Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Riffs Every Bass Player Ought to Know.[/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,583 responses to “Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs”

  1. Ewald Avatar

    learn a lot again, thank you bro…

  2. clyde mack Avatar
    clyde mack

    I like these kinds of short videos.Always nice to here from you.

  3. Clint Avatar

    Thanks Alex you always seem to be so innovative.

  4. jim Avatar

    Good stuff thanks!

  5. Joshua Black Avatar
    Joshua Black

    Alex, This is the video’s I have been looking for. Keep them coming.

  6. greg griffin Avatar
    greg griffin

    Hi Alex, Its soo good to finally hear from you. I am a purchaser of your Bass guitar secrets,however, my harddrive has crashed so I have no way of getting the information back. The last time i spoke to you I was recovering from a ‘stroke’ and your words of encouragment really helped. I’ve regained the use of my left hand, its not 100% but I thank God for my life, my brother-in-law has been helping me as much as he could, he’s from philly also (Doug Grigsby lll) and a bass player. Believe it or not its the simple grooves that I have forgotten and this helps (visually and tonally) so in closing, thanks again and if you can send me the dwnld page again it would be ‘great’.
    I understand if its no longer available.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey Greg, glad to hear you bounced back and your attitude of gratefulness for live is really admirable. Contact support – we don’t do downloads any more but we possibly can ship you out a CDROM with the same info. support is support (at)

  7. douglas e. hemphill Avatar

    the videos we fantantic, very detailed and professional. hey alex i am beginner, looking to become a good bass player. what should i start with in the beginning?

  8. Thomas Avatar

    Awesome job Alex it:s nice of you to take time out for those bass players that are busy and do not make enough time to practice their craft.

  9. tc Avatar

    played bass early 1970s thru 1985 put it down after playing with several groups always wanted to play again but was’nt inspired after finding an watching this simple video i may start playing my funk bass

  10. Aandre Avatar

    This is right on! Thanks!

  11. clyde hunter Avatar
    clyde hunter

    i like thanks.

  12. Johan Avatar

    Hey Alex, looks like a good idea. This session is a bit basic for me, but im sure it will be well received for beginers. Hope you have some more advanced ones comin up.

    You know what, whenever i do a sound check before a gig i just dont know what to play so i dont look like a total a*s! Everyone has some ‘impressive line’ when they do their instrument sound check (sax, guitarist, drums, keys etc)… on bass….sounds like im playing ‘One Note Samba’ or maybe three notes just to make sure there is sound coming out the front of house. Im OK when we get into the gig, but sound pretty shabby @ the sound check. Have you got anything i can do at the sound check to make me sound like the other pros on stage? Maybe its because im sh*t when it comes to bass soloing.


  13. Ryan Avatar

    Cool video. I’d like to see your plucking to see how your hitting some of those staccato and rythmic attacks your doing.
    I’m a guitar player turned bass player about 6 years now. I’d like a chance to see a forum where we can pick your brain to see what products or tips you have to fill the gaps I have in my playing. I play mostly contemporary Christian worship music which uses the major scales. Maybe I should go back to the Bass Secrets and try to continue with the program…..i hit a wall around the music theory section.

  14. Jani Avatar

    Thank you, Alex! Great video! Cant wait to see more lessons…

  15. Wilton Avatar

    Hey Alex, You rocks!

  16. Ed Rod Avatar
    Ed Rod

    great videos. thanks. wish I get it soon.

  17. Richard Thome Avatar
    Richard Thome

    Thanks Alex. Please kick up the Bass volume. Keep up the great work

  18. Joshua Avatar

    God,you guys are like wat ave neva seen.ur the BEST

  19. Franklin Walker Avatar
    Franklin Walker

    looking forward to the challenge.

  20. Mark R Butler Avatar
    Mark R Butler

    Thanks Alex. This is just what the doctor ordered! GOD Bless you, my friend

  21. Ray Slaughter Avatar
    Ray Slaughter

    Thank Alex
    Those bass line are very simple to learn.
    Do you have video to order?

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hi Ray – it depends on what you want to learn – we have lots of different products targeting many different areas of improving your playing. Hit me an email at support (at) and I’ll advice you best as I can

  22. Denise Santi Avatar
    Denise Santi

    Very well done, A little hard at times to see which finger he is actually using….But If i have the notes I really don’t need to see..BUT hearing how it goes and beng able to play with the video helps…
    I have been playing 8 yrs, learned from my husband who is a guitarist, and really doesn’t play bass…I Have played a little of everything, but mostly on the church worship team for years.
    Will be looking forward to more lessons……

  23. jazzy Avatar

    Thank you alex for the videos…awesome!
    anyway, i’ve been leaning your Gospel bass player vol.1, do you have vol.2? i’m from indonesia shoutheast Asia..God bless you

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Hey jazzy thanks for the support – Don’t have the volume 2 yet but it’s on the brain 😉

  24. Filipe Avatar

    thank is very good. but i lke to lern more a slow music is melodyc and nice thanks one more time

  25. Randy Avatar

    Alex, you are the Bomb. Planning on retiring soon to use your DVD’s to get better. Thanks Much

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      haha nice use of your time once you retire… 🙂

  26. Haraldo charles Avatar

    Great video, I’m a cop and I’m lacking time to practice.I’m looking forward for the videos that address that issue.

  27. Ric B. Avatar
    Ric B.

    Welcome back…I’ve missed your emails and such. The idea to help beginners through beginner/intermediate players is perfect. I play in a band, and every now and then at the end of a great lead from our guitar players, I get the eye to try and put some magic together. At best, it is hit and miss…I just can’t seem to step it up. I’m looking forward to more and any course you may offer.

  28. Mike Cortez Avatar
    Mike Cortez

    once again Alex, you amaze me. Thank you very much. I got the Fretboard Formula, and the bass guitar secrets and i love them both and now i will have more to add to my arsenal. You are doing a great service to this Army Infantry Seargent.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Big shout out to our armed forces guys and gals! we ship a lot of stuff to military bases and couldn’t appreciate you more both as customers and guardians! RESPECT!

  29. Young Avatar

    nice stuff… thanks!

  30. cedric Avatar

    Hey Alex ! whats happening man ? I really appreciated your video and the pdf bass tab that what happening. I have a question i really dig dance floor bass riff such as don.nt look any farther by Dennis Edward can you help a follow bass player out with theses notes and bass tab; and also where can I get bass material like Frankie bevely & maze, EW&F and ect… I also read music notes some what. get back with me if you can, and thanks for your video as well as your time. Ceddy Ced

  31. Steve Avatar

    Really helpful

    I enjoyed the videos – just what I needed as I am one of those busy people.

    thanks Alex – Looking forward to some more like this

  32. Josue Avatar

    This video was awesome! Really enjoyed learning and playing these riffs. I have trouble coming up with my own bass lines. This was helpful!!

  33. Doug Walker Avatar
    Doug Walker

    Good to hear from you again. See you haven’t missed a beat. Thanks for the video. Keep doing what you do bro. God bless.

  34. David Avatar

    Rookie intermediate, that’s me! Thanks for the help

  35. Ken Avatar

    Thanks Alex…this vid once again demonstrates how much you care for your previous clients…not just sell and leave them…much appreciated!

  36. Alistair Avatar

    Excellent, thanks once again for more motivating videos.

  37. Silver Avatar

    theses are cool tips ta man

  38. Robert Smith Avatar
    Robert Smith

    Great stuff I learned a lot nice teaching technique.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Why thank you Rob! 😉

  39. ken jordan from south georgia Avatar
    ken jordan from south georgia

    You the man.Thank you for taking the time to help us guys starting out. You are more of a blessing than u know.
    All the best,

  40. Lou Minn Avatar
    Lou Minn

    No doubt you have the chops to cover anything on the bass.
    But maybe more importantly is the fact that you have such a great teaching style.
    You deliver the goods very clearly.
    Guess what I saying is that a cat can be a great player but a lousy teacher.
    You are blessed with chops and communication skills.

    In the Groove!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Lou I appreciate hearing that because it is something I try to focus on – conveying information in a way that people can get it… A person’s ability to play great (like you said) really means nothing more than inspiration to someone else… We try to be of more value than just inspiration! Thanks man!

  41. Willie B Avatar
    Willie B

    I loved the lesson. Have you considered attaching the bass tabs along with you lessons?

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Tabs are given for the lesson Willie

  42. Harry Akioka Avatar
    Harry Akioka

    I really enjoy these small parts that I can use within my playing. I would like to get my hands on these short videos. It keeps me on track. Thank You very much. I enjoy every minute of the segment.

  43. Patrick Navascues Avatar
    Patrick Navascues

    Thanl you so much Alex,for the first time in 40 years of playing uneducated bass I can with the help of these videos play some classic riffs that have elluded me for so long.Thanks again.

  44. corwin lucky Avatar

    the video is magnificent

  45. Alex Avatar

    Hey man…what can I say!?…You are becoming one of the greatest online teachers. This is great quality video in technical aspect and educational as well…You slowed it down perfectly…not to slow not to fast. Some videos, online, slow it down way to slow that you loose concept of the song…
    Only thing I would ask you to do is try to move fingers on your left hand, that you don’t use, to see more clearly what finger and fret are you pushing…I know, technically, it wont be perfect playing but It wasn’t clear in some moments what finger and fret are you pushing…It’s just hard to see some time on the video compare to be there in person and watch you playing.
    Keep a great job Alex…It’s very nice that you are backing up your instructional work, that you sell, with this free instructional videos.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Check the tab for any notes you’re not clear too bud… Very cool name btw. 😉

  46. ed starkey Avatar
    ed starkey

    love the concept & examples. maybe added later some some ideas on fretboard basics over familiar chord progressions in different positions.

  47. dave Avatar

    hey man good stuff thanks

  48. Graham Avatar

    Excellent! Nice bitesize grooves! Love it!

  49. Rogan Avatar

    Thankyou Alex I’m lovin that, keep it coming

  50. stephanie Avatar

    Thanx for the riffs but my computer kept stoping and starting

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