Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Riffs Every Bass Player Ought to Know.[/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,583 responses to “Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs”

  1. D Avatar

    Hi thanks for these vids… It’s a pretty good idea to show different styles of bass lines.. I’ve been playing for years now and still like to learn new lines mos places give you a particular style that the person playing enjoys. You seem to mix up the styles and do…. I get to learn stuff I wouldn’t normally touch… Perhaps a series of these would be possible……

  2. richard Avatar

    Thanks man! Really helps!!

  3. Dante Avatar

    Hey Alex, Thx for the vids. some tab would be good to help me find those pesky notes i cant see or find 🙂 thx again.


    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Dante please check your email address…

  4. Paul Avatar

    This is Really Useful Stuff! Many thanks, Alex – and please keep it coming.

  5. Jeffery Avatar

    thanks, this is beautiful, I need more.

  6. Will Avatar

    Really liked the fact that you broke it down. but im still trying to lern more not just a few short cuts. I did send an email to you all about my bass guitar secrets cd its not reading well what must i do to get a nother copy. But just to let you know i thank you for what you are doing and keep it up. keep it coming

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Will contact my support team here – – I am not sure what email address you’re using but go to the support site and you’ll get sorted out. Peace

  7. Candido Avatar

    Great job, man! This was made for me!

    Thanks, Alex!

  8. thomas best Avatar
    thomas best

    really like that. i play for a church, do you think you could help me,also play,s with one finger.

  9. Kyle Scantlin Avatar
    Kyle Scantlin

    Thank you for this.. Always a pleasure to receive something from the Master! Receiving continued support like this show you continue to care and it’s appreciated.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Kyle thanks a million for the kind words and I’m glad these vids are helping you but you’re gonna get me in trouble using that word “master” lol – perhaps young grasshopper is what you were looking for? 🙂

  10. Michael Avatar

    Great demo – I am a beginner and it sure help to hear and see it played real time and then hear and see in slow motion. Thank loads

  11. Pete (Sleddog)Christman Avatar
    Pete (Sleddog)Christman

    A Very nice site!! It’s about time for a bass guitar site

  12. Steven Panazzolo Avatar
    Steven Panazzolo

    Thanks for these Alex. I`m in the beginner group you mention. These songs bring groove into my playing. Thanks again.

  13. Malik Avatar

    Hey Alex,

    Thank you very much for this video. Your lessons are great and they help me alot.

  14. Terry L Burns Avatar
    Terry L Burns

    Alex, thanks my man for breaking down some of the best bass lines ever heard!!I am one of those busy people, who would like to just grab my bass and jam away. These lines will help move me towards playing like a real pro!!! Thanks again-(By the way, could you breakdown Slaves’ Just A Touch Of Love, when you get the time???)—Terry L. Burns

  15. DB Avatar

    I like it.
    I’d say, Im in between the begginer and rookie intermediate. Apart from the last two riffs, the others I’ve been learning. Great stuff keep it up.

  16. henri Avatar

    this was kool. The tab’s you spoked about, Could you possibly make so one could purchase on line,are by e-b00k,e-mail.Again the video is play and show what to do slow enought for starting player to get it. Do you have a bass finging chart for the four string bass,five and six. book showing how to play broken ?

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey bud we have a lot of stuff you may be interested in – I see you’re already an accomplished musician so you may just need to build a facility on the instrument… Keep watching these vids and maybe you’ll see something you like… Peace

  17. Tony Deane Avatar
    Tony Deane

    Thank you Alex.

    Things like this and premium playalongs have really helped me.
    I can now read chord charts and have several songs that I can play off the cuff!
    Just need to find some musicians to put up with me, as Bass is so integral in a band.
    I now have the confidence!

    Respect for preaching the word!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Tony D big props my man.. PPAL member in the house – It’s awesome to know that your database of songs that you know has grown. You’re gonna like the next video cause we’ll be talking about building bass lines… Respect bro!

  18. Enzo Avatar

    Nice work, well done! Good idea to target people who are short on time.
    Thank you

  19. Paul Avatar

    Hey Alex,

    Just a note to say thanks for all of your helpful tips to help us “beginners”. I have several of your programs and they have been invaluable. BTW, hows that new baby…probably a year old now, huh?

    Take Care,

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      hey bro thanks for the support over the years I really appreciate you! – Also the baby isn’t so ‘baby’ anymore… would you believe she’s already 2 and a half?! Man time flies like crazy!! thanks for asking… All the best my friend.

  20. EDDIE Avatar

    This is ok but i need a groves i can use in church?????

  21. superjaay Avatar

    Great vids. ready for more.

  22. Ron Avatar

    Great videos, I look forward to sitting down and doing some shedding on them once my paperwork is done this morning! Thanks for the love shown!!

  23. Filipe Avatar

    fantastic good one play some slow music, R&B rap etc is good to know diferents styla

  24. barry Avatar

    alex,your great very easy to follow,keep em coming ok great.

  25. Tom Avatar

    Hi Alex.I am a 72 year old beginner and ( I think maybe the dementia is starting to set in) as it takes me a lot of reading and re reading for me to retain things in my brain. That being my excuse for being a slow learner and easily getting frustrated I found your video’s very inspireing and just what I needed at the right time to get me motivated again. I look forward to the next ones. Can’t thank you enough. Tom

  26. SUNNNY Avatar


    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Sunny nice to hear from ya and thanks for the kind words…

  27. Gail Avatar

    Thanks, Alex! This is inspiring and makes me want to improve my bass playing!

  28. Leonard Avatar

    You hit the nail on the head, I’am one of those no time for long pratice,you have been very helpful

    Thank’s Alex

  29. russ Avatar

    very nice

  30. terry Avatar

    HI ALEX, I really think that this new approach for time poor bassers is more spot on than you know, THANKS, however the pdf/tabs is not findable on my machine, could you justy sent it (not spam) please,please… MRT

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Terry contact my support team here – support (at) and ask for the tabs for “sbps sampler lesson 1”

  31. Pierre Avatar

    That is great Alex!
    I wish we get more of these! What about some jazz groove?
    Thank you


  32. Nigel Avatar

    Hi Alex from the other side of the Pond !

    Have been following your stuff for a short while & bought a couple of your courses. As a guy suffering from a mid-life crisis (according to my wife !) and wanting to learn bass later in life, your help is really useful. Keep it up & groove out man !

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      haha – welcome to the clan my friend! Always nice to have our UK groove masters on with us…

  33. ROCKY D. BERRY Avatar

    I do RESOECT You Very Much and Ur Playing , Your Playing seem to come fro you Hearty and sould and You diffeantely seem to want to rally hepl that want top help them selves as I dooz!!!!!! Please if there is anything that you can help- me ai awould Greatly appreciatel it so Much soo!! I could never rellay thak you enough for the theings that you are able to show me, I hoe that You do Believe in Prayer and i ask that you would keep my in Ur Prayers to continue to Move forward in my Bass Playing!! thanks again for Ur help and for your future help as well
    Thanks Kibndly & My God Bless and be with You always
    Rocky berry

  34. Mack Avatar

    Thanks for the lessons they are appreciated and are helpful.

  35. joe lowrance Avatar

    This is very good , thank you –

  36. Robert Perry Avatar
    Robert Perry

    Thanks for the tips

  37. susan dunning Avatar
    susan dunning

    Alex you are the coolest and as a self taught Bassist with (what I hope ) good potential your vids are excellent… you don’t get us too bogged down with theory but just enough for helping understand how it all comes together. I was taught piano in my younger days and the theory made it pretty dull and took the fun out of it. your teaching style keeps the fun in learning Bass. cheers from Susan, Brisbane, Australia.

  38. olsen Avatar

    love the video but as someone whose learning how to play i would like know what note you are playing or dissect the notes that you are playing. I’m also wondering if don’t have anything for beginners that might help with fingering how to built fills/grooves and all the good stuff am a visual guy i don’t have time to read books and stuff but great videos will help the cause.

    thank you!
    Finally we find someone that cares about beginners. A million thanks goes to you my brother.

  39. Robert Smith Avatar
    Robert Smith

    This is a good thing.

  40. Perry Avatar

    That was exactly what I was looking for. Something fun to play to inspire me to practice more. Thanks.


  41. JOhn Rynex Avatar

    Hey Alex:
    Love what you send and have applied your techniques to the two bands I play with regularly. You’ve got to play with different people to let this really take off.
    These licks are accomplishable.

  42. paul pollard Avatar

    Nice, concise coming from “the cave”! Moves right along. Good production/illustration. Been on this list for long time, just haven’t been motivated. Keep groovin’, I’ll catch up.

  43. Kufre Avatar

    I do appreciate this video thanks Alex

  44. avery Avatar

    hi thank for there vids….good idea

  45. marcus dobbs (in theUK) Avatar
    marcus dobbs (in theUK)

    Think your style and presentation and subject matter (tracks) are great. I play 6 string electric and bass and want to see more of what you can present – I’d pay as well Marcus

  46. Carl Avatar

    Thanx for looking out for the small people in the bass world Alex great tips keep’em coming.

  47. bg Avatar

    this is too cool. thank you

  48. Richard Avatar

    Exactly what I need…:) keep up the good work.


  49. barney Welch Avatar
    barney Welch

    Nice going Alex, I am the busy guy you described. This was very helpful. I also enjoyed seeing your fingering technique. Many thanks.

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