Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs

[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#CC0000″]Video #1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Riffs Every Bass Player Ought to Know.[/headline_cufon_font_centered]

Please look *BELOW* the video for a *BLUE BUTTON* that says
*DOWNLOAD TABS* if you need help with the notes!

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1,583 responses to “Video 1 – 5 Irresistible Beginner Bass Songs”

  1. Tom Avatar

    The video showed the fingering and feel for the lines that were played can always use some inspiration

  2. WiLL Avatar

    thank you Alex that was awesome, i really like that im hoping for some more

  3. aaron Avatar

    alex i am a visiual learner, if i can see it i can play it . i think i need what you have to offer , but i must see it the way you showed it on this lesson. tks cowboy.

  4. aaron Avatar

    alex i am a visiual learner, if i can see it i can play it . i think i need what you have to offer , but i must see it the way you showed it on this lesson. tks cowboy. iam playing a five string.

  5. Doug Avatar

    This was great! Thanks so much for the video. It is always great to have someone that understands how busy a person can get with other things other than what we would like to do. This was a great encouragement.

  6. Jim Avatar

    Thanks for the videos. Been away for a while but now that winter is almost here, I’m getting back into practicing more and your tips help me — a beginner/intermediate bassist — a lot, both on four and five strings.

  7. Tracy Watson Avatar
    Tracy Watson

    It was great to get a refresh on these great timeless bass lines, Thanks for taking the time, I picked up my bass tonight after playing guitar for 6 months, this was a great way to get my fingers in the groove.

  8. chris Avatar

    i like it , thank you for those great tips

  9. Richard Avatar

    Your a great help Alex, thanks very much.

  10. Roz Avatar

    This video was just what I needed because as you stated this is for people who are just to busy to put in the extra hours of practice on the bass. I enjoyed the video and hope you will keep it coming.

  11. Butch Avatar

    Hi Alex!

    Appreciate the video!! Just what I need.

  12. Tony Avatar

    I’m gobsmacked how easy it looked so I had a go and it’s just terrific ,, Thanks Alex your a star

  13. Barry Joyner Avatar
    Barry Joyner

    Thanks Alex! I’ve be a “beginner” for the last ten years. Just what I needed.

  14. Mike C Avatar
    Mike C

    good stuff….Looking for more for intermediate player material or topics such as how to use the modes to create lines. Have been playing for 15 years and have been stuck with the same ideas for 10

  15. Paul° Avatar

    You’ve already been a great help for years, thanks a lot.

  16. Robert Perry Avatar
    Robert Perry

    Keep it up! You and your program/ videos
    Have made the biggest difference in my bass musicianship and it has encourage me to keep on holding down that groove and the bottom ! Thanks so much! I have to share this testimony about the gospel bass player DVD. I was sharing it with another bass player and I was sharing you and all your programs and how to get his own and he asked me to let him check the DVD out and he took off with my DVDs so I have to get another set of gospel bass player, I need to finished. Actually I never got to work on the material, so I hope u have some on hand ! Thank again, Robert!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      hahah thanks Robert for the kind words – that’s always hilarious when someone tells me a friend ‘stole’ their BGT product… Thanks for helping spread the word and for the support!

  17. rajieve Avatar

    great. pl keep it up. god bless you.

  18. Bob Avatar

    Once again a no non-sense session to teach some great bass riffs. Thanks for the tab and mp3s. I will add these to my repertoire.

  19. John Avatar

    Thanks Alex. This is a real motivator. I like the tracks that have notes and tab. I missed having the notes in the bass guitar secrets lessons. Having payed the sax for a number of years it was a challenge for me to learn tab and then relate to the musical notes. This is a much needed improvement to bridge to becoming fluent with music and instrument.

  20. Steve Jones Avatar
    Steve Jones

    Thank you VERY MUCH! It has been 30+ years since I played regurlarly. We are starting a praise band at church and this will help me alot. I can’t afford your bass systems so again thank you.
    Pastor Steve

  21. Glenn Avatar

    Hello Alex,
    I liked the video, I thought it was good to use familiar tunes that we can rap out brains around and already have a feel for the song. The tempo and feel for the song is pretty much built in. Thanks for thinking of us as a group, we who want to play, but just don’t have the time. Please keep it coming.
    Have a blessed day,

  22. Chris Avatar

    WOW! How cool is that?! I am super excited to see what comes next. Thank you for understanding what many of us are going through and listening to what we need.

  23. Wayne Walker Avatar

    Hay Alex I am a gospel bass player I like your teaching I need you to seen me some Imformation by mail so I can place a order my address is [edited for privacy] Wayne Walker
    Thanks your student Wayne

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      What product are you trying to order Wayne? Peace

  24. Wayne Colhoun Avatar
    Wayne Colhoun

    That was great, really appreciate you sending me this. Thank You!

  25. Donald Avatar

    I’ve been working on theory and beating on my bass forever. I have the knowledge in my head, but could not work out anything without reading. These beginner bass songs point me in a new direction. Now, i can play and work out the variations that are in my head without having to just play by reading.. thanks for taking me a step up.

  26. Chris Avatar

    Very nice. I forgot how much I missed your video lessons.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      aw shucks! 😉

  27. Oliver 'O' Fultz Jr Avatar
    Oliver ‘O’ Fultz Jr

    Wow! Alex this is the type of resource that I’ve been searching for even before I purchase my 1st Bass.

    Thanks Alex for the tips & welcomed “Head Start” !
    It is much appreciated. Now, I’m raedy to start thumpim off some heavy Bass riffs:)
    Lovin It lots N’ lots! Until next time…Peace ‘O’

  28. danny Avatar

    Fantastic! A great discovery for me 🙂 Thx!

  29. joanne mead Avatar

    Hi Alex A very good video and easy to follow. I wish we could see both hands, however.
    I am still working with the excellent materials i got from you a few years ago. Hope all is going well with you. My goal is to try to be on Ricky Minor’s little platform with him at my 72 years of age. I am in several working bands and having the time of my like. Its never too late to start something new like the bass at 65 years!!!! Thanks for you help! Joanne

  30. George Avatar

    Alex; You were “SPOT ON ” with what you were saying.I try to put in as much practice as i can and this helps.”TEACH ON” and thank you.

  31. phill Avatar


  32. Eddie Avatar

    Maybe these five licks can be explained note by note when you play it slow, i find that the tab and notation is not what is being played even though you did mention this at the beginning of tutorial, i see slides played but pulls are in the notation, but i am just a beginner, no disrespect intended, i could be seeing things, please point us all in the right direction. And god bless you all for helping us, the needy and hungry for bass guitar knowledge.

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Eddie it’s a balancing act my friend – explaining 5 riffs note by note would end us up with a 45 min video – unfortunately that kinda defeats the purpose of trying to help folks short on time. Peace

  33. Damon Hawkins Avatar
    Damon Hawkins

    great video Alex…thanks!

  34. logan Avatar

    I like very much.Extremly helpful

  35. Barry Caraway Avatar
    Barry Caraway

    thanks much Alex, please keep em comin…..

  36. Nicholas Avatar

    Thanks Alex, great tips and eye opener.
    However, I struggled to follow up with your fingering but I hope the tabs will help. You know your base really well but I wana play better than you!

  37. Ron Gray Avatar
    Ron Gray

    Alex, I really like this. It gives me a little more to use as I expand my knowledge of the fret board. I don’t have much time to dedicate to my bass as I would like to, however, with this I can sort of groove to help me manuever my fingers around, and feel good about the time I do have to practice. Thanks and keep it coming.


    Just what I needed for my limited time that I have to practice.

  39. Armando Montemayor Avatar
    Armando Montemayor

    Great tips I am an internediate player, and this give me a better idea to keep going on my way. Tanks a lot!!!

  40. Ron Avatar

    Can you tell use verbally which strings and frets you are hitting for each song (easier for me). Really good though!

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Ok this has to be like the 80th time i’m typing this… 🙂 Please folks see the tabs – it was sent by email to you and it shows every note i played on every string i played it on. Thanks

  41. jerry Avatar

    nice video, thank

  42. Bex Avatar

    Hi Alex,

    Thanks for these grooves, you hit the nail on the head for where I’m at in my bass playing. I would really appreciate lessons on how to develop your own personal groove over standard chord changes. I typically find myself as the quarter note pulse on roots and fifths when I don’t know a tune and jam with people, I want to be able to funk it up! Cheers <3

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Arite Bex keep your eyes on this blog – Gonna be talking about that soon…Peace

  43. Naï Avatar

    Un grand merci de France. Les vidéos de ces lignes de basses vont bien nous aider..Thank’s

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      Merci beaucoup mon ami… Enchante!

  44. Rocco Avatar

    Ciao Alex from Italy
    As usual very very nice job!!!
    Ice on cake would be also pdf for drum parts…
    but i guess i would have to cross ocean and offer you a beer!!! 🙂

  45. kev Avatar

    alex your bang on, i never seem to have the time to practice ,just like you said
    great idea we all get to add a few more songs in our bag. and your are right we start to feel beter about our abilities.
    SPOT ON.

  46. allen f darnell jr Avatar
    allen f darnell jr

    Smoking. Keep up the good work. More,More More. PLease

  47. David Avatar

    Thanks Alex,
    Good stuff ! a view of the right hand would also help. I am able to relate better to this level than some of your earlier tutorials that just went above my very limted head !



  48. samuel Avatar

    hey alex your video was great

  49. Bryce Avatar

    Great stuff … this is the kind of stuff that I really need. I will be using this a lot in the coming days to get more proficient at playing bass.

  50. George Williams Avatar

    This vedio is great, thanks again for your help, would you show the fingering a little more…

    1. alexsampson Avatar

      check the tabs George. peace

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