Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Riffs Every Bass Player Ought to Know.[/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,583 responses to “Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs”

  1. Tony Avatar

    This man inspires me to be a better bass player with his excellent teaching techniques many thanks Alex

  2. David Avatar

    Thanks Alex,

    This is brilliant stuff, just what I needed. I can’t wait for your new course to come out.

    Kindest Regards, David

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey David glad to hear you’re looking forward to SBPS… it won’t disappoint 🙂 Thanks for the support bro!

  3. Jorge Avatar

    Nothing more then very encouragement to get better

  4. Jerry Anderson Avatar
    Jerry Anderson

    Awesome way of showing how bass lines work!

  5. Emerson Thrower Avatar

    This is awesome Alex. I want it now.

  6. Ted Bishop Avatar
    Ted Bishop

    Fun way to learn. I am a beginner to intermediate and enjoyed learning these lines. You made it fun and easy. Would love to see the tabs below the video to make it easier yet. Thanks!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Ted Tabs were sent by email – Thanks for looking.

  7. Mark Underhill Avatar
    Mark Underhill

    Thanks that is sweet.

  8. Brenda Foster Avatar
    Brenda Foster

    Thank you so much Alex! I love the “silent” rhythmic note that you use a lot in your playing. I would love to know how you do that so well. Thank you again Alex for helping me to be a better bass player even at my age of 60 yrs. which proves you’re NEVER to old to learn something new!!

  9. Mark Sippel Avatar
    Mark Sippel

    You are so right on with the time, the practice issues, and the failure to be able to use a guitar chord to make something that sounds good or right. While I hit on a few things now and then, I am not consistent, and this gives me insight into the good things I am doing, and hope to improve and move to another level. Love you bro!

  10. Al Campanie Avatar
    Al Campanie

    Alex; Watching the video made me see more clearly the scales being used and the cadence of the grove. Very helpful.

  11. bonnie saunders Avatar
    bonnie saunders

    hello—i just by chance lookd at this video–so far i like what i seen and heard–i am a beginner bass player & i want to learn to play gospel–thanks alot for the lessons

  12. rick black Avatar
    rick black

    Thanks Alex. You always keep me challenged.

  13. addy Avatar

    this is EXACTLY what i have been looking for. simple bass lines to popular songs with matching tabs. perfect! thanks so much & pls keep em coming. stay in the groove, addy

  14. Tim Burrows Avatar

    Really cool. I’m a visual learner so this is great for me.

  15. BARRACUDA Avatar


  16. Tony LaFALCE Avatar
    Tony LaFALCE

    As usual Alex you came through again… Thanx and God bless! Tony

  17. Juneed Avatar

    great little video with clear instruction, thanks!

  18. Tito Avatar

    Really digging the site and all the help you’ve been giving a true beginner like myself. Thanks again.

  19. Eddied Avatar

    Thanks dude

  20. John Pumphrey Avatar
    John Pumphrey

    Hey Alex,

    Really like the videos they are very informative. Last march I was well on my way with your course when an accident crushed the left side and little finger of my left hand. I do not have much use of my little finger so I have been having to compensate by sliding my third finger to the fourth fret. Watching your videos here helped tremendously as I can view your hand positions and see how to adapt it to my current playing style. Thanks Man!


  21. doc mott Avatar
    doc mott

    this is going to help!

  22. Kerry Avatar

    Just what I was looking for! Thanks

  23. Wingy Avatar

    good stuff

  24. james nelson Avatar
    james nelson

    man you are the bomb ,thank

  25. TA Avatar

    Thanks for the help! I hope you can keep it coming,

  26. anthony Avatar

    your great Alex please send backing track

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Thanks! – backing track download link is right on the page below the video. Cheers

  27. Paul Avatar

    Cool thanks Alex.

    Gives me a couple of new basslines to have a look at.

    what would be great is if the videos were available to download …. i dont have too much time to sit in front of the PC but can watch em back on my phone as and when i get time …
    Just a request …….. if you dont ask you dont get !


    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey bud, glad you got some new vocabulary you’re excited about adding to your arsenal. The vids aren’t downloadable but they are compatible with iOS and Android devices so you can watch on the go if that helps ya. Peace!

  28. Angel Avatar

    Alex, many thanks for the video. Very clear and informative.

  29. Flavius Avatar

    Thx man! Good job!

  30. Daniel McGuinness Avatar

    Hi Alex, great stuff on this one .. cant wait to get it.. I’m the one you described in this vidoe .. No time for lots of practise, although I try my best to keep it up. It’s difficult haveing to work and wanting to play !!!.. the songs you play on here I actually started learing on my own .. But being able to watch you play I can see what I’ve been doing differently… And like most things .. differences are not wrong .. just need to find what works best for me .. But it sure is nice to see how someone else plays .. I’ve been growing ever more frustarted with my playing with noone to tell me where to go next !!!.. thnx … Daniel

  31. Lawrence Cuccurullo Avatar
    Lawrence Cuccurullo

    Great instruction. I’ve saved every email that you’ve sent me and I watch and work with them as I can. Thank you for such an informative product. LHC

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Lawrence I appreciate hearing that! Thanks bro!

  32. Edith Eshleman Avatar
    Edith Eshleman

    It looks like a fantastic program. I can’t wait to check it out!

  33. Thomas McHale Avatar
    Thomas McHale

    Thank you Alex for always searching for ways to help us. BGS and FBF have been a big help, and I think you have nailed down my biggest short coming with this new lesson. Gratful as always for your help.

  34. LES Avatar

    Just what I have been looking for. Great videos.

  35. shedric Avatar

    Hi Alex,

    THIS IS GREAT, thanks for thinking about the what to be players…. LOL

    P.S. Look forward to Jamming with you >>>

  36. Linda Avatar

    Hi Alex, I just purchased your CG-X system last week. I’m really enjoying it. This is definitely on my Christmas List !

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi Linda thanks! Glad to have you and glad you’re diggin’ BGS! Merry Christmas 😉

  37. Robert Avatar

    Man, once again that’s good stuff. as a beginner i can’t wait until your material is done. I really want to learn the bass guitar.

  38. Archie Rasmussen Avatar
    Archie Rasmussen

    Looks like a very efficient way to get on the right road first.

  39. alvin smith Avatar
    alvin smith

    hey alex you have been a blessing in the way you teach basslines I thank God for you I just wanted to say thank you and God bless everything you put your hands to once again I want to say thank you!!!

  40. eugene Avatar

    I just love what your doing.

    Stay blessed…

  41. Mark A Avatar
    Mark A

    Thanks! These grooves are definitely infectious! I like the way you played through at a slower tempo rather than slow the video. Looking forward to the lessons.

  42. AmpegBounce Avatar

    Thanks for breaking it down to such simple steps

  43. Stuart Avatar

    Awesome, and great fun Alex, thanks. The slow mo makes things a lot easier. Looking forward to seeing the new stuff!!

  44. Danny Avatar

    great as usual dude

  45. Andy McCarter Avatar
    Andy McCarter

    Man i cant wait to get my hands on this course. Thanks Man

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Andy glad to hear it! I think you’re gonna dig it! Peace!

  46. Imro Avatar

    Thanks you Alex,

    that the stuff,that I needed for knowing my bass line better
    Is very helpfull



  47. Terrence Avatar

    Thanks for the video it really helped me and spoke to where I am as a bass player.

  48. Tyreef Avatar

    Its sounds good so far, look forward to seeing if it works.

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