tha videos Im a beginner thanks 2 u now I can actually make sence of music without getting confused easy 2 follow videos n now I can actually carry a tune n jam Thanks again..

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