Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Riffs Every Bass Player Ought to Know.[/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,583 responses to “Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs”

  1. Andew Dinh Avatar
    Andew Dinh

    I love this. Please send me mp3 track so that I could practice this.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Links to the MP3 are on this page… look below the post. Peace

  2. Bob K Avatar
    Bob K

    Love it Alex. As usual you go over the top to help us folk to get what we need to succeed!

  3. Ray Slaughter Avatar
    Ray Slaughter

    I love you teaching Alex
    How will I be able to get these video? a low price.

    Email me at (email removed for privacy) so I can get started.


  4. Eddie Avatar

    as usual, great videos

  5. roy stidham Avatar
    roy stidham


  6. Jc Avatar

    Great, how can I get this

  7. Andrew Romero Avatar

    I think you are an awesome bassplayer

  8. Mel Majors Avatar
    Mel Majors

    This is wonderful. The videos are clear. Alex gives detailed explanations. I appreciate that he slows down and gives a finger-by-finger demonstration on what to play. Keep up the great work, Alex.

  9. Reginald Taylor Avatar
    Reginald Taylor

    I love the idea of so much very good information for the beginner. I like having the tabs and MP3 tracks. Because I am a true beginner.

  10. MackI Avatar

    I am having more fun learning this way because, i am playing great bass lines that everyone can relate to.That deserves 3 AMEN Amen amen. Mack ..

  11. mwells Avatar

    Great video it is really helping me out!

  12. Cooki Avatar

    Thank you!!!!!! From a beginner!

  13. Donald Genereux Avatar
    Donald Genereux

    HI, love what I have seen so far, I’am 100% disable and will have to save up the money to get the lessons, but I will get them !!!
    I have never played the bass before but I know I can learn to play it, I use to play drums so I hope that will help me learn the bass faster !!
    Thanks: Don

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi Donald – nice to have you and I’m confident you’ll do well as a bassist. Glad to hear you’re interested in the training. Peace bro!

  14. Jason French Avatar
    Jason French

    I just got my bass two days ago and I am playing things that I recognize. Super cool.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi Jason – awesome news! welcome to the ‘clan’ 🙂 wait till you see lesson #3 😉

  15. Simon Manrrique Avatar
    Simon Manrrique

    I think this is an awesome way to help us learn even more about bass playing.Thanks for he lesson.

  16. reinaldo Avatar

    Extremelly helpful ,simple enough for anyone to grasp the main idea of playing with rithm ; awesome ….. thanks for taking the time , Reinaldo Roman

  17. donald Avatar

    very helpful,awesome

  18. Robert Avatar

    Looks and sounds GREAT! Love the technique!!! Simple, fast and easy to learn way of instruction. Thanks Tons!!! 🙂

  19. Mladen Avatar

    Hi Alex,
    Im your costumers I have yours bass guitar secrets home study course and he works fine to me. Thanks for this lesson.
    Great video.
    Best regards.

  20. charles harris Avatar
    charles harris

    i love your video like fresh meat love salt this my first time watching it.Its really heaven sent

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Huh? LOL.. That’s hilarious! Thanks.

  21. Kurtis Avatar

    Alex you’re the man. Wish you could’ve been there to see my friends faces the first time we jammed since I started the simple bass playing sytem just a couple weeks ago. They were grooved to the max. Thanks for everything and hit me back about getting one of those sweatshirts.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Kurtis bruh AWESOME! – Man i wish I could been there to see those faces too! Always blessed to hear about results from our courses! Bravo!… Hmmm you want a sweatshirt? A lot of folks are asking so I think I’ll have to make em available. Peace and groove !

  22. shola Avatar

    Well done Alex this great, its simple to follow and straight to the point no messing about. Thank you

  23. Xavier from Canada Avatar
    Xavier from Canada

    Thank you Alex for the great tips.

    It’s very useful and very effective. I’m already improving and feeling more comfortable with my instrument.

    Cheers !

  24. Bryan Clay Avatar
    Bryan Clay

    Thanks Alex this an awesome way to learn and it really helps to gain confidence in the ability to play. I have had my bass for almost a year and i can play some songs but this is a totally smooth and cool way of learning. Thanks alot man i see why people see quick results.

  25. Aaron Avatar

    Great intro video for a true beginner such as I. All the best. AB

  26. Aaron Avatar

    How can I purchase your beginner base training course?

  27. Mike Avatar

    Good video.

  28. Smith Avatar

    Great video! It was awesome to see a different side of bass playing!

  29. Ray Avatar

    This is GREAT! make it more easy to learn songs in a short time. Thanks!

  30. John Green Avatar
    John Green

    Alex you are a great technician, and you are able to bridge the gap which is fantastic thanks for your time, my man!
    That tune by Maxwell is still bumping I need that in my archives.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hahaha Ascension by Maxwell is da jaunt! 😉

  31. jason Avatar

    I’m wanting to learn the bass and I think this might just be for me. I just wish the videos showed more of what the right hand is doing and how he’s cutting the notes short. Thanks

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      In all the other videos coming up (and in all the videos in the full course) you get to separate camera views for each hand 🙂 Peace

  32. Aaron Lott Avatar
    Aaron Lott

    Thanks for the inspiring video. I was about to give up on this bass playing adventure and actually had for awhile and now that I have your “Simple Bass Playing System” , I am exciting about recommitting myself to becoming the best bass player that I can be. Thanks Alex.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Aaron, glad you didn’t give up bro – You got SBPS and I bet once you start going through it and seeing some results you’ll get even more excited 😉

      Peace and groove!

  33. Paul Allan Avatar
    Paul Allan

    Good idea, and very helpful. I can’t wait to learn new techniques.

  34. Rick Avatar

    Thank you ,I like it…..

  35. Andy Avatar

    great, I can learn step by step now to improve my bass skill

  36. terryb Avatar

    I am so impatient to get the second video.

    Many thanks,

  37. Dean Avatar


    These techniques are great!!! Thank you, something to finally get me out of my rut and moving forward again. I started playing the bass some time ago with no training and to no surprise got no where. I’m very much looking forward to the next steps…thanks again.


  38. David Avatar

    First of all, I already own the Bass Guitar secrets course and Bass Chopz Vol 1, which are excellent material for mastering the bass, however, I’m a drummer and have played many years, and have developed a real interest in the bass, I can read music but tab makes it easier to find the playing position. These lessons are great for sitting back and just playing (with the track/s), then again so are the Etude’s, Opuses and other exercises in the study courses. Thanks!


    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi David, nice to hear from ya… thanks for the shout out. peace

  39. cornell Avatar

    i am gping to try this method. thanks

  40. Shawn Avatar

    Thanks will be very helpful when I slow down and watch where each finger is placed! I have never played bass and look forward to learning!

  41. Terrance Avatar

    You’re a great instructor. I wish there were more teachers like you. Please continue the good work. Thanks

  42. Glen Avatar

    Hey Alex, I”ve bought a number of your products already and they are every thing I expected. I am one of those guys who has very little spare time or rather I try to fit as much as possible into the time I have. These posts are fantastic, keep them coming.
    Keep grooving

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Glen – Greatly appreciate your kind words bruh! Thanks for speaking up publicly and letting folks know we’re the real deal 🙂

  43. rob Avatar

    Very cool. I like the approach, simple small pieces and you feel like you “get it”.

  44. Ibrahim Avatar


  45. Chris Brooker Avatar
    Chris Brooker

    Was always taught that music was alot of hard to learn theory, never thought of it like learning to speak and how we memorized things our parents said but then began to apply what we learned to say what we wanted, great job can’t wait to apply what I have learned, thanks so much.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Chris thanks for the feedback – trust me… this is a FAR more natural way to learn to speak music on your instrument … Music doesn’t have to be painstakingly difficult.

  46. Jerry Avatar

    Great first video! I am a bit more than intermediate but still found what you had to say enlightening! Looking forward to the next video!

  47. Vincent Deale Avatar
    Vincent Deale

    Alex, great job on the video and keep on Groovin!!!

  48. mike Avatar

    thanks alex just started playing bass this is great!

  49. Lemar aka L-Star Avatar
    Lemar aka L-Star

    This is really great stuff !! so far so good…I am blown away at how this is coming to me just from the intro. I must stay tuned in…got to get this poppn kool

  50. Carrie Avatar

    this is pretty awesome, and its needed for me cause i need to learn it fast cause im the church bass player and i need to step up my game

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