Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Riffs Every Bass Player Ought to Know.[/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,583 responses to “Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs”

  1. anthony zito Avatar
    anthony zito

    Thanks I really like this system, I haven’t played in 15 years and your lines are bringing it all back to me.

  2. Ed Ford Avatar
    Ed Ford

    So far so good…thanks!

  3. mick zecevic Avatar
    mick zecevic

    hi alex, love your site thanks for the free gift there are a couple over lessons i;d like to learn from them. cheers mick

  4. stan Avatar

    cool stuff

  5. Adrian Webster Avatar
    Adrian Webster

    Very interesting.

    It was great to see you play Come Together. Always been a favourite of mine. You made it look much simpler than I thought.

    Look forward to the next video.


  6. David Ferry Avatar
    David Ferry

    This is what I am looking for, Just started out with the bass. There is some language with the tabs that I do not understand. But the video was great. Thank you very much. The equipment that I have is a Crate bass guitar with a crate amp.

  7. Douglas Wilson Avatar
    Douglas Wilson

    Enjoyed the lesson. I am a beginner and would eventually like to play for the church I attend. I will try to keep up with this . Humbly pleased, thanks..

  8. Brock Avatar

    Great! Helped out alot!

  9. iain gordon Avatar
    iain gordon

    awsome this maybee just what im looking for to advance my playing lets hope so

  10. Bobby Avatar

    So far so good.


  11. allen Avatar

    i love these lessons, will continue to practice

  12. Calvin Norrie Avatar
    Calvin Norrie

    I just bought my first musical instrument and it’s a bass I’ve looked at a lot of free learn to play web sighs and started to feel over whelmed after looking at the first video of yours I’m back to looking forward to learning to play again. Thanks Calvin

  13. Amy Avatar

    Looks easy however, some times your hands are hard to see where your fingers are.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      That’s what the tabs are for Amy

  14. howie Avatar

    really good!
    thanks heaps and looking forward to the next lesson.

  15. Nayara Avatar

    Easy and helpful, my favorite course so far!

  16. robert Avatar

    very interesting…will look foward to the next lesson!

  17. doug hart Avatar
    doug hart

    looks good to me. looking forward to the next lessons

  18. will baker Avatar
    will baker

    its grate

  19. Karl Chambless Avatar
    Karl Chambless

    As a piano player with a bum right hand, I look forward to learning the bass. Thanks for the lessons.

  20. Ken Avatar

    Looking forward to the next video. For some reason, I couldn’t download the tabs. I did get the MP3’s, though.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      try right clicking on the button and selecting save target or save link as…

  21. Steve wright Avatar
    Steve wright

    Thanks for the excellent instruction and the enjoyable riffs

  22. FRED SMITH Avatar


  23. Cedric Avatar

    THANK YOU!!!!!

    I’ve been waiting for these type of lessons. You get right to he point. I’m a beginner but i really want to play for my church & this is just what i’ve been looking for

  24. Shaunna Avatar

    The bass riffs are awesome and very helpful. I picked up the piano very easily so I’m hoping I will do the same with the bass. Thanks soooooo much!

  25. Nate Avatar

    I liked it, was a good video

  26. Mike Avatar

    Would love to purchase your system, however I can’t seem to find the click on button to place an order

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi Mike – glad to hear you’re loving the stuff. Here’s the link you need:

  27. terry Avatar

    hi i think your lesons are good

  28. Donna Avatar

    Enjoyed watching, now gotta get practising…

  29. moshe ahimas Avatar
    moshe ahimas

    i like it very much
    trying to follow you on my double bass

  30. Pat Gray Avatar
    Pat Gray

    I am new to the computor and the bass so this is very interesting but I love music. Thanks

  31. Merty Davies Avatar
    Merty Davies

    Thank you so much I enjoyed your lesson …I have been teaching myself the bass for four months I only play by air I cannot grasp reading music…I taught myself various different instruments Drums organ lead guitar and rhythm.. thank you again I really enjoyed the lesson

  32. Stephen Avatar

    That was the bomb, you are the s*it. Thanks for putting the lessons out there. thanks

  33. Harold Flowers Avatar


  34. Glenn Avatar

    Interested in learning the Bass and found this to be helpful. Thx

  35. C.Todd Avatar

    Im SO EXCITED!!!!! I’ve asked Santa for a Bass guitar and after watching your video I CANT WAIT TO GET STARTED!!!!!!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      lol that’s hilarious! 😉

  36. Amanda Gill Avatar
    Amanda Gill

    Thanks I love it glade that u made it more simple for me.

  37. rob rybachuk Avatar
    rob rybachuk

    Looked at your first days lessons…nailed it…cant wait for next one…

  38. Wayne Bailey Avatar
    Wayne Bailey

    Very nice Sir Alex, your concept of your teach, is awesome. looking forward, studying the Bass with you.

  39. jakie wilson Avatar

    I enjoy the bass playing, and looking forward to learnng my bass as well. Its something I always wanted to play.

    Thank You

  40. Winfield Maurice Avatar

    The concept you are prescribing makes much sense. The approach I have been using is similar. However, it has been with far less structure, making my current or former approach very frustrating. It has taken much for me to hang in. At times I’ve felt like giving up. I think you’ve provided the answer. Thanks.

  41. joshua falkner Avatar
    joshua falkner

    excited to learn more, reall liked the form.

  42. Braden Davis Avatar
    Braden Davis

    This video was very helpful and instructive. It was quick and simple to learn. I am just starting out and i have always been a huge fan of the bass. Thanks for putting up these videos.

  43. smitty Avatar

    great! something I can understand. Thank you.

  44. William Avatar

    Very cool video. I liked the first set of bass lines. All very good for starting out

  45. Leo Avatar

    thank you so much
    love this

  46. daniel Avatar

    I like this. I’ve been playing for a while but I always like to learn what I do not know.

  47. daniel Avatar

    This is great

  48. Robert E. Gooden Avatar
    Robert E. Gooden

    I really liked the practice and it looks real easy and I am a hands on type learner, and this is going to take alot lot lot of time just to get that down,. so i am going to try to work on this because i really want to learn the Bass Guitar.
    I can’t read music nor have I ever tried to play a Guitar so this is going to be a real task for me with what little time I have. I even got the book with the CD Bass Guitar Exercises for Dummies and I can’t make heads or tells out of that ” I might be Dummer then a Dummie.
    Oh by the way I do like what you are doing I think it is great.

  49. Larry Avatar

    Great stuff. I still have figure the Maxwell song but will work on it. I love the old Cream,grew up on it. Thanks.

  50. Rick Avatar

    Thanks. I really like does bass grooves. I am a total beginner. I don’t even have a bass guitar but have great interest in learning the instrument. If you can suggest a good beginner bass guitar, that would be great.

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