Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Riffs Every Bass Player Ought to Know.[/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,583 responses to “Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs”

  1. Jonathan Avatar

    Awesome job. Those were some really good songs…I think I’ll have to try ’em out!!!

  2. Bill Avatar

    Alex,I just love your teachings. They are so simple and yet so informative. I hope to get on board soon. Bill

  3. Jason Avatar


    I loved Bass Guitar secrets. Your CG-X method helped me a lot. I have been plying solidly for a little over a year, and actually have done a decent job with coming up with bass lines, but this looks great.



    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Jason thanks for the support bro! Glad you’re liking it – Be sure to check out video 3!

  4. Matthew Avatar

    Nice to see it continues on! You are a good person for sharing this with us and for helping us to become better!

    Sine the grafting of my thumb is almost all the way “marbled” in, I can actually hold the guitar again. Try fingering left handed withiut the use of a thumb. It was pretty discouraging. Its been two years since I bought your amasing Bass Playing System. These vids are just all the more encouraging!

    Thanks Alex

  5. Jerry Weber Avatar
    Jerry Weber

    Alex, I appreciate your style of teaching. You don’t leave anyone behind. I certainly need the simplicity of the presentation as well as the challenge to grow musically. I am 58 years old and my bass playing style would probably be described as “old school”. I know that there is nothing wrong with that but there is certainly room to grow creatively from that state. Since I have never had “formal” lessons for bass guitar, I am enjoying the fundamental education that you provide along with the enjoyment of playing some great riffs you share.

  6. Jim Avatar

    I know HOW to play, just don’t always know WHAT to play. This course looks interesting.

  7. Michael Freeman Avatar
    Michael Freeman

    This is absolutely wonderful! Alex keep up the great work, we love you man!

  8. Warren Westfall Avatar
    Warren Westfall

    Awesome stuff, can’t wait to try it out.

  9. idon Avatar

    great lesson i like it

  10. SMOKE BELL Avatar

    Alex thanks for these tracks. I’ve learned them. My problem is coming up with a solo that I think sounds decent. At this point i’ll settle for decent! lol Can you help me with this? Thanks

    Smoke Bell

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Smoke, if you wanting to get into soloing and stuff check this out for real… Peace

  11. J Franklin Avatar
    J Franklin

    I like it so far, You seem sincere and I’m looking for that one thing that says, Yes Thats it!

  12. phatkat Avatar

    i like it its for me its undersandable

  13. Ben Greer Avatar
    Ben Greer

    Great stuff!

  14. Terry L. Burns Avatar
    Terry L. Burns

    Thanks a whole lot Alex for these new teachings!!! You’re talking about me when you talk about those who just don’t have the time “THEY WANT” when it comes down to practice time. You’ve just showed me how to maximize the practice time I DO have. Now when somebody calls me “The Bassman”, I can truly smile….& continue to enjoy playing the Bass! (Which to me IS coolest instrument to EVER play!).—–Terry (The Bassman) Burns

  15. Wang Chen Jen Avatar
    Wang Chen Jen

    Nice play..

  16. D.Fox Avatar

    I’m empowered to turn Up my amp! VERY Helpful!

  17. Carl Avatar

    Very good information for the beginner. I like the idea of having the tabs and MP3 tracks.

  18. Brian D Reed Avatar
    Brian D Reed

    I am planning to sign up in the new year. I am very impressed.

  19. Randy Avatar

    SUPER Learning,
    Thats helps so much,ESP wen
    hen the time is slowed down.
    Thanks Alex for a outstanding job to help everyone.

  20. Christopher Walther Avatar
    Christopher Walther

    Nice job Alex! Looks like a great training course you’ve put together. Keep up the good work.

  21. Gregg Avatar

    Great concept and well laid out

  22. Edik Avatar

    I LIKE IT.

  23. GW Avatar


  24. Mych (mike) Laury Avatar
    Mych (mike) Laury

    Thats just what the doctor ordered,Im one of the ones that have 2plus hrs to practice. but i do love music and my bass. I will try and support as best I can, this is a good idea.. Keep it coming. Thanks, Mychlowry

  25. john alchin Avatar
    john alchin

    Great stuff Alex. Many thanks. This is just what I needed.

  26. martin st rose Avatar

    Indeed you have giving bass tips that will enhance my playing
    I want to thank you for taking time off to be so kind and teachable
    to all of us who want to better bass players in the future.I love the
    style i know personally it will go a long way for me.May God bless
    you and keep you healthy.

  27. garth Avatar

    Hey Alex,
    Appreciate every thing you have sent us so far..
    You are the only teacher other than my two progressive rock bass books.
    Will get a course from you soon as I get better.

  28. john alchin Avatar
    john alchin

    Just the stuff i’ve been looking for Alex. Fantastic. Thanks.

  29. Vincent Sanders Avatar

    I love this. I want this. Like you said I have no time at all. Im will to even practice at my lunch time at work. How ever. Do to Xmas and no money I can not do this until I get paid in January. If I can still get this deal then I will order then, However if not I will pay in full if I have too. Till then. And Thank you. What little I have seen is working.

  30. Jim Andrews Avatar
    Jim Andrews

    Very cool – tabs – backing tracks- simple – maybe sometime more R and B thank for you time jim

  31. Morag Lorigan Avatar
    Morag Lorigan

    These are great beginner riffs as they sound funky, groovy, cool etc. and are sure to impress:)

  32. George Wilcox Avatar
    George Wilcox

    This is pretty exciting stuff. The DVD video is an awsome idea!

  33. Julie Jones Avatar
    Julie Jones

    awesome video, thank you!
    what about the other hand? what is it doing?
    I don’t understand the plucking side of things either.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Thanks for the kind words Julie… I’ll be sure to show the right hand in the the other videos 🙂

  34. Vili Avatar

    Great. What is the bass you played on this video ?

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      It’s a Pensa Jazz bass… Peace

  35. Jothannez Avatar

    I love this video. and i will love to know more to add to my playing

  36. james Avatar

    The video was very informative, it allowed me to follow and learn it very quickly….you are a great teacher….

  37. Randy Gowan Avatar
    Randy Gowan

    Great video. Very easy to follow. Your a good teacher. You described my playing perfectly. I’ve been playing for many years, no lessons, very busy life.


  38. Rob Avatar

    Awesome!!! I bought the first unit but this really encourages me to get back at it!!!

  39. troye Avatar

    I find the info to be very help to me. thank you and please keep up the great work

  40. kennie Avatar




  41. ronald palmer Avatar
    ronald palmer

    will love to get these hits

  42. wilma Avatar

    I’m a 61 year old wantabe bass player just for fun……have been messing around for years….I like this approach…..I have some theory background but love to develop my ear by listening and watching your videos….

  43. Herbie Watson Avatar
    Herbie Watson

    Alex: AMEN, AMEN, AMEN!!!!:):):) Little Brother, I love and respect you soooo much! I appreciate your professional, easy to understand, and instructional teaching methods. You’re a truly AWESOME!!! Thank You!!! Herbie Watson

  44. Glenn Avatar

    Yo Alex, those are some the best beginner bass lines I ever saw.
    You can bet that I will be getting the course!

  45. Gene Avatar

    great video for beginners, I need any and all help I can get keep them coming.

  46. Ananais Brown Jr Avatar

    Alex this is what i am talking about something to give you a go baby. By doing it this way help put a hold lot of light on things. Make you want to spend a lot of time on your ax. Alex let me know when you put out a DVD of more song I don’t have any problem buying it because you are the man. Nice Alex.

  47. Troy Avatar

    Thanks Alex
    How close are you with your next project?

  48. martin st rose Avatar

    you just great Alex.

  49. barry Avatar

    looks good, I want the plan

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