Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Riffs Every Bass Player Ought to Know.[/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,583 responses to “Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs”

  1. chuck tipton Avatar
    chuck tipton

    nice lesson

  2. SouthernBassman Avatar

    You always come up with some great training tips…you always keep me inspired to learn. Your stuff has taken my playing to a different level. Keep em coming.

    —Happy Holidays

  3. Troy of Marysville, WA Avatar
    Troy of Marysville, WA

    Thanks Alex you rock.

  4. torey Avatar

    really cool

  5. Dan Avatar

    Thanks Alex that is exactly what I needed.

  6. Cambelle Ambrose Avatar
    Cambelle Ambrose

    Thanks man these videos are great, you are doing alot for me, I have gained so much, THANKS MAN, and keep up the good work.

  7. Wayne Boudreaux Avatar
    Wayne Boudreaux

    Great lesson. It’s great for people who really don’t have a huge
    amount of time.

  8. Gabriel Walker Avatar
    Gabriel Walker


    Came in on the video series just recently. Now I am going through them as they were posted. As a guy with four kids and two jobs I thank you for theses videos. It gives me hope and a desire to pick up my bass again.

    Best regards,


  9. Claus Avatar

    Great videos! Simple and straight forward but yet effective!

  10. Erik Avatar

    Thanks, that was a very good lesson

  11. Luca Alessandro Avatar

    Hi Alex,

    I’ve purchased, studied (and return to) your Bass Guitar Secrets and the Fretboard Formula courses, and really appreciate the extras you’ve made available (Licks, Fills, Chordmastery, etc) to complement those. After a year of off and on again self-study, an opportunity to practice/perform regularly with a group of experienced musicians came up Jan ’11, and I’ve been keeping it simple (‘bassists play bass’) and I’ve been accepted and encouraged – “Luca, you can play; you can get better. Buy an amp.” yea! So, at 55 y/o I’m going to start all over, one last time. 🙂

    Without the basic theory and technique I learned in BGS and FBF, I’d never have survived to the second practice – we started out with some jazz standards (Summertime and Autumn Leaves) and it was hard because I’d never played with people, *but* I was not lost. I could understand the song structure, and knew my chord tones and arpeggios and that was about all I knew. But guess what – they really appreciated a bassist who was content to play in 2 when asked, or just stick to root root 5th root… they liked it that I didn’t try to thrown in a lot of fills while they were working out their parts (2 guitars, vibes, piano, drums) and the overall arrangement. Got my foot wedged in the door and have managed to hang on.

    This video intro to the Simple Playing System is right on time and thank you very sincerely this this and the many other free ‘mini sessions’ you regularly produce for us (like the BGS Coaching sessions.) I’ve been in ‘learn these songs!” mode, and I sure need as much of that as I can get, but I have been feeling frustrated when they start just jamming. You named the problem for me tonight – given a chord progression, I need to ID the rhythm, establish the groove with chord tones, get some basic fills and embellishments under my fingers, and learn some improv skills. Yikes!

    Sooo, back to the Sampson Library. 🙂 This year I’ll know what the hell to do with the Licks and Fills dvd, ha!, and I’m going to have to spend some serious time grokking Modal Mastery, which will provide a basis for working out solos in the jazz context (I can’t keep refusing my turn forever -smile-) and with improv jamming. I think. It’s all in the BGS package I started with. Hopefully parts I found difficult first time through (like ‘what the hell am I supposed to do these damn modes!’) will become stuff I can start working with.

    Sorry to be so verbose, but I’ve never written to thank you, and it is Thanksgiving here in the States; so:

    THANK YOU Alex Sampson! In this ‘rookie intermediate’s’ opinion, you pack tremendous value into your course packages – literally years worth in my case. (Hey, some of us are slower than others – my kid is in second grade, my younger brothers has two in grad school; There It Is. -smile-)

    Seriously Teach, your stuff is pithy. You don’t hide complexity, you provide a way to get at it. I really appreciate that.

    Happy holidays to you and yours! Know that your work is widely appreciated. Maybe I’ll remind you again, next year.



    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Wow Luca, I’m flattered and appreciative that you took the time to put such thought into a comment 😉 You guys are really folks I feel very fortunate and proud to have cross my path and believe me I am very thankful for you all as well! Blessings and happy holidays!

  12. Kevin Avatar

    Great lesson. It is so nice to be shown some bass riffs to some popular songs. I makes learning very interesting. Thanks Alex for these short but information packed lessons.

  13. Mark Patterson Avatar
    Mark Patterson


    Thanks you for the encouragement and help I have been a member for 2 yrs and have bought a couple of your lesson sets that are great. However, I never realized all the free material that went with being a member. If you want to play bass tune in with ALEX.

  14. John Avatar

    Awesome, simple and very effective.

  15. hoeke Avatar

    hey alex, your lesons are very good, charly

  16. hoeke Avatar

    vry nice and interessant

  17. allen Avatar

    Great stuff, this will get me motivated to keep at it. Bravo Zulu (Navy for good job), Alex!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hooyah my man! 🙂

  18. Edward LaBoy Avatar
    Edward LaBoy

    As a professional musician I enjoyed your teaching. U explained it very well and showed carefully on the style using a timer for fast and slow. I give props when due. I wish I the gift to teach others , am old school and give up write away and still think u should practice 4 hours a day. I play percussion and keyboard violin trumpet and sax. am a worship leader and a rev rend with my worship jazz band Shekinah Ministry

  19. Richard Tewes Avatar
    Richard Tewes

    I knew a couple of those lines. Learning the others will be fun. Even on the lines I “know” I can see by studying (copying, imitating) the subtleties of your technique will be of great benefit to me.

    Thanks, Richard

  20. Franklin Walker Avatar
    Franklin Walker

    Great begginers songs that are easy enough to play, yet challenging enough to see some growth.

  21. Nicci Avatar

    Cool – really like these beginner riffs – I really want to get into the bass and gives me a starting point – can you show how to play the blues on bass like John in The Who as I really want to play like hin Thanks

  22. Glenn Avatar

    The new material is great! it’s just what the Dr ordered.


  23. Michael Avatar

    I’ve been one of your “students” for more than two years and this material is the best produced by far. Oh. And useful too. ;^)

  24. curtis wyche Avatar
    curtis wyche

    this was very good

  25. Johnnie Avatar

    Nice lesson, your stuff is really cool.

  26. Leftovers Avatar

    Great sound!

  27. sorrow Avatar

    chuck tipton


  28. Rich Siyufy Avatar
    Rich Siyufy

    Thanks. You help a lot.

  29. adeyemi oyewale Avatar
    adeyemi oyewale

    thanks so much,i have gotten access to it.pls i want to buy bass guitar 6 string,how can you help me buy good and quality one there?i dont mind sending money to you there i need it urgently

  30. John Nichols Avatar
    John Nichols

    Thanks Alex
    Now, if I’ll get off my butt and practice these riffs, I’ll be playing like a pro.
    Thanks again

  31. leo normandin Avatar
    leo normandin

    most excellent alex, keep up your amazing work

  32. Paul Thompson Avatar
    Paul Thompson

    Alex, enjoyed seeing the rifts as you would play them. Good stuff.

  33. jazzy Avatar

    Very nice video love the jazz grooves Thank you

  34. James Harris Avatar
    James Harris

    Thanks . you help me a lot

  35. Sylvester Avatar

    Thanx for that! Really what I needed to get the juices flowing again!!!

  36. dave Avatar

    This good – Thanks

  37. Darian Avatar


    Great work really looking forward to jumping into your lessons. As I am transitioning from keys to bass let’s see how this work. I play some mean key bass!

  38. joe bass Avatar

    alex,thank you ,very much appreciated.joebass5

  39. randy Avatar

    Thanks I learned today bless you

  40. D McCree Avatar
    D McCree

    Absolutely awesome and very helpful. Thanks Alex for making it seem so simple and user friendly. My only problem is that it comes in slow while music is ahead of video, other than that this is awesome.

  41. Linda Avatar

    Alex, I am a newbie, and I’m enjoying learning how to play the bass. You have taken the stress out of learning. It isn’t as intiminating as a one on one class, but at the same time I feel like you are right here. It’s great, I’m really glad that I do my homework before I dive right in to something; or I would have not found you and such a great program. I would have gone through several program and become frustrated and quite. So I say, Thank You from the bottom of my heart.
    Oh by the way …I love theses riffs.


  42. Leon Avatar

    Cool, Thanks

  43. DANNY Avatar

    I THInk you can teach very well an i thought it was just for beginners

  44. Maurice Avatar

    Man Alex I have been trying to play that Maxwell for the longest now I have got thanks man.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Yo Maurice you welcome bro! 😉 glad you like it.

  45. Eddie Huckabee Avatar
    Eddie Huckabee

    Great idea and exactly what I need. Started playing Bass about a year ago to add some bottom to a gospel jam group. I’m really good at adding straight bass or alternating bass on simple songs but no idea where to go to spice up the bass line. Lead on my brother.

  46. Frank Daal Avatar
    Frank Daal

    Awesome, simple and very effective. Great stuff, this will get me motivated to keep at it.

  47. Bob Avatar

    Looks good

  48. Dominic A. Herincx Avatar
    Dominic A. Herincx

    Amazing lesson! Really helped!

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