Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Riffs Every Bass Player Ought to Know.[/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,583 responses to “Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs”

  1. Tony Streeter Avatar
    Tony Streeter

    Great lesson

  2. bill Avatar

    very useful and thanks

  3. phil Avatar

    Hey Alex thanks, it’s great to have a guy like you out there, keeps me playing,

  4. Edward Avatar

    Very helpful

  5. Neal King Avatar

    These lessons are very helpful for me, I am taking bass lesson and I would like to play some reggae bassline can you help me with that?

    thanks for the lesson and keep up the good work.


  6. Tammy Avatar

    Thanks so much for putting this out there, it’s very helpful. Please keep it up.

  7. Larry Avatar

    Great- I like this. Need some more. Thanks

  8. Michael Avatar

    I have been trying to play some of this music,and I have been all over the place without much success. You make it so simp;e to do ad that’s great. Thank you SO MUCH.

  9. Sheila Avatar

    Hey Alex! I loved the video. It was awsome I enjoyed it very much. Send me another one.

    Thank you


  10. Aaron Avatar

    Great Stuff. Thank you. Great Lil Grooves to work on.

  11. wallace Avatar

    these lessons are great send more…
    i love what you do

  12. Torry Avatar

    Love your video, I guess I’m a re-beginner. Have played bass for a long time but sat it down and have picked it back up. The bass is again fresh to me, eger to learn… Thanks!

  13. Stephanie Avatar

    The tips were very helpful. I also enjoyed the tab as well. this was pretty cool to experience. I’ve been playing for a year. I’m still rough around the edges, but I can play with a band if I know the music beforehand. Thank you again for the help.

  14. harriet nelson Avatar
    harriet nelson

    hey alex, i love your exercises……you are a talented instructor…. i have tried to contact you via ail mail to get a telephone number so that i could order some things, as i am not ever ordering anything on-line…… make bass playing seem effortless……..if there some way that u can contact me so that i can order without putting my credit card info,. on the computer.. ? keep up the good work…u r awesome!!!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi Harriet thanks for the kind words – email support (at) and let us know what you want – We can get in touch with you. Peace and groove

  15. aaron Avatar

    know thats what i need, real teaching vids. more more more i dont know what scales do to help u plsy better. but i love what i just saw . what dvds do you have , with old school r&b, funk i am encouraged , thanks

  16. Paul Avatar

    Great introduction. Just waiting for the mail with a link to the tabs so that I can join in.

  17. Ron Buehler Avatar
    Ron Buehler

    WOW…this is just what I have needed to progress in my dream of actually playing the bass !!! I am a remodeling contractor in west chester PA with little time for anything other than working etc. SO, thank you Alex !!! I can’t wait for more of your divine insperation !!! thanx, ron.

  18. Jolly Avatar

    Great Video, I can’t read Music but I am good at listene and figuring music out when i hear it. But this made it a whole lot easier to learn. If you do this againg please think about music fron Sade, Funkadelics, just some old skool stuff.

  19. Denny Avatar

    Thanks Brother!

  20. Stephoney Stanfield Avatar
    Stephoney Stanfield

    Alex, The way you put the lesson together,and show them in your DVD video is just great.
    I’m a intermediate bass player,but getting better by the day. Thanks A Million!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Stephoney really appreciate hearing that my friend! Keep at it. Peace

  21. James Avatar

    Thank you for sharing such valuable information!

  22. sonny Avatar

    like do you have a dvd of your stuff we can buy? or download?

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi Sonny yup we have several very useful training programs – it depends on the level you’re at and what you’re wanting to improve. check out and to start with…

  23. noel Avatar

    supper kool nice and easy to pick up thanks keeps me playing

  24. Michael Avatar

    Thanks for the Beginner Bass tracks keep up the good work! Let me just say there are a lot of bass courses in cyber world but you’re No.1 on content alone, you by far surpass and exceed the competition.


    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Michael thanks for the kind words bro! You rock! 🙂 Be sure to check out the other videos too…

  25. Rich Ord Avatar
    Rich Ord

    Very, very, cool!
    Nice riffs, easy to use, easy to learn.

    Love the click, and the slow version!



  26. D Gutierrez Avatar
    D Gutierrez

    I think what you’re doing here is great Alex!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      thank you for the support D!

  27. mals Avatar

    Spain!! luv it tr’in 2 play on the sax.U r 2good. Excellent teaching.Thnk u

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Thanks bud! It’s a really cool song ain’t it?

  28. Duane Avatar

    I love the bass and wish I had more time to play and practice. These sound easy to play and sound great.


  29. Apple Pryor Avatar
    Apple Pryor

    Thank you so much Alex for providing this help. I have only been playing bass guitar for three months but with these tips, I look like someone playing a lot longer! Just watching these videos has given me the confidence to order your full course? I know if I can follow the tips in these easy videos I will really do well with the course. Thank you for giving me encouragement and I greatly appreciate your help! God Bless You!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Apple thanks for the comment! Glad that this stuff is re-assuring you. Have a good one!

  30. Bill Avatar

    I watched you runs that you were doing but you do it so cool that i don’t know what you left hand is doing as far as what finger and string.

    thx Billy

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      haha Check out the tabs below the video – they are note for note transcriptions of what I played. Glad you liked it! Keep watching…

  31. Phil Avatar

    thanks again Alex you been very helpful because like you said I just want to play bass in my free time an there is not enough in a day for me.

  32. REDMNCHSTR1 Avatar

    cool, this really helps me when you break it down. Because I a slow learner, but once I get it, I got it. thanks

  33. Glenn Rigby Avatar
    Glenn Rigby

    I’m starting to get it. Thanks for the slow-mo. That helps a lot.

  34. Anthony Avatar

    Man I really appreciate you taking the to the time out to break down bass lines for guys like me. I can honestly say since I’ve been watching your videos I have learned how to play alot better.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Thank you Anthony – That makes me feel good to know you’re seeing real progress! That’s what we’re always aiming for – Getting folks to make progress

  35. Dave Avatar

    I loved every minute of it. I though it was great.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Dave thanks – I had fun shooting it too 🙂 Glad you liked.

  36. Kevin Avatar

    LOVE what you’re doing, great work and ideas. KEEP THEM COMING!

  37. Jimmy Payne Avatar
    Jimmy Payne

    Great explanation to get us newbies started! Thanks, man!

  38. Powell Motsumi Avatar
    Powell Motsumi

    exceptioanal stuff indeed!

  39. Butch Avatar

    Alex you’re always great you know?

  40. tom Avatar

    Thanks, could I get those tabs again?

  41. solomon Avatar

    really needed this thanks

  42. Edwin Avatar

    Even a old dog like me can really use some new tricks thanks.

  43. Lincoln Hardy Avatar
    Lincoln Hardy

    Really rocks already making my own bass lines.p

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      That’s what I like to hear!

  44. paul Avatar

    Hi Alex,
    really good thanks very useful

  45. Charley Avatar

    Very cool Alex

  46. Juan Carlos Cintron Avatar
    Juan Carlos Cintron


  47. Ron White Avatar
    Ron White

    Alex, thanks for the five songs. I had a few of them figured out already, but it helps to see the rifs played in a slowed tempo. Keep up the good work.

  48. Torrel Avatar

    Alex, nice and smooth my brotha….nice and smooth. Way to keep it simple, don’t forget the funk classics…Glide by plesure, forget me nots by Patrice, to name a few. Your instruction puts me in the ball park big time.


  49. Clive Avatar

    I guess I need to practice more! But great lesson.

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