Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Riffs Every Bass Player Ought to Know.[/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,583 responses to “Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs”

  1. jack Avatar

    so far so good

  2. shahid elamin Avatar
    shahid elamin

    I was inspiriered by how you make it sound simple for someone like to get reinspiried and unstuck in wanting to real play the Bass guitar at age 62; I have always loved music.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      As good a time to get re-inspired as any buddy! 🙂

  3. Hariss Avatar


  4. George Richardosn Avatar
    George Richardosn

    Looks good. A bit fast for me. Can I watch the videos more that once so I can practice?

  5. N.Brewer Avatar

    I am a beginner.I foumd the presentation very interesting.

  6. duane Avatar

    Very interesting.Done at very good speed.Hope I catch on.Thanks

  7. mark parker Avatar
    mark parker

    this was helpful

  8. georgio Avatar

    enjoyed the lesson
    appreciate it

  9. Roger Avatar

    I am impressed and pleased to see this approach to learning the bass. Repeating and mimicking what you hear is one of the most effective learning technics because it’s natural. Can hardly wait for the next lesson!

  10. Paul Maynard Avatar
    Paul Maynard

    so far it seems like a really fresh approach.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      why thank you Paul 😉

  11. Tim Cunningham Avatar
    Tim Cunningham

    This looks really useful. I’m going to give it a shot.

  12. staci harrison Avatar

    Hi alex im learning to play,and watching you i’ll be playing like marcus miller in no time( lol)..

  13. nick hutchings Avatar

    as a very new beginner,i found this very helpful.can you please show me more about finger positions and plucking,and what need to do about finger stretching thanks i hope to hear from you nick

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Nick just keep watching your inbox for new lessons… We’ll be covering that stuff for sure.



  15. Chuck Avatar

    Very intriguing. Looking forward to trying the system.

  16. Michael Avatar

    I am a newbie. Loved the presentation. Would love to see right hand usage (ie plucking). Looking forward to practice and the next lesson

  17. T. Pixidust Avatar
    T. Pixidust

    Nice. Really has me looking forward to the next lesson. Thanks

  18. Stephanie Avatar

    Thanks for the tabs and tips. My playing confidence is improving already!

  19. Keith Avatar

    Love this so far!! Thanks for the enlightened approach!

  20. Jhia Horn Avatar
    Jhia Horn

    I appreciate this so much! I sing, and am an aspiring bass and lead guitarist! I’ve been looking everywhere for bottom line instructions without the need for boring procedures first! I love the approach and am highly appreciative of your time and effort to help those of us who want to learn!

  21. Desi Taylor Avatar
    Desi Taylor

    Thanks man I needed to see this.

  22. Midred Avatar

    I really appreciate you making this available to the public. I have a desire to learn how to play the bass and believe this will help me a great deal. I was trying to learn how to properly hold the instrument but I am struggling a bit. I really do appreciate the way you slow things down after the first run through and I look forward to the next video. I am going to fulill the desire to play and I will be good at it. Thanks for your help.

  23. jon Avatar

    great video

  24. Albert Davis Avatar
    Albert Davis

    Iam a beginner thats retired from work,want to learn to play bass,which has always been something i want to do.

  25. stanley Avatar

    so far feel pretty confident

  26. Thelmar Thorson Avatar
    Thelmar Thorson

    Very interesting to me as I just got my hands on a bass. Sounds inviting. Thanks

  27. jesse Avatar

    i have been playing around with the bass for some time now. im still just a beginner when it comes to playing funk can you give me some tips? i enjoyed the lesson.

  28. Artis Dudley Avatar

    this video was very,very good.

  29. Benedict A. Baronda Avatar
    Benedict A. Baronda

    thnx alot man:)

  30. Ev Avatar

    This looks helpful, I’ll be a superstar in no time 🙂

  31. Terrance Ruffin Avatar
    Terrance Ruffin

    I just check you out and a beginner too so I think it is going to help me when I get set up with my bass & computer are in the same room.

  32. StevieG Avatar

    Thanks for the basslines.

  33. Keith Avatar

    Thank you!! This may just work for me.

  34. Diane Avatar

    i received a base for my birthday, was a dream. i am a real begginer… ty for sharing. very interesting

  35. selwyn phillip Avatar
    selwyn phillip

    why dont you give the bass notation of the songs ? i would love that very much

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Selwyn, notation is provided below the video. Blue button – click it…

  36. Carlos Grangeiro Avatar
    Carlos Grangeiro

    Realmente é muito bom, sou um iniciante, espero logo estar tocando desse jeito.
    (It really is very good, I am a beginner, hopefully soon be playing like that.)


  37. fred Avatar

    dude i will try it i want to learn thank u

  38. reggie Avatar

    hi alex
    this is great man.

  39. Ty P. Avatar
    Ty P.

    This was pretty cool. I can play some funk songs already by lessons with my dad, but this is a very helpful video.

  40. Kevin Avatar

    hey man I’m a pretty advanced guitarist but just got a job playing bass (which I’ve never touched before surprisingly) and you’re helping me out a lot. At first I wanted tabs or something because I couldn’t se what you were playing at times, but I find figuring the sound out to find it is much more fun. Thanks!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Glad to hear. thanks for the comment – I prefer working stuff out by ear too but just to be clear – the tabs are below the video for folks who can’t. Peace

  41. Charles Avatar

    Thank You. Helps Very much.

  42. jim bob Avatar
    jim bob

    Looks like a good method, Simplifing the steps evokes confidence, You can’t get to any better basics than that. Looking foreward to the next step!

  43. STEVEN L. JARMAN Avatar

    Alex, your step by step system is very very good.Thank you so very much.Peace & Blessing to you and yours at home.

  44. Jim Avatar

    nice…fun to learn. Want more…

  45. Herman Anderson Avatar
    Herman Anderson

    Alex, I’ve enjoyed the technique you’ve shown, however I have a slight left hand disable from an anuresyum that burst on my right side of my brain some thirty-three years ago. My left hand has improved a lot. I’ve this site to be very helpful for to follow. I appreciate you very much.
    Thanks a million, Herman Anderson

  46. Ray Channell Avatar
    Ray Channell

    Sounds great, can”t wait to get into learning.

  47. Larry Avatar

    I like the presentation can’t wait to get started, Thanks.

  48. Dink Avatar

    So far so good! I enjoy the concept of learning some fun songs to build up confidence. I am a beginner and just the other day i was so frustrated/bored at just learning scales. I look forward to mastering this lesson and learning the next.Thank you!

  49. Bruce Avatar

    This is a great approach. I like learning riffs that can be used right away instead of boring myself to death with scales and modes.

  50. Jalissia Avatar

    I just started playing bass today, and I don’t feel completely overwhelmed and intimidated thanks to your video.

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