Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Riffs Every Bass Player Ought to Know.[/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,583 responses to “Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs”

  1. Chad Avatar

    Thanks for the video. I’m a beginner as in only know I love the sound of bass. I’m gonna try following these lines. Right now alittle concussed but we will see.

  2. Bill Avatar

    Very Interesting, I can’t wait to see how this progresses!

  3. Charles Avatar

    I like the Video you have here i will keep coming back

  4. Ray Avatar

    Wow. thanks.
    easy to follow

  5. Shirley Avatar

    awesome video…thanks

  6. stacey Avatar

    Thank you Alex,
    I think you are brilliant. I am a beginning bass player and i love your simple lessons. It really helps that I recognize most of the riffs you played. But i couldn’t decipher quickly exactly which fingers you were using. I had to play them over and over really slow.

    Bless You

  7. paul cropp Avatar
    paul cropp

    love the video just what i need

  8. Alvin Avatar

    Great lesson look forward to hearing from you tomorrow.

  9. e shadrack Avatar

    love what I’ve heard so far thanks

  10. charles collingwood Avatar

    I am a beginning bass player and this was exactly what I have been looking for. You make it look so simple, at least now I have something fun to practice.
    thankyou Alex

  11. Rockie Avatar

    Like it so far. My fingers are a little slow and rely on tablature to catchup. Thanks

  12. Toni Avatar

    Great help to an old guy who is picking up a Bass for the first time!!

  13. Kenny Avatar

    First thank you for sharing your knowledge with others.
    I’ve been a weekend musician since the 60’s (it is hard to believe) playing clubs, fairs, ect. I often tell young buds that being a weekend warrior not only fulfills your desire to play and perform but it’s a hobby that actually pays!
    Your on the right track with newbies, to many facts make them glaze over and lose confidence. Once they play a few actual songs they gain more interest in the nuts and bolts.

  14. Ron Avatar

    it’s cool looking forward to practicing and see what comes tomorrow thanks

  15. Thomas Rich Avatar
    Thomas Rich

    Thanks alot! I just began learning bass. I’m sure this will help me get going, with practice of course.

  16. Barry Avatar

    thanks for all your help, this is truly a blessing. I just don’t have the time practice like I want to with two boys, so this really helps me a lot.

    May your teaching be a light bulb for all your followers…

    Peace & Blessings
    Barry C

  17. Dick Hollenbaugh Avatar
    Dick Hollenbaugh

    Thanks Alex…if you can teach me at 64 you can teach anyone…I will let you know how I am doing. Since I am at work I could only watch the 1st video, I will try playing along when I get home.

  18. phillip Avatar

    I liked the video

  19. Tori Dozier Avatar
    Tori Dozier

    It seemed pretty easy (in a good way). I was very excited about getting the lesson but now I can’t wait for pt. 2! The only thing I would say is it would be nice to see your hands from another angle as well. Thanx!

  20. Micheal Avatar

    Enjoyed that little lesson. I think what your doing is GREAT for those who dont have a lot of time but like to learn, Bless U.

  21. George Ryder Avatar
    George Ryder

    Songs were great the way you did the tutorial aw man you rock I have been trying come together for months and you come along show me the correct technique and I,m playing along with studio jams Chico huff come together keep it coming thank you:) yeah I,m smiling again

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Dopeness!! 🙂

  22. Devon Avatar

    Hi Alex,
    Nice job man. It would be a little easier for the beginner if the video also shows the right hand. Keep up the good work.

  23. G Winston Avatar
    G Winston

    Love it.

  24. William Cooke Avatar
    William Cooke

    I really liked what I saw and thank this will be a great Experiance

  25. Chae Avatar

    Glad I found you! That’s some great riffs. I’m just starting out on the bass and plan to play with my church band. Keep up the great work and I can’t wait for the next session!

  26. Ali Avatar

    Thank you Alex, I am a beginning bass player and this was exactly what I have been looking for. You make it look so simple,something fun to practice.

  27. kevin Avatar

    pretty interesting….Cant wait for tomoorow

  28. Barry Avatar

    Pretty good stuff.

  29. Will Avatar

    This is inspiring. I am just starting to play and tried many books that don’t always explain too well for my dull intellect, but this makes it simple. Love it!

  30. Mario V Muniz Avatar
    Mario V Muniz

    I am a beginer also lookin for a simpler way to do better, thank’s Alex.

  31. Pierre Ramos Avatar

    Love it, this can help me getting my sound back in my head. Can’t wait for the next

  32. William G.(Gordy) McClure Avatar
    William G.(Gordy) McClure

    Very interested in the Bass. New/beginner. Have not even bought a Bas yet. Will do so in next week or so. Am looking at what may be best way to learn. From what I can see your way is terrific.Luv the riffs and the way you play. Looking forward to step next. Regards–Gordy

  33. DAVID HEATH Avatar

    Like the first video. Iwant more.

  34. John Hammond Avatar
    John Hammond

    liking it… gotta get the notes in my head… i struggle with that, constandly need to look at the tab..

  35. cj ines Avatar
    cj ines

    One word AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!

  36. Craig Avatar

    You are awesome! Thanks for the video.

  37. David Avatar

    Seemed like this will help my playing. Had to download the tabs to get the notes down but is really helpful. Thanks

  38. Marcel Penner Avatar
    Marcel Penner

    Excellent bass lessons here, for free. Doesn’t get better than that!

  39. Rob Avatar

    the video was good for beginners but that was a little to easy for me. I’m ready for the next 6 videos for sure.

  40. patrick Avatar

    It is wonderful i must say.


  41. Francisco Avatar

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
    Maybe you could also show your right hand…

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      you’ll see it in the other vids

  42. jd Avatar

    So far, so good. Simple snd straightforward.
    Can’t wait for more.

  43. Marquis Avatar

    a very good site.I will have to work at it to become profecient!

  44. scott petty Avatar
    scott petty

    hey thanks man that was good, i straight away learnt a cuople of different ways of playing riffs i play a lot’,that,s great’ looking forward to the bass food ahead.scott, briz vegas’

  45. Stephen Avatar

    Your first lesson was a great start, I know music but you made it look simple good job

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Why thank you Stephen… Blessings

  46. daryl Avatar

    awsome,luv it

  47. Hildar Avatar

    Greate !!!!
    I like this language 😉
    Your teaching are so fantastic, it’s really fun to learn !!!!!

  48. Paul Birney Avatar

    Looking forward to receiving the lesson

  49. Randy Avatar

    By far the best website for beginners

  50. Rodger Broyles Avatar
    Rodger Broyles

    thanks ,easy to follow lessons

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