Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Riffs Every Bass Player Ought to Know.[/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,583 responses to “Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs”

  1. anthony Avatar

    Thanks u so much this time i think i will learn to play the bass u make it east to understand once again thank Sgt Moore GoArmy

  2. Freeman Totten Avatar
    Freeman Totten

    Alex thanks for the simple lesson on how to play my bass i will need more time to get my finger to moving on the left hand please be patient with me will you send me some gospel riffs Freeman

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi Freeman, if you’re interested in Gospel riffs check this out:

  3. GODFRIED Avatar

    Great! I appreciate your approach. I am sure I will get right to the top with your tutorials

    Good show! Keep it up

  4. Willie Avatar

    Hey Alex, I tried to order the gospel bass player, but got no result.Is it still av available?

    Willie T

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Yessir Willie it is available –

  5. George fisher Avatar
    George fisher

    Enjoyed the video it,s ver entertaining, looking to hear from you soon

  6. Donovan Avatar

    I love it, though it be better for just simple sheet music and name of strings. But the commentary is very good.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Donovan – guess what’s posted right below the video… (Yup bass tabs!) 🙂

  7. frank payne Avatar

    enjoyed the video

  8. daniel Avatar

    Super cool riffs, can’t wait for tomorrows video!

  9. Gary Duvall Avatar

    man I want it all I’m not the youngest bassist out here but i’m the hungriest, still willing to learn all you have to teach. I some times practice for hours and seems like i’m not getting any were can you help me please thanks Alex Peace

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Gary glad to hear you’re hungry man… that’s the most important quality… Trust me you’re gonna LOVE what you see in video 3 and moreover the Simple Bass Playing System as a whole… Peace bro!

  10. Edward Tapp Avatar
    Edward Tapp

    I enjoied it.

  11. Francis Asare Avatar

    Hi Alex. Thanks for this lovely video. For me, these lessons seem to strike the right chords. I have been playing at church for a while but was not correctly instructed and so I do tend to find problems playing simple grooves because of my technique. I believe these lessons will help correct my problems. This method of learning the bass is simply amazing. Thank you and I hope to continue enjoying more of these techniques from you.

  12. Jim Avatar

    Hello Alex. I’m 57 years old and I am finally trying to learn how to play the bass guitar. Thank you for the free instructions.

  13. Kenny Barnes Avatar

    It looks like I might be able to play the bass after all. I sure hope so. Thannk you!

  14. Ed Avatar

    Been playing off and on with friends teaching me for over a year … I have given up numerous times in that year because I didnt understand what they were trying to teach me. I can read TAB, so I know what I am supposed to do. I just have not been able to grasp it yet. Your video sparked my interest again, and I have my bass back out. I hope your videos can do what you claim …. off to practice …

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Ed glad to hear you’re motivated again – and yes I totally, 110% believe that I have a system for helping folks learn to play that is understandable, easily applicable and flat out works… Keep an eye out for video 3 and the subsequent stuff I’ll send ya. Peace!

  15. brian spurlock Avatar
    brian spurlock

    i liked the vid. im new and have never played before. im trying to pick up some stuff to help me along to play the bass for my church plus play some stuff for fun on the side, like the cream song sunshine of your love. i have always liked that song since i grew up with classic rock as a kid.

  16. Sal Avatar

    Alex ,I very much enjoyed the first video. I am 55 and I have not picked up the bass for over 20 years. Whish I would have kept my 72 Percision and 76 Jazz bass but no use crying about that now.

    I was able to pick up the first 3 songs very quickly because I was fimiliar with the original songs. The slow tempo versions are fantastic, especially for someone like myself who has not played in years and needs to build back up speed and dex. Looking forward to tomorrow’s lesson. Thank you so much Alex.


    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Peace and groove Sal!

  17. FRANK Avatar


  18. joseph nelson Avatar

    i found vid. #1 easy to follow and informative….. thank you…..

  19. Tony Avatar

    very interesting, keep them videos coming, please, thank you!!!!!!!

  20. Rick Avatar

    Definitely helpful. Looking forward to the other videos.

  21. Jouvanni Avatar

    Hey, my name is Jouvanni Christian. I would like to start by saying thank you for creating these videos and allowing people to view them for free. I have to say it’s a great way to get people playing more instruments like the bass if they have a way of learning without hurting there pockets. I actually just decided to learn bass in my free time. A friend of mine had one laying around so I wanted to try. I’ve never played a string instrument before so I have absolutely no idea what I am doing. Let me get to the point though. Is there any videos you have, or can make, for people who have no idea what chords on a bass to play or how to even hold the bass to set your hands up and play more freely. Thank you.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Jouvanni, keep an eye out for the next few video my friend…

  22. Jouvanni Avatar

    I seem to have figured out Sunshine of your love using the tabs. Actually made sense… And was very fun playing, which according to the video is exactly what your lesson was trying to do.

  23. samuel casimere Avatar

    your first lesson was real helpful, I have been trying to teach myself,
    but now that I have you as an instructor I think this is going to
    be easy with some practice. Thanks I will be waiting on the next

  24. Todd Avatar

    This was truly awesome!!! I’m at work and I just happened to type in,” learn how to play bass”, and this website came up and I am truly excited. I bought a bass guitar for Christmas 2 years ago and bought an acoustic electric bass this year. Thing is, I love the instrument but haven’t had time to complete any lessons. I took lessons from a friend for about 3 months but didn’t really learn much as he was an accomplished bass player who spent more time showing off his skills rather than teaching me. I tried paying for professional lessons and I had a guy give me a copy of scales to play, a drawing of major and minor scales to play, how to properly hold the instrument, and what else I needed to buy….ie..more time because 30 minutes wasn’t enough time for him to teach me anything. Then I watched your video and I’m like wow, if I were home with my bass, I bet I could actually play that. So I can’t wait to get home to try it. I hope that I can watch the same video so I can try it. You make it look soooo easy. Hope I can do it!!!!!!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi Todd, glad to hear you diggin our approach… Keep an eye out for the other vids. Trust me it’s only gonna get better and you’ll be up and playing some stuff very quickly!

  25. M Williams Avatar
    M Williams

    Hi Alex,

    Thanks for the play-A-longs as usual high quality videos and mp3s, and easy to understand lessons.

  26. Chuck Kear Avatar
    Chuck Kear

    So far I am impressed with the simple and concise way you presenting the lessons. I worked on the Pentatonic lesson last night and found how much I need rthe practice. I’m looking forward to learning more fast.

    I play with/in a Praise and worship group. We had 3 guitars and no bass so I bought a bass and amp and am learning. I did play bass in a country/oldies band 30 years ago but have been playing guitar since.

    Thanks for your teaching,
    Chuck Kear, Lolo, MT

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Good to hear Chuck – I think you’ll really like the other lessons in the pipeline too 🙂

  27. nelson gibson Avatar
    nelson gibson

    can you teach us how to play the background music?

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      sorry bro – we only teach bass here 🙂

  28. Arthur Abbott Avatar
    Arthur Abbott

    Great got alot out of it. Thank you

  29. Austin Avatar

    thank you very much i started to play bass not to long ago and i felt like i needed a simple and effective way to learn quickly.

  30. Dylan Avatar

    Thank you so much for these it`s just what I need at this moment to impove my very basic bass playing

  31. JonathanB Avatar

    The first video is a good warmup to getting back into bass playing. Straight forward and clear. Looking forward to seeing what’s next.

  32. Gary Duvall Avatar

    Hi Alex man I must in inform you that because of and accident I suffered the lost of the first flemang on my pinkey finger and but I am determine to play the bass . I practice all the time but I can’t wait to get my hands on your course I just Love what your doing for me hopefully we will meet one day so I can say thanks in person . Peace Gary T. Duvall

  33. Hugh Springer Avatar
    Hugh Springer

    I am a beginner and enjoyed my first session I tried and thank you for the direction

  34. james brown Avatar
    james brown

    love the pocket! show me more!

  35. Paul Avatar

    That was cool! This is the way I learned guitar. I’m only limited by laziness and time as opposed to a lack of ability. Now I want to learn bass, I always have, but I got a Dean Vendetta bass for my birthday and intend to learn how to play it. Thanks for a great lesson #1.



  36. nicholas roberts Avatar
    nicholas roberts

    Tunes I’d heard and now can play. Great.

  37. Paul Avatar

    Fabulous! Can now play the first three well including pushing right through Sunshine of your love and Come Together, because I wnated to and because I found I could!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      You go boy! 🙂

  38. Rodney Mercer Avatar
    Rodney Mercer

    Yo… I like how simple you have made it to learn the Bass.. it has always been my dream to learn. I have been playing for 2 weeks and this is the best info i have seen..



    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Peace and groove bro! glad to hear you diggin it!

  39. Norman Jacob Avatar
    Norman Jacob

    Was loosing faith in my abilities, now seeing the video has made me pick up the bass again, thanks!

  40. tony melton Avatar

    Very interasting concept

  41. Kevyn Williams Avatar
    Kevyn Williams

    Great Video. I’m a beginner bass player. Thanks I learned a couple of new tricks.

  42. Dan Avatar

    Great Video, looking forward to the next one

  43. Rozzar Avatar

    Cool – thanks

  44. Sal Flamenco Avatar
    Sal Flamenco

    Hey, Im just starting out on Bass. I really liked your instruction class, Iam starting to use it now, Thanks.

  45. Mark Avatar

    This video is extremely broken down and basic. It gives you an opportunity to learn beyond having to read music.

  46. David Avatar

    Very nice for the beginners and rookies. I hope you keep them coming. Thank you. I look forward to improving my bass playing skills with your help.

  47. A.S.Roy Avatar

    I would be even better if you provide us with the tabulature instead of staff notation

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hmm… you mean kinda like the *TABS* that are directly below the staff notation you mentioned ??? 😉

  48. Bill Avatar

    Just starting on double bass – I already play guitar, mandolin and 5 string banjo – just looking to add another instrument for our sessions and on stage – just watched the video above here and it is very clear and informative – thanks 🙂 Looking forward to the others!

  49. Tom Avatar

    Enjoyed much! Picked up a base Saturday for the 1st time in 51 years. Hooked again.

  50. elise po bry Avatar
    elise po bry

    good,i like this

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