Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Riffs Every Bass Player Ought to Know.[/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,583 responses to “Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs”

  1. Jerry Avatar

    This method makes more sense than the standard model. I did not have to learn the intricacies of English grammar before speaking as a child. Standard teaching method makes people try to learn music and foreign languages backwards.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      You are *ABSOLUTELY RIGHT* Jerry and that’s one of the ways our Simple Bass Playing Method is different from everything else… Imagine teaching a 2 year old with a “present participle” or a “reflexive verb” before allowing him to speak…

      1. Anthony King Avatar
        Anthony King

        I liked it but i’m a beginner i need extra help

        1. alexsampson Avatar

          Bro get the training – trust me you’ll be fine. It doesn’t matter if you never held a bass before – We’ll hook you up

  2. clyde Avatar

    great concept

  3. Roe Avatar

    I think this approach is effective because it encourages progress and produces results at the same time.
    Thanks Alex, and I am looking forward to practicing more and using your learning strategies.

  4. ryan Avatar

    Nice, cant wait for the next lesson!

  5. Rusty Hicks Avatar
    Rusty Hicks

    just decided to learn bass,
    think I’ll stick with you, teach me

  6. William Krahmer Avatar
    William Krahmer

    I’m old and don’t have a lot of time to learn new stuff. This course may be just what the doctor ordered.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      I’m gonna have to post a few user comments of some folks who are using our simple bass playing system to learn bass in their retirement homes so that anyone who thinks they are ‘older’ will how well this works…

  7. John Avatar

    Alright Alex I may have to put you to the test Bro!! I am a 40 yr old man with no music experience…NONE!! I really love the sound of Bass Guitar and want to play for myself. BUT, I am nervous about not having an ear for it. Do you think that this system is for a guy like me??? Cause I would love to just sit in the garage and play with buddy.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      My man SBPS is precisely the system for you. I’m positive it’ll have you jamming confidently with your buddies and sounding good because we’ve seen users in your exact position go from ZERO to gigging around their local towns in very short order.

  8. Todd Avatar

    I agree with with the statements you make on how we learn. I am an x-golf professional and gave lessons for years. We all start by copying what we see other players do without any knowledge of the mechanics. Some people make the mistake of thinking that knowledge of the swing will automatically make them a good player. Not the case. I can remember saying many times “you have to practice playing to be a good player & not always doing drills/mechanics or else you will only be a good practice-er”. I think this would equate to your statements of spending hours learning scales instead of spending your time playing. I’m looking forward to the next lesson. I hope your system can turn a jock into a musician. 🙂

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi Todd you are right on the ball… I love golf too and you are drawing a very good comparison. Thanks for the feedback.

  9. Jim Fife Avatar
    Jim Fife

    This looks great. if it continues to be this easy I think even I can learn to play. I am 59 and know nothing about music. I have a little more time to practic than the average guy. So I hope you can teach an old dog new tricks.

  10. tom Avatar

    Just what i was looking for. Forget the mumbo/jumbo for now. Started playing a little and i will have no problem learning this.

  11. Anita Avatar

    I’ve been playing bass…very simply for about 5 years and would like to take my playing to the next level. I’m exactly the impatient person with no time that you described….I’m also older (48)…and a woman. Family, work and other committments make it hard to find time to practise but since playing bass guitar is just about the coolest thing I’ve ever done, I’d like to learn to do it better…in a short amount of time.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Anita nice to have you and from what you’ve described and the thousands and thousands and thousands of folks we worked with, SBPS isn’t just a system for – it was designed especially for folks like you.

  12. fred jacobsen Avatar
    fred jacobsen

    just started the bass sounds fun you make it sound great.

  13. spencer Avatar

    i just started on bass yesterday and never played an instrument before

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      That absolutely doesn’t matter – Your situation is far from unique – we work with folks like you every single day of the year.

    2. lil james Avatar
      lil james

      same here

  14. John Avatar

    Ok so gone from just playing along with the melody to adding some bass runs of my own. Good stuff, not just with this video but with the rest of the tips. Superb

  15. Keenan Avatar

    Alex i am very interested and excited to start this bass guitar process with you. i play drums in church and now i’m making a transition to the bass. i have no experience with it but from all of the reviews i’ve read it seems that your system works!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Keenan, yeah man – We’re seeing students get some phenomenal results. You should check it out :

  16. Renee Avatar

    I liked this video very much. A great way to learn and expand on the basics. Thanks…

  17. Pete Avatar

    Interesting approach to teaching. I’m looking forward to the next lesson!!

  18. lil james Avatar
    lil james

    i like it a lot i learned a lot from it today thank . p.s. i looking for the next lesson.

  19. Pete Avatar

    I really like the strategy, I’m excited to see where it takes me.

    1. alexsampson Avatar


  20. Ernest Avatar

    loved it, im a first time bass player. you are more than just a bass player, you my friend have the gift to teach as well. and im am sure that i will learn alot from watching you. thank you so much.

  21. oginga Khamisi Avatar
    oginga Khamisi

    I don’t have a BASS as of yet but when i hear a BASS played in any kind of music it just stands out so much i said i got to get a BASS and learn how to play. Your video seems like playing BASS isn’t that hard to learn as long as like anything else you stay on it. That’s what i’ll do as soon as i get a BASS. I’m shopping for one right now. Any tips on what to look for when i’m shopping? Thanks for all your help. Keep up the GREAT work.

  22. michael Avatar

    Cool !!! i believe this will help with my learning the Bass thank U

  23. Kenneth Henderson Avatar
    Kenneth Henderson

    Great if I could learn how to put my fingers where you put yours Iam sure I could get the rythem in time,Thank You!It’s a start

  24. larry starks Avatar

    I thank that it is very nice to learn from you, very easy.

  25. ralph Avatar

    i’m a beginner 63 years old but love the bass , Alex ure a great instructor it’ll take a while but wit your approach i’ll learn (smile) thank you

  26. Troy Avatar

    I unpacked my new acoustic bass half an hour ago and I’m already playing music! Can’t wait to learn more. Thanks!

  27. Blaine Avatar

    Wah Gwaaaaaaaaan my bredren… what do I think ?? I think you got a grOOve,, and I want to learn more.. I am a Drummer of 20 years,, But I wanna progress… Bass seems/ feels like a logical move. Been at it for a year now,, feel it,, seen it,, wanna do it… Show me .

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hahaha ok so I’m gonna guess you’re Jamaican! Awesomeness!! lol

  28. Daniel Avatar

    I have tried book and other online sights and this has been the most helpful yet.


    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Well that’s nice to hear 🙂

  29. Angelica Avatar

    so far so good

  30. kitrock Avatar

    these riffs are fun to play. I’m a very beginning beginner with no musical talent, and I’d like to be able to jam with my brothers who all play guitar at some level. I can’t hear the bass very well on Another One Bites the Dust. B.T/w The pdf tabs are also very helpful, but my old tired eyes can barely see the notes

  31. bruce clark Avatar
    bruce clark

    Thank You Alex! I am a 56 year young surfer who plays at a church. I am an average guitar player but in just in the last couple months am getting competent at bass. I can not beleive how much I have learned frm you and for free!
    As soon as i get another job I will buy whatever you have just to say thanks for the free stuff.
    I thought I was crazy because I kept putting smooth wound strings on my bass and going for that
    smooth sound…but that is exactly the sound you play and teach. thanks again

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Bruce, that’s great to hear – Love the fact that you’re making use of the free material we already sent ya! Sweetness!

  32. Kenneth Avatar

    I think this could be a good way for me to learn I just received your system in the mail but never a user name or password?

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi Ken nice to have you on board – Perhaps a spam filter caught the email with the password.

      Simply visit enter the email you used when you purchased and it’ll re-send the password. You can reach live help at (M-F 9:30AM – 4PM EST) or if it is offline you can simply leave a message 24 hours a day and we will get back to you.

  33. dan Avatar

    thankyou, why the learning process for so many things has become so conviluted with theories is beyond me. your simple “language” style brings it home and make learning bass enjoyable

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Dan, thanks for the support (wait till you see video 3) 😉

  34. Ernest Avatar

    hi this is ernest ive allready reffered this site to a newly found friend who has been playing for about to years but want to learn. but he doesnt have a lot of time for practice and im sure that you will be able to help him as you are doing for me. i also did send my email for the free starters kit of easy ways to learn bass cant wait to get it thank you so so much Mr sampson.

  35. Mike Humbert Avatar

    Very cool so far! Can’t wait to see what comes next.

  36. murpf Avatar

    54 and there’s SOOOOO MUCH MORE!!! No altimerz for me….LETS ROLL BABY!!!!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      That’s what’s up Murph! Kudos!

  37. Edens Avatar

    I loved these videos. I’ve been thinking about picking up bass and get playing real quick. I think I’ve found what I’ve been looking for. Nice job Alex!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      You’re most welcome Edens 🙂

  38. eddie Avatar

    alex your hands are so smooth it was hard for me to see what notes u are playing
    but i lke your concept ou have been great in helping beginner bass players like myelf who is not musically incline

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Eddie thanks for the compliment. About not seeing what notes I played that’s why you have the tabs my friend 🙂

  39. Simon Manrrique Avatar

    Awesome help.Thanks for the video.

  40. Jerry Avatar

    Now THIS makes sense. I took a couple dozen formal lessons, had to stop due to work constraints. I learned Morse Code in the same conceptual philosophy as this is built around (mostly). Just WOW. Hopefully, I can get home today, repeat the beginning vid, open the downloaded files I saved to a thumb drive and go at it !!!

    Hope to see the next vids, Alex. You are a gifted and devoted young man, Thank You !


  41. Marquel Avatar

    Hey Alex, this is great stuff and I will be purchasing some of your material very soon. Thanks man.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Nice to hear Marquel 🙂 Blessings

  42. Frankie Avatar

    i really enjoyed bthe video. i will be recomending your site to my friends

  43. Frankie Avatar

    I hope the rest is going to be this good, you deserve congratulations, at least. i will pass your details on to my friends to show them how good your stuff really is

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Oh trust me it gets a lot better 😉 Keep an eye out for Video 3. Thanks for the referrals…

  44. Greg Avatar

    Great! Just what I have been looking for.

  45. Barry Avatar

    i like this approach because i do not have a lot of time to practice with my work. thanks cant wait for the next video

  46. Simon Melton Avatar
    Simon Melton

    Looks great will be coming back to this site as soon as i get my Bass bought
    Cheers Alex

  47. Zayden Avatar

    Awesome!!! Thanks man!

  48. Nicole Avatar

    the best learning the bass video I ever saw,thanks

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi Nicole, thanks… wait till you see video 3 🙂

  49. james torrence Avatar
    james torrence

    this is what i need .thank you

  50. james torrence Avatar
    james torrence

    great , will you teach me black gospel bass the same way as this

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Most certainly we can James… I play Gospel bass myself.

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